Showing posts with label Dating. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dating. Show all posts

Saturday 6 May 2017

Life Hacker

Ladies!! Checkout the Eight Questions to Ask Before Having S*x With Any Man

Image result for Ladies!! Checkout the Eight Questions to Ask Before Having S*x With Any Man

There are some questions you need to ask your partner and yourself before you introduce s*x into a relationship. Some are obvious, but other questions are not as straightforward.
The eight salient questions to ask are as follows, and they can give you insights into other info about him that you have not bothered to ask!
1 • Have you been tested?
Sexually Transmitted Infections are real and could be a life-changing, irreversible and regrettable experience if caught. So, you must discuss it, says human sexuality researcher, Dr. Nicole Prause. The easiest way to go is to get tested yourself, and then you can start the conversation with yourself.
2 • Are you married?
Even if this is just a casual relationship, you want to know if he’s seeing other women. And you should because — jealousy aside — it’s important to know what kind of situation you might be getting yourself into. Most of us assume if a guy is dating he isn’t betrothed, but, well, we’ve all heard the stories. Sure, a married man may not admit it, but by asking him directly, you’ll put him on the spot enough that he won’t be able to lie smoothly, either.
3 • Do you like your job?
What do you do? Do you enjoy it? What’s a typical workday like? Do you like your co-workers? Don’t ask him these questions all at once; but asking four or five specific questions about one topic is an easy way to spot a liar, according to retired CIA covert operations officer B.D. Foley. Remember, if he’s lying about something as trivial as his job (even if it’s just to impress you), he’s probably lying about other things too.

4 • Nice car! Is that what you use to pick up girls?
This enables you to see if he has an ego. A normal, humble guy will take compliments graciously, or even be embarrassed. But someone who is arrogant will use your words as a jumping off point to brag about himself or his exploits. If he takes every compliment you give him and follows it with a 10-minute speech about how amazing he is, he’s probably not the kind of guy you want to sleep with.
5 • Are you friends with your ex?
The way he talks about past relationships can be revealing, says a psychologist, Dr. Ben Michaelis. If he’s respectful when talking about an ex-lover, that’s a good sign that he’ll be respectful of you. But he doesn’t have to continue seeing her, just as you shouldn’t see an ex either.
6 • Discover his true colours.
The most important thing here is about anger or control issues. To determine whether he’s a regular guy or a possible serial killer, Foley suggests using a “mild provocation” ploy. Here’s how it works: Provoke him by gently teasing him about something he’s clearly proud of, like his new car or his nicely-groomed beard. “People with violent tendencies are often unable to resist a poke like this,” Foley says. “They’ll become irritated or even angry. It’s better to see this behaviour come out in a place where you’re surrounded by people, than in the bedroom. But keep it light, because you’re not actually trying to offend him.
7 • What should I expect?
Before you sleep with him, it’s important to ask yourself what you want in both the sexual encounter and the relationship. Be honest and realistic about what you expect to happen the morning after and what scenario you’re okay with.
8 • Am I okay never seeing him again?
If your answer is yes, then go for it. But if it’s no, you may want to wait until it is yes, or until you’re both ready for a more serious relationship.

Monday 14 November 2016

Life Hacker

Must Read : 13 Steps to Cope with a Cheating Spouse


Managing a spouse’s infidelity is one of life’s most stressful events. Follow these steps to cope with the situation…
Do not make any major decisionsAccording to www., do not quickly think about ending your marriage now just because your spouse has been unfaithful. This is the time to do some reflection on your marriage to see what other issues other than this infidelity need to be recognised and dealt with.
Understand that feelings are neither right nor wrong
Accept that your feelings of rage, uncertainty, shock, agitation, fear, pain, depression and confusion about having an unfaithful spouse are normal. You will be on a roller coaster of emotions for a few months and possibly even up to a year or two afterwards.
Take care of yourself
You may have some physical reactions to the infidelity such as nausea, diarrhoea, sleep problems (too little or too much), shakiness, and difficulty concentrating and not wanting to eat or overeating.
Balance is key
Despite your pain, you must force yourself to eat healthy foods, stay on a schedule, sleep regular hours, get some exercise each day,  drink plenty of water, and have some fun.
It’s still okay to laugh
Watch some funny movies or TV shows. Spend time with people who make you smile. Life goes on in spite of heartaches and unfaithful spouses.
Begin a journal
Write down your thoughts and feelings about your spouse’s unfaithfulness. Ask all the questions you want. Talk with your spouse about the infidelity. However, you may have to accept that your spouse may not know why the infidelity took place or may not want to reveal this to you.
Seek counselling
Do not try to get through coping with unfaithfulness alone! However, don’t shout from the highest mountain to all you know that your spouse is an unfaithful jerk. Carefully choose whom you will share this information with. Knowing the type of infidelity sometimes makes understanding it easier and counselling can help get answers to questions.
Take it one day at a time
You and your spouse should both be tested for AIDS/HIV and STDs before you resume sexual intimacy without protection. Consider what boundaries you need in your marriage in order to stay in the marriage. You might wish to contact an attorney and get these documented in a postnuptial agreement.
Your children need to know that you are going to be okay
You can’t hide the fact that you are going through serious stress or trauma. Being honest with your children might be the best approach depending upon their age, but don’t weigh them down with details. Also, don’t make promises that you can’t keep.
Try not to get into the blame-gaming
It is important that you do not get yourself worked up over who or what caused the infidelity. It’s just wasted energy and it will not change anything. Also, think twice before you tell your family or your spouse’s family about the infidelity. Family members can often hold grudges for a long time.
You may have post-traumatic stress
If you are jumpy, yell at trivial actions, feel like you are walking on egg shells, and continue to have physical reactions when you are reminded of the infidelity, see a physician as soon as you can. Medication, even temporarily, might be a good idea.
It takes time to get beyond the pain
Don’t expect the mixture of feelings, the sense of confusion and limbo, and the mistrust to go away just because you’ve tried to forgive your spouse and made a commitment to save your marriage. The stages of death and dying (denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance) are part of the grieving process. It doesn’t mean your marriage can’t be renewed and strengthened, because it can. But, it will be different. Remember that your marriage has changed. You will need to grieve that loss.
Get practical
Should you decide to end your marriage, look at your finances, housing situation, transportation, etc.  Make sure you have thought out where you will live, if you have enough money to pay for your essentials, etc.
Life Hacker

Ladies, Don’t Be Fooled: 8 Signs Your Man is Just Using You for S*x


Illustrative Photo
You guys hang out, get intimate and then…he leaves. Is his post-sex disappearing act because he’s channeling Criss Angel or is he just using you for sex? Read into these 8 signs to find out if he’s just in it for the s*x.
We’ve all been there: Sleeping with a seemingly great guy whose motives we can’t seem to figure out. Maybe he’s giving mixed signals or no signals at all. Either way, something in us makes us wonder if he’s in it just for s*x.
Well your first clue, should be your trusty gut, but maybe your gut isn’t so trusty because it is wrapped up in insecurity. In that case, here are eight more clues that may help you solve the mystery of whether your lover is interested in you as more than just a bedmate.
WARNING: The truth of these clues may sting, but better to know where you stand, than to lay down for too long with the wrong guy, right?

1. Weekday lovers
If your guy seems to always be MIA during the weekends, this is a clear sign that he is reserving weekends for someone else on his literal to-do list, or keeping his options open to meet other women. “When a girl is just a girl I’m into for sex, I’ll never ask her out on a weekend. Weekends are strictly reserved for A-listers and new opportunities.” – Mike, 27, Chicago

2. Sporadic contact
A guy who is really into you will communicate regularly. A guy who is in it to sex it, calls, texts, emails and pops-over only when he is feeling frisky and knows that you will indulge his desires. If the sight of your man’s name on your caller ID surprises you, chances are, this is a sex only situation.

3. Invitation to nowhere
He never invites you to go out with him – his friend’s birthday party, his work happy hour, not even a lackluster dinner and a movie. Bottom line: “Dates” are always cozy nights in. Why? Because that is the easiest place to, you guessed it… have s*x.

4. Time’s up!
You spend just enough time together for a little foreplay, s*x and maybe a nap. Unless there’s time and desire for a round two, a sex-only motivated man will bolt like a thief in the night before you even have time to turn over on his side.

5. Late-night lovers
A sure in-it-for-the-sex-only sign is when your man only reaches out to you after hours, also known as a “booty-call”, when the day is done and quite possibly last call has been shouted. Although he coos for you sweetly on the other end of the phone, perhaps begging for your hot body, just know that you might be on a long list of lovelies, any of one of whom can satisfy his sexual cravings for the evening.

6. Tangoless texts
The sex-only guy is remorseless when it comes to leaving your texts unresponded to for hours – even days – and sometimes doesn’t respond at all… unless of course you are reaching out to setup a boudoir appointment. And in that case if his RSVP his positive, his reply back is immediate. Same goes for phone calls, emails, Facebook messages, tweets or any other form of communication.

7. Sexy speak
You two speak one language: S*x. And that’s it. If you think hard about it, you may know everything about how he likes “it” but you have no clue where his parents live, what he wanted to be when he grew up, the food that makes him gag, and if he has a middle name. There’s lots of moaning and groaning, but no chatter about work, family, friends, problems, triumphs, etc. Sam, 31, of New York says, “A woman who presents herself as a sexual showpiece will be treated that way. Come to the table at the very beginning with more than just the ability to blow me away in the bedroom. Blow away my mind too and that way I’ll consider you relationship worthy. You don’t have to play like a virgin, you just need to offer more than T&A.”

8. Listen from the beginning
He told you straight up that he doesn’t want a girlfriend, doesn’t have time for a girlfriend, can’t deal with a girlfriend… and just wants to have casual fun. It is up to you if you want to listen… but remember, most guys don’t want to deliver news that women don’t want to hear unless they really mean it. Justin, 24 from Oakland says, “Know who you are and be in charge of what you want from the beginning. If you leave it up to me, then I’m probably going to go for what is easiest… and that’s never a relationship.”

Friday 11 November 2016

Life Hacker

Ladies, Be Careful! These are ‘3 Alarm Signs’ He’s Just Using You…Run Away Fast

You pay every time you go out 
Even though he might be well off, but if you often find yourself paying every time the two of you are out on a date, it’s time you got the hint that he is just using you. While it’s okay to split the bill between the two of you, but make sure you do not make a habit of pulling out your wallet every time you are out with him.
He is only available when he needs you 
If he speaks to you or meets you every time he requires something, you should get the hint. Sometimes, girls fail to understand this habit of men and end up thinking that the guy is asking her for advice.
He is financially dependent on you 
Not only do you pay for your dates, but you also help him pay his bills. This is probably one of the greatest signs you need to watch out for. If he doesn’t even bother paying his own bills, it’s time for you to walk out.

Thursday 10 November 2016

Life Hacker

Guys Get In Here: 10 Reasons To Date A Chubby Plus Size Girl


A fat girl isn’t exactly what some men dream of dating. It may come off as cruel but ask any guy and they’ll often tell you their idea of a dream date is someone who looks like their favorite model or celebrity.
– You can say that it is insensitive calling girls with a lot of flesh, FAT and it is better when they are referred to as BIG
However, there are a number of reasons why dating a fat girl has its benefits. Infact, once you give it a shot, you may find going out with a fat lady a lot more enjoyable than hanging out with their skinny counterpart.
– The word FAT, however, drives the point home and I prefer using it in this article because it will communicate effectively
Bigger girls have their advantages and they are awesome people to date and hang around. They will laugh and smile a lot and that will make your day. This is why you should consider changing your taste.
For those wondering why you should date a fat girl, here are 10 reasons that would make you consider:
Easy to talk to. One of the things that make a fat girl interesting to date is their ability to talk about anything. Since they’ve made it a point to focus more on their brains and their personality instead of just their looks, they can engage you in a variety of topics that will keep you from being bored.
They are charming 
Fat girls know very well that their looks will probably not arrest your attention like curvy smaller women. To solve this they will often appear charming and sociable hence will click with you in no time.
Attitude is a word they leave with you to describe the other women with smaller physiques.
Pleasing personality. Admit it, the pretty women you’ve dated don’t always have an endearing personality. Since they think the world of themselves, don’t expect them to be all that nice towards you. That’s something you won’t have to deal with when dating a fat girl. Fat girls have a fun and bubbly personality and they don’t feel that the world revolves around them, making it easier to deal and hang out with them.
Fat girls are warm
Whichever way you understand ‘warm’, that is exactly what I mean. They are warm both physically and emotionally. They are welcoming and when cuddling one feels at ‘home’.
Their warmth can turn you on anytime like a bulb
Willingness to try any type of food. Not all girls are open to trying out different type of delicacies. So if you happen to enjoy trying out new dishes, dating a fat girl is a must. Since they enjoy having a good meal, expect them to be more than willing to be adventurous in trying out different restaurants and cuisines with you.
Affectionate. Fat girls love to hug and cuddle so if you’re the type who enjoys getting some affection from a girl, you can’t go wrong with dating a fat girl provided of course you give them the same amount of affection. Plus, they’ve got softer skin compared to skinny girls which makes hugging and cuddling them all the more fun.
The big body size is adventurous
The big physique gives you an interesting job; that of exploring her enormous body that is full of surprises every single day.
You are likely to discover new beauty spots even under her balloon-like boobs. You will also discover that they are good comforters because when you lie on their bosom, your problems tend to billow away like light smoke.
Open to engage in any of your favorite pastime. Fat girls aren’t shy of participating in your favorite pastime provided it won’t require them to exert any effort. Whether it’s watching your favorite TV show or playing your favorite video game, they’ll be more open and willing to bond with you and learn more about your favorite activities.
Most of them enjoy laughing
Every man loves seeing their lover laugh at their jokes even when they are not very hilarious. You can always think that they are full of laughing gas because triggering their laughter is the easiest thing in the world.
That makes them fun to be around.
Not afraid to go outdoors. Girls who are skinny often worry about their image from their skin all the way to their fingernails, which make the chances of them going with you outdoors slim. Fat girls however, are more than willing to get dirty and go outdoors with you. It doesn’t matter whether you want to go hiking or bike riding on a dirt trail, fat girls aren’t too finicky about getting a nail or two broken just for you.
You can take her anywhere. Fat girls aren’t just willing to anything with you, they’re also willing to go anywhere. They have no qualms about driving long hours just to go to the beach or to an exotic location. You won’t have to deal with complaints that the place you’re going to is too hot or out of the way.
She won’t be picked up by any guy. Guys who date slim women often have to fend off guys trying to steal them away. This is something you’ll rarely experience when dating a fat girl since most guys prefer hitting on women who have a body that’s similar to a figure usually reserved for models. As a result, you can go anywhere without fear of having your girl being stolen from you.
Opinionated. If you enjoy having a good conversation, you won’t get bored with dating a fat girl. Since most of them are very opinionated, they won’t be shy about expressing their thoughts on a particular subject making your conversation exciting and unpredictable.
Fleshy wet sex
Sex with fat girls is wholesome because they are tangible due to their fleshy bodies. There wells seldom go dry and when they are aroused they become jelly and juicy.
Even though they get exhausted faster than smaller ladies, they are always willing to try out new stuff.
As if that is not enough, her thunderous thighs cushion a man well when she is on top. The road to orgasm gets shorter then shortest in a no time.
Enjoys a good laugh. Fat girls are not shy or afraid to laugh. Since they’re not overly concerned about their appearance, they’re not worried about what they look like when they laugh out loud which makes them more fun to be around with. If you’re the type who enjoys injecting humor in a relationship, you can’t go wrong with telling a fat girl your list of jokes and silly quips.
Life Hacker

Nigerian Guy Shares Neakady Photos Of His Girlfriend For Rejecting His Marriage Proposal


A boy (using BOY because real men don’t do this) sent in over 52 very raunchy photos to us to post, claiming he wants to pay back hi girlfriend who left him because of their cultural difference. Read what he sent below;fullsizerender-3Instead of do what he wants, I have decided to drop a very  STREN WARNING!!! to every female out there to STOP sending their ynash photos to any man they are not married to! Must a relationship be built on sharing your toto and breast to guys?

Females for a change and making you great again mbok! Stop sending your breast and toto to people you are not married to.  The photos will be attached below but the victims face will be blacked out for her protection.
For the boy who sent this. I warn you to delete all those photos you sent me and move on with your life and if you try as much as go to any website to drop this photos and have it posted. I will blog your photo, number, Facebook, and house address. Yes, I will do that. So be warned
To show you a proof of the photos this boy sent….