Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts

Monday 7 November 2016

Life Hacker

See 6 Life Threatening Dangers Of Drinking Soft Drinks Like Coke, Pepsi, La Casera, Others


Soft drinks etc is one of the most consumed beverages in the Nigeria, second only to water. Here in Nigeria, we consumes upto 57 gallons of soft drinks per person every year as form of refreshment after a hectic day, on the road during a frustrating traffics form of entertsinment and all that, as if it wasn’t full of sugary calories. But what’s happening inside the bodies of soda consumers with each sip? sugary drinks increase the risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and other chronic conditions. So today we will be discussing more on dangers of soft drinks..
Here are the Reasons Why you need to Reduce Soft drinks intake.
1 High Risk of Cancer :
Drinking just one bottle a day could increase a man’s chance of developing prostate cancer by around 40 per cent, secondly Drinking just one-and-a-half cans a day can increase a girl’s breast cancer risk by 40 per cent and lastly Some chemicals that are used to colour soft drinks can cause cancer.
2. They Can Cause Diabetes:
A study conducted between 1990 and 2000 proved that sugar-laden drinks have increased cases of Type 2 diabetes.
3. They Can Cause Premature Birth in Women:
Pregnant women were warned against drinking diet fizzy drinks after a study taken in Denmark on 60,000 women. Those who drank artificially sweetened soft drinks, whether fizzy or still, were found to be more likely to give birth prematurely.
4. They Can Damage the Brain:
As well as affecting the body, fizzy drinks have been found to alter the protein levels in the brain, which could lead to hyperactivity.
5. They can Make One Violent:
A study carried out on teenagers found a link between drinking fizzy drinks, violence and the likelihood of them carrying a weapon. The researchers found that even teenagers who drank just two cans a week were more aggressive towards their friends and those who drank five or more cans a week.
6. Liver Damage :
A study from 2009 found that sugary drinks can cause fatty liver disease and drinking just two cans per day could lead to liver damage.

Saturday 5 November 2016

Life Hacker

Expert Reveals How Plantain Cures Ulcers, Diabetes and S*xual Dysfunctions

An expert has made a shocking revelation which might interest many people after revealing that plantain cures ulcers, diabetes and s*xual dysfunctions.
Grown throughout the tropical regions of the world, the plantain is a close relative of the banana, making important contributor to the economy of many countries. The nutritional value of unripe plantain makes it stand out as a very important addition to any healthy living diet plan due to its nutrient content.
Practitioners of traditional medicine have long prized the starchy fruit for its medicinal properties, which reputedly include an ability to cure ulcer. It is used in herbal medicine to treat sluggish bowels, to heal wounds, to fight skin infections, to reduce phlegm, to soothe urinary tract infections, and to ease dry coughs.
Most ulcers are not caused directly by stress but by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which is why ulcers today are often treated with antibiotics along with an acid suppressor. Studies on rats with ulcers caused by daily aspirin use have shown that unripe green plantain can both prevent the formation of ulcers and help to heal them. The agent believed to be responsible for plantain’s curative effects was tested it in rats.
Scientists reason that the starch in plantain’s unripe form helps to decrease acidity and reduce irritation. It stimulates the cells on the lining of the stomach to produce mucus that is thicker, which guards against acid aside its elimination of stomach bacteria that has been pointed as the main cause of ulcers.
Moreover, in a review that appeared in a 2002 issue of the “Indian Journal of Pharmacology,” two researchers that chronicled more than 30 years of research into the curative properties of dried powder of unripe plantain also conclude that the plantain powder is a potent herbal remedy for the treatment of peptic ulcer disease. 
Medical research confirms that the plantain is also good for many of life’s ailments including diabetes. Unripe plantain has the potential of lowering blood sugar, according to a study, titled “Hypoglycemic effect of methanolic extract of Musa paradisiaca (Musaceae) green fruits in normal and diabetic mice”. It was published in Experimental Clinical Pharmacology by J. A. Ojewole and C. O. Adewunmi.
Although this group of researchers do not know the precise mechanism of the hypoglycemic (blood sugar-lowering) action of unripe plantain, they suggested that it could be due, at least in part, to stimulation of insulin production and subsequent glucose utilisation.
Nevertheless, the findings of this experimental animal study indicate that unripe plaintain possesses hypoglycemic activity lends credence to its folkloric use in the management and/or control of adult-onset, type-2 diabetic mellitus among the Yoruba-speaking people of South-Western Nigeria.
In addition, diabetic patients are more prone developing stomach ulcers because they are at risk to acquire H. Pylori infection due to their blood glucose concentration levels. Unfortunately, the high blood sugar also contributes to a delay in the healing of this ulcer.
But Indian researchers, looking into the benefit of unripe plantain in diabetic animals that also had ulcer, indicated that it could be more effective in diabetes with concurrent gastric ulcer.
The 2013 study published in the BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine was entitled “Healing effects of Musa sapientum var. paradisiaca in diabetic rats with co-occurring gastric ulcer: cytokines and growth factor by PCR amplification.”
In the studied animals, they said the extract of the unripe plantain promoted ulcer healing because of its effects on the lining of the intestine by stimulating cells on the lining of the stomach to produce mucus that is thicker, thus given the ulcers time to heal. It also reduced the free radicals that were generated.
They wrote: “extract of Musa sapientum fruit (MSE) showed antidiabetic and better ulcer healing effects compared with OMZ (Omeprazole an antiulcer); or INS (insulin) in diabetic rat and could be more effective in diabetes with concurrent gastric ulcer.

"They reasoned that the presence of many chemical substances like flavonoids, saponins, glycosides and alkaloids in unripe plantain probably contribute to ensuring healing of chronic diabetic gastric ulcer, concluding that “unripe plantain could be a better choice in diabetes with concurrent peptic ulcer”.
Previously, a meal of unripe plantain with local spices like cloves, onions, garlic and ginger has been purported as the answer also to erectile dysfunction, low sperm count, kidney problems and high blood pressure.
How is it used in the treatment of erectile dysfunction or low sperm count? Reverend Fr. Anslem Adodo, Director, Pax Herbal Clinic and Research Centre Ewu, Edo State, who was of the opinion that roasted plantain is good for men, suggested that men should make it a habit of eating one or two roasted plantain daily.
Reverend Fr. Anslem Adodo added: “Take more plantain or unripe bananas. They help to rejuvenate the sexual organ with high level of potassium. Include garlic in every meal. Garlic is generally a good anti oxidant and a good remedy for impotence in particular. Include ginger in every meal too. Ginger has healing properties to treat erectile dysfunction."
Life Hacker

If You Have High Blood Pressure Or Heart Problems, Avoid These 14 Foods At All Cost!


Taking under consideration the fact that nutrition is one of the major causes of coronary diseases, proper diet is crucial for anyone who wants to keep the health at optimal level.
Medical experts explain that there are certain types of food which cause heart damage, impair blood circulation and also cause other severe health issues. Below there is list of 14 foods that are detrimental to the health it is advisable to avoid them.

Excessive salt intake leads to many severe health issues: impaired blood circulation and water retention, but also increases the risk of brain, kidneys and heart problems.

Are you aware of the fact that average portion of French fries contains up to 270 mg of sodium and 19 grams of fat? Consuming more sodium than the necessary amounts can cause water retention and gain weight.

As Grocery Manufacturers Association claims, pizza is packed with sodium, which is detrimental for human body. This particularly refers to substitute cheddar and meat pizzas.

One sweet pie contains approximately 35 g of fat and 1300-1400 mg of sodium, values which surpass the allowed daily limit.

One bundle of Ramen noodles contains 1580 mg of sodium and 14 grams of fat.

Despite the fact that canned chicken noodle soup is quite convenient for those who don’t have much time, but this soup contains staggering amounts of sodium. Keep in mind that just 1 serving of soup contains 800 mg of sodium.

The canned biscuits are excessively seasoned and packed with processed substances. So, next time you buy biscuits first check the ingredients listed on the label and don’t forget about sodium content.

It is fact that margarine is widely used in people’s day-to-day eating routines, the truth is that it is one of the unhealthiest ingredients. It is important to mention that this product requires high temperature to be prepared in its final form, and also it is packed with aluminum, platinum and nickel.

Despite its low calorie content, only few people actually are aware of the fact that pickles are high in sodium. Namely, a medium-sized pickle contains 570 mg of sodium, which is even 1/3 more of the allowed daily intake.

Doctors say that most of the heart – related issues are caused by consuming meat products such as wieners, bacon, frankfurter and bologna. Therefore, in order to avoid high blood pressure and keep the heart healthy, you need to avoid processed meats and consume low-salt meat like turkey bosom, incline hamburger and chicken.

Limit the consumption of junk food and trans-fat based foods such as red meat due to the fact that they are linked with impairment of veins performance and heart problems.

Sugar, especially the artificial one, is linked with hypertension and severe heart-related illnesses.

Even though doughnuts are very tasty, this dessert food contains a lot of calories and fat. Only 1 doughnut contains 200 calories and 12 grams of fat.

Study conducted by the America Heart Association showed that sodas and fuzzy drinks are loaded with artificial sugar. This type of sugar is one of the major culprits for hypertension.

Many separate studies have drawn the same conclusion: alcohol reduces blood supply levels. Namely, research in South Korea discovered that liquor is one the main causes of hypertension.

Fiber-dense foods help lower blood pressure. Some of the best things you can consume include beans, peas, veggies, grain oats, pasta, and rice. All of them are abundant in vitamins and minerals and also make you feel longer for an extended period of time.

Foods that contain high levels of potassium lower sodium levels and on that way protect you from hypertension. It is advisable to consume more spinach, lima beans, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, bananas and oranges.

Instead of salt, you can add healthy herbs to your dishes, like basic, thyme, oregano, sage and rosemary.
Life Hacker

Guys Do You Know That Onions And These 4 Other Common Foods Can Enlarge Your Manh00d?


In this article, I will Reveal some Natural Fruits that can help you get bigger Manhood.  There are numerous methods that are often utilized to enlarge the manhood size, and these include penis enlargement surgery, penis enlarging pumps, and even herbal pills. Many of these methods work while others do not. However, if you really want a larger penis size, then there are more affordable and more secure methods available today such as enlargement device and even foods that can assist you in increasing the size of the penis. Below are common foods that can help in enlarging your manh00d.

1 Onions
2 Spinach
3 Banana
4 Ginger
5 watermelon

Tuesday 1 November 2016

Life Hacker

8 Causes Of Hunch Back, You Will Be Shocked By No.1


Kyphosis(Hunch Back) is from Greek word κυφός kyphos meaning a[b] hump[/b]. It refers to the abnormally excessive convex kyphotic curvature of the spine as it occurs in the cervical, thoracic and sacral regions.
Kyphosis, also known as a round back or hunchback, is a condition in which the spine in the upper back has an excessive curvature. The upper back, or thoracic region of the spine, is supposed to have a slight natural curve. The spine naturally curves in the neck, upper back, and lower back to help absorb shock and support the weight of the head. Kyphosis occurs when this natural arch is larger than normal.
Kyphosis can affect people of any age. However, it rarely occurs in newborns because it is usually caused by poor posture. Kyphosis caused by poor posture is called postural kyphosis.
Other potential causes of kyphosis include:
1. Aging (especially if you have poor posture)
2. Muscle weakness in the upper back
3. Scheuermann’s disease (occurs in children and has no known cause)
4. Arthritis or other bone degeneration diseases
5. Osteoporosis (loss of bone strength due to age)
6. Injury to the spine
7. Slipped discs
8. Scoliosis (spinal curvature)
Less commonly, the following may also lead to kyphosis:
9. infection in the spine
10. Birth defects, such as spina bifida tumors
11. Diseases of the endocrine system
12. Diseases of the connective tissues
13. Polio

15. Paget’s disease
16. Muscular dystrophy
Life Hacker

If You Are Between 18 – 44 Years Old, Please Read This. It’s Useful!


Women go through numerous changes during their life especially when it comes to their body. These changes are physical and emotional and mostly happen in the periods of puberty and in the menopause. Almost every woman experiences these changes in weight, shape, and other physical traits.
The body actually goes through a process of evolution and that is completely normal. Some of the factors that contribute to this evolution are age, childbearing, and hormone levels. There are no two women in the world who are the same, so the changes they go through are also unique.
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One of the most common conditions that affect about 20% of the female population is the polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Its symptoms can be quite severe and disruptive.
If you are already diagnosed with this condition or you suspect you have PCOS, don’t panic. The cure is still not found, but there are numerous ways for you that could help you control this condition and they’re all very easy.
What is PCOS?
This syndrome is an endocrine condition which appears as a result of an increased level of androgens, or male hormones in women.
The factors that contribute to this increase in the hormone levels can be genetic and environmental. A wide range of symptoms and severity characterizes the disease, which means that doctors often find it hard to diagnose it.