Showing posts with label Relationship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Relationship. Show all posts

Thursday 11 May 2017

Life Hacker

Checkout These Beautiful Pre-Wedding Photos Of Couple Who Met As Corps Members.

Bride-to-be, Jeihlo and her man Omairo Itimi, met during their NYSC days. The guy shared their lovely pre-wedding photos and wrote;

“Loving you is the second best thing in the world , Finding u is the FIRST #nysc #nysc_9ja #nyscdiary #ajuwayacorpers #NaijaCorper”.

Monday 14 November 2016

Life Hacker

Ladies, Don’t Be Fooled: 8 Signs Your Man is Just Using You for S*x


Illustrative Photo
You guys hang out, get intimate and then…he leaves. Is his post-sex disappearing act because he’s channeling Criss Angel or is he just using you for sex? Read into these 8 signs to find out if he’s just in it for the s*x.
We’ve all been there: Sleeping with a seemingly great guy whose motives we can’t seem to figure out. Maybe he’s giving mixed signals or no signals at all. Either way, something in us makes us wonder if he’s in it just for s*x.
Well your first clue, should be your trusty gut, but maybe your gut isn’t so trusty because it is wrapped up in insecurity. In that case, here are eight more clues that may help you solve the mystery of whether your lover is interested in you as more than just a bedmate.
WARNING: The truth of these clues may sting, but better to know where you stand, than to lay down for too long with the wrong guy, right?

1. Weekday lovers
If your guy seems to always be MIA during the weekends, this is a clear sign that he is reserving weekends for someone else on his literal to-do list, or keeping his options open to meet other women. “When a girl is just a girl I’m into for sex, I’ll never ask her out on a weekend. Weekends are strictly reserved for A-listers and new opportunities.” – Mike, 27, Chicago

2. Sporadic contact
A guy who is really into you will communicate regularly. A guy who is in it to sex it, calls, texts, emails and pops-over only when he is feeling frisky and knows that you will indulge his desires. If the sight of your man’s name on your caller ID surprises you, chances are, this is a sex only situation.

3. Invitation to nowhere
He never invites you to go out with him – his friend’s birthday party, his work happy hour, not even a lackluster dinner and a movie. Bottom line: “Dates” are always cozy nights in. Why? Because that is the easiest place to, you guessed it… have s*x.

4. Time’s up!
You spend just enough time together for a little foreplay, s*x and maybe a nap. Unless there’s time and desire for a round two, a sex-only motivated man will bolt like a thief in the night before you even have time to turn over on his side.

5. Late-night lovers
A sure in-it-for-the-sex-only sign is when your man only reaches out to you after hours, also known as a “booty-call”, when the day is done and quite possibly last call has been shouted. Although he coos for you sweetly on the other end of the phone, perhaps begging for your hot body, just know that you might be on a long list of lovelies, any of one of whom can satisfy his sexual cravings for the evening.

6. Tangoless texts
The sex-only guy is remorseless when it comes to leaving your texts unresponded to for hours – even days – and sometimes doesn’t respond at all… unless of course you are reaching out to setup a boudoir appointment. And in that case if his RSVP his positive, his reply back is immediate. Same goes for phone calls, emails, Facebook messages, tweets or any other form of communication.

7. Sexy speak
You two speak one language: S*x. And that’s it. If you think hard about it, you may know everything about how he likes “it” but you have no clue where his parents live, what he wanted to be when he grew up, the food that makes him gag, and if he has a middle name. There’s lots of moaning and groaning, but no chatter about work, family, friends, problems, triumphs, etc. Sam, 31, of New York says, “A woman who presents herself as a sexual showpiece will be treated that way. Come to the table at the very beginning with more than just the ability to blow me away in the bedroom. Blow away my mind too and that way I’ll consider you relationship worthy. You don’t have to play like a virgin, you just need to offer more than T&A.”

8. Listen from the beginning
He told you straight up that he doesn’t want a girlfriend, doesn’t have time for a girlfriend, can’t deal with a girlfriend… and just wants to have casual fun. It is up to you if you want to listen… but remember, most guys don’t want to deliver news that women don’t want to hear unless they really mean it. Justin, 24 from Oakland says, “Know who you are and be in charge of what you want from the beginning. If you leave it up to me, then I’m probably going to go for what is easiest… and that’s never a relationship.”

Friday 11 November 2016

Life Hacker

Ladies, Be Careful! These are ‘3 Alarm Signs’ He’s Just Using You…Run Away Fast

You pay every time you go out 
Even though he might be well off, but if you often find yourself paying every time the two of you are out on a date, it’s time you got the hint that he is just using you. While it’s okay to split the bill between the two of you, but make sure you do not make a habit of pulling out your wallet every time you are out with him.
He is only available when he needs you 
If he speaks to you or meets you every time he requires something, you should get the hint. Sometimes, girls fail to understand this habit of men and end up thinking that the guy is asking her for advice.
He is financially dependent on you 
Not only do you pay for your dates, but you also help him pay his bills. This is probably one of the greatest signs you need to watch out for. If he doesn’t even bother paying his own bills, it’s time for you to walk out.

Thursday 10 November 2016

Life Hacker

Nigerian Guy Shares Neakady Photos Of His Girlfriend For Rejecting His Marriage Proposal


A boy (using BOY because real men don’t do this) sent in over 52 very raunchy photos to us to post, claiming he wants to pay back hi girlfriend who left him because of their cultural difference. Read what he sent below;fullsizerender-3Instead of do what he wants, I have decided to drop a very  STREN WARNING!!! to every female out there to STOP sending their ynash photos to any man they are not married to! Must a relationship be built on sharing your toto and breast to guys?

Females for a change and making you great again mbok! Stop sending your breast and toto to people you are not married to.  The photos will be attached below but the victims face will be blacked out for her protection.
For the boy who sent this. I warn you to delete all those photos you sent me and move on with your life and if you try as much as go to any website to drop this photos and have it posted. I will blog your photo, number, Facebook, and house address. Yes, I will do that. So be warned
To show you a proof of the photos this boy sent….

Wednesday 9 November 2016

Life Hacker

10 Unmistakable Signs Showing She is Interested in You

Here are moments when the men are probably too relaxed when it comes to dating; they would rather allow things to play out and watch where the tides take them. 
Women on the other hand do not really have that patience. Their emotions would always betray them and sell them out.
It is very hard for women to keep their emotions bottled in; they would always find one way or the other to reach out to the men and commune with them. When they are not speaking, they use body languages and that seems to work faster than speeches at times for men who understand these unwritten codes.
Men who do not have really have experience when it comes to dealing with women will find this piece helpful since it would be outrageous for us to tell women to be more forward and approach men first. The best we can do in this case is to help men decipher the signs ladies are throwing them. This would help them know when to act and when not to act.

In reality, there are men who would hang around ladies for as possible looking for signs that would give them the green light. Another issue men might have in this case is wrongly interpreting the signs and not acting immediately.
Find below some of the basic signs that says a woman is interested in you:

1. When she enjoys talking to you

If a lady does not like you at all, she would not waste her time trying to start a conversation with you. In this case, you are likely to get cold responses that has ‘Keep Off’ echoing in your head.

If a woman likes you, she would wanna talk to you at all cost and engage you whichever way she could. Topics that would interest you would always be discussed and she would be polite all through.

2. When she reaches out to you first

When a lady reaches out to you first without her calling for an official or work related issue, then she is definitely into you. Normally, women wait for the men to reach out to them first, they enjoy baiting men and love the attention they get from them.
But when a woman breaks this chasing rule and comes after you, then it is huge. If the feeling is mutual, then ‘Don’t Dull’ like Nigerians would say. Go for it man!

3. When she stalks you on social media

When a woman starts to stalk you on social media and monitors your Facebook page and activities without being paid, then you can never miss it. She is not just interested in you, she is already into you.
Depending on your plans concerning her, you may do as you deem fit. But if this is a lady you have been crushing on since like forever, your miracle has come. Do not forget to share the testimony.

4. When she touches you

This is flirting 101 activated. A lady who has tried all of the things above may decide to take it a notch higher and play this move on you. If you ignore this sign then we do not know how else to help you.
The mystery is gradually unraveling and you are getting a clearer picture of her feelings towards you. Do not act ignorant here. It would be totally unacceptable.

5. When she challenges the distance between you both

When a woman who has tried all forms of signs and body languages finally speaks out and queries your distance with her, then she is hundred and one percent into you. This is her solemn way of letting you know she wants things to intensify between you both.
At this point, she is telling you to feel free to call her at anytime, visit her more often and possibly take her out. This is what we would call ‘The-go-ahead’ sign.

6. When she tells you her relationship status

Of course, it has to be single. This is her saying ‘Look, I’m available. What are you waiting for?’ And in retrospect, what are you waiting for? For her to get on her knees and propose to you? Dey der.

7. When she touches her body

A lady who keeps touching her hair, face and body is obviously interested in you. Why else would a lady be drawing patterns on her body knowing fully well that your eyes would follow her hands as they touch these spots?
We would call this ‘Flirting 401′. It is an advanced form of flirting and a silent plea hoping you would be the one to trace pleasurable lines all over her body.

8. When she asks you some personal question

Why else would she do that if not because she is interested in you? This is a big sign; one that says she wants to know everything about you. She wants to be in your head and know you inside out. Cooperate with her if your emotion is on par with hers.

9. When she stares hard at you

A woman who is interested in you would stare hard at you because she cannot help keeping her eyes off you. If you catch her more than five times in a minute, we do not know what other sign you are looking for.

10. When she looks you in the eye

She wants you to read her clearly; she is bold enough to say she wants you with her eyes. A woman who is interested in you would laugh openly when you talk and would always lock gaze with you.

Monday 7 November 2016

Life Hacker

Photos: Check Out This Twerking Bride And Her Excited Husband At Their Wedding

A newly-wedded couple spiced up their wedding ceremony after the bride decided to twerk for her man right in the presence of the excited guests. The groom appeared totally mesmerized judging from the look on his face….
Even at their traditional wedding in Delta state, the groom took the center stage as he delighted the guests with his dancing skills.