Showing posts with label Dating. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dating. Show all posts

Wednesday 9 November 2016

Life Hacker

10 Unmistakable Signs Showing She is Interested in You

Here are moments when the men are probably too relaxed when it comes to dating; they would rather allow things to play out and watch where the tides take them. 
Women on the other hand do not really have that patience. Their emotions would always betray them and sell them out.
It is very hard for women to keep their emotions bottled in; they would always find one way or the other to reach out to the men and commune with them. When they are not speaking, they use body languages and that seems to work faster than speeches at times for men who understand these unwritten codes.
Men who do not have really have experience when it comes to dealing with women will find this piece helpful since it would be outrageous for us to tell women to be more forward and approach men first. The best we can do in this case is to help men decipher the signs ladies are throwing them. This would help them know when to act and when not to act.

In reality, there are men who would hang around ladies for as possible looking for signs that would give them the green light. Another issue men might have in this case is wrongly interpreting the signs and not acting immediately.
Find below some of the basic signs that says a woman is interested in you:

1. When she enjoys talking to you

If a lady does not like you at all, she would not waste her time trying to start a conversation with you. In this case, you are likely to get cold responses that has ‘Keep Off’ echoing in your head.

If a woman likes you, she would wanna talk to you at all cost and engage you whichever way she could. Topics that would interest you would always be discussed and she would be polite all through.

2. When she reaches out to you first

When a lady reaches out to you first without her calling for an official or work related issue, then she is definitely into you. Normally, women wait for the men to reach out to them first, they enjoy baiting men and love the attention they get from them.
But when a woman breaks this chasing rule and comes after you, then it is huge. If the feeling is mutual, then ‘Don’t Dull’ like Nigerians would say. Go for it man!

3. When she stalks you on social media

When a woman starts to stalk you on social media and monitors your Facebook page and activities without being paid, then you can never miss it. She is not just interested in you, she is already into you.
Depending on your plans concerning her, you may do as you deem fit. But if this is a lady you have been crushing on since like forever, your miracle has come. Do not forget to share the testimony.

4. When she touches you

This is flirting 101 activated. A lady who has tried all of the things above may decide to take it a notch higher and play this move on you. If you ignore this sign then we do not know how else to help you.
The mystery is gradually unraveling and you are getting a clearer picture of her feelings towards you. Do not act ignorant here. It would be totally unacceptable.

5. When she challenges the distance between you both

When a woman who has tried all forms of signs and body languages finally speaks out and queries your distance with her, then she is hundred and one percent into you. This is her solemn way of letting you know she wants things to intensify between you both.
At this point, she is telling you to feel free to call her at anytime, visit her more often and possibly take her out. This is what we would call ‘The-go-ahead’ sign.

6. When she tells you her relationship status

Of course, it has to be single. This is her saying ‘Look, I’m available. What are you waiting for?’ And in retrospect, what are you waiting for? For her to get on her knees and propose to you? Dey der.

7. When she touches her body

A lady who keeps touching her hair, face and body is obviously interested in you. Why else would a lady be drawing patterns on her body knowing fully well that your eyes would follow her hands as they touch these spots?
We would call this ‘Flirting 401′. It is an advanced form of flirting and a silent plea hoping you would be the one to trace pleasurable lines all over her body.

8. When she asks you some personal question

Why else would she do that if not because she is interested in you? This is a big sign; one that says she wants to know everything about you. She wants to be in your head and know you inside out. Cooperate with her if your emotion is on par with hers.

9. When she stares hard at you

A woman who is interested in you would stare hard at you because she cannot help keeping her eyes off you. If you catch her more than five times in a minute, we do not know what other sign you are looking for.

10. When she looks you in the eye

She wants you to read her clearly; she is bold enough to say she wants you with her eyes. A woman who is interested in you would laugh openly when you talk and would always lock gaze with you.

Saturday 5 November 2016

Life Hacker

PLS ADVICE: My Boyfriend is very Aggressive with My Pant!es – Nigerian Girl Reveals Juicy Details

A young Nigerian lady has opened up on the s*xual antics of her boyfriend who constantly tears her panties with his bare teeth.

This unnamed Nigerian lady wrote to an online relationship page – Break or Make-up about the s*xual obsession of her man.

Read the story below:
I can’t take this anymore Bom so I must speak out. My boyfriend is too aggressive with my underwear, he has used all his teeth to tear all my panties and bra in the name of romantic s*x.
This guys teeth is so sharp that before you say jack he has used his teeth to destroy all my pant, chew this pant like chewing gum and start with my clit. The next thing he runs to my bra and say he needs something hard to bite on when he is enjoying the s*x.

I have asked him severally to stop acting like a vampire looking for blood to suck, you all need to be there to see his face as he moans chewing my panties or bra. I am really getting scared and uncomfortable, I have tried to call him to order but he says that is his nature to chew something hard during s*x and my panties and bra turns him on.
I stopped wearing panties and bra when I know it’s time to make love,I just wear my night gown, but do you all know that this guy chewed both the night gown. Please any advise for me? Because I don’t see any future with him before he chews me raw one day.

Friday 4 November 2016

Life Hacker

Here’s How To Tell If Your Woman Has Fallen In Love With Another Man


Love and marriage are two things that go hand in hand but marriage does not always mean the end of love. It is a celebration of finding a partner for life and starting a family. The heart will still respond to emotions and learn to love people. It will love your spouses’ family members, your children and so on. At times, it could also love someone you never expect. You can’t always control who you love. It happens and people decide to pretend like they don’t hoping the feelings will go away. For men, when they cheat, it is usually sex. For women, love could be cheating. Because when they fall deeply in love with someone else, they are willing to do anything for that person and no one will come in-between. Men, here are 4 sure signs she is in love with another man:
1. She refuses to let go of him
Perhaps you noticed how close they are and how often they talk. If you have mentioned to her that she should stop seeing or speaking with him and all she has done is refuse, this could be a sign. If she even goes to the extent of hiding to talk or see him, instead of getting rid of him completely, you can see she cares for him.

2. She does the same things for him
As a wife, she is to cater to some of your needs and be a good home keeper. If you find her cooking food in the house and making his portion, this is a sign she is in love.

3. She tells him more than she tells you 
4. She has openly said she loves him

Wednesday 2 November 2016

Life Hacker

11 H0ttest Sp0ts Women Want You to Touch During S*x to Make Them Go Crazy


*Photo used for illustrative purpose*
1. Her Hair
Maintaining their gorgeous locks isn’t the only reason women go to their hairstylists so often. The process of wash, cut, color, and styling can actually be quite a stress reliever. Running your hands gently through her hair is a surefire way to send tingles down her spine. Let your fingers massage circles from her temples to the nape of her neck and she’ll be putty in your hands.
2. Her Pelvis
Concentrating some affection on her pelvis is a great idea; however, you’ll have to resist the urge to slip down to her v@gina while you’re so close. Like teasing her inner thighs, kissing and licking around her pelvis will excite her until she’s begging for more. Prolong the sensation by leaving the region to focus on another body part for a while.

3. Her Inner Thighs
Touching her inner thighs without venturing into the v@ginal area will make for an excellent tease that is sure to get her revved up. Use your hands and mouth to caress and kiss the insides of her thighs, getting excruciatingly close to her ultimate pleasure spot, but pulling back before going all the way.

4. Her Feet
Pulp Fiction taught us that rubbing the feet of another man’s wife may be an offense punishable by being thrown out a window, so the sensual appeal of a foot massage is obvious. There are few better ways to help her relax than to give her feet a good rub, especially if her job requires her to be on them all day. Do it right and grab some massage oil or lotion. Don’t forget to pay some attention to her toes, ankles and the sides of her feet too. Some women really enjoy having their toes sucked, but others find it repulsive, so asking first is a good idea before putting them in your mouth.

5. Her Earlobes
Touching, kissing and even lightly biting the earlobes of your woman will up the bliss factor for her. These delicate, soft lobes are very sensitive and most women thoroughly enjoy the sensation of having a man’s lips on them. You can nibble around the outside of the rest of her ear as well, but for courtesy’s sake avoid jamming your tongue inside her ear.

6. Her Palms
People often use their hands as tools to please their partners, but rarely do they consider the pleasure potential of stimulating the hands themselves. The palm of a woman’s hand is an innocuous spot to focus a little attention on without making people around you uncomfortable. Tracing your finger along her palm will give her delightful shivers and make you appear sensitive and attentive.

7. Behind Her Knees
This area is one that most men don’t think of when trying to stimulate a woman, but it is, in fact, quite sensitive. Gently caressing the back of the knee under her skirt while the two of you are in a public place will make her ready to get busy once you get home. Don’t forget to pay some more attention to this special spot once you’re alone too.
8. The Small Of Her Back
The best way to guide your woman through a crowd is to place your hand against the small of her back. This small gesture shows that you feel protective of her without being too pushy like an arm around the shoulder might be. When you’re alone, kissing or licking down her spine to end up with a kiss on the small of her back will get her heart racing.

9. Her Clavicle
A well-defined clavicle, or collarbone, can be very sexy on a woman. Why not show your appreciation for its beauty with your touch and kiss? Pay attention to this body part while she’s still fully clothed, unbuttoning her shirt just enough to reveal the clavicle and no further. You can always come back to it once the clothes have disappeared as well to remind her of the anticipation it created when you started there.

10. The Nape Of Her Neck
Once you get to the nape of her neck, place a few light kisses there. In ancient Japan, the back of a woman’s neck was seen as very attractive by men since it was one of the few places not covered by clothing. In modern times, the nape of the neck is often neglected in favor of more obvious pleasure centers, but never underestimate the power of gentle touches and kisses from her hairline to her shoulders.

11. Everywhere Else
Every inch of her body is covered with nerve endings that could be stimulated, but that doesn’t mean that she doesn’t have some no-go places. Some women can’t stand to have their faces touched, while others find it unbearable if their hands are tickled. As you explore, you’ll learn which places your touch has the best effect on and which you should avoid.
Life Hacker

Guys! Here Are 8 Fl!rty Questions You Can Ask Your Girlfriend Or Crush


When you meet a new woman, you enter a phase where understanding is non-existent, or only just starting to bud.
At this stage, dates and conversations might be a bit awkward as both of you do not really know the boundaries of the other person and what they find offensive.
As a man, however, there is an unsaid rule binding you, some sort of expectation in the mind of several women, that you will be good enough to keep them engaged, and ensure the conversation never winds down or become boring. This is not to say women are meant to be boring and monosyllabic in their responses, though.
How do you relate with her in a gentlemanly manner, but still retain that sexual, flirty edge in the conversation?
Asking each of these questions during your discussions could do the trick for you.
1. What did you think when you first saw me?
2. What’s your ideal romantic date?
3. What’s your biggest turn-on?
4. What’s your favorite place to be kissed?
5. Do you engage in dirty talk? Do you just like hearing it, or you actually do say dirty things, too??
6. Would you rather be considered sexy or smart?
7. Which feature of me do you think is the best?
8. What’s your favorite part of a man’s body?
Be careful to tactically infuse the questions in your conversations, and not just fire them all at once.
She’ll most likely suspect you crammed it from somewhere, and that’s not cool.

Saturday 22 October 2016

Life Hacker

“She Came Prepared”; See What Happened Between A Bride And Her Groom At Their Wedding (Photos)


This lady came fully prepared for her special day . A bride took her game to the next level at her recent wedding ceremony by showcasing her twerking skills.. The groom who was amazed with what was happening -was positioned on a chair by his bride who “tormented” him by twerking for him as the wedding guests cheered in delight. See more photos of the couple below;
