Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts

Monday 24 April 2017

Life Hacker

Ladies Beware!! A Must Read For all Females (18+)

Please let your wife know about this,,This is a serious caution from medical practitioners [LUTH] to all female beings be it infant, baby girl, ladies, mothers; cancer of the va gina is all over pls avoid washing your va gina with soap, wash with only water, there is a particular chemical in soap generally that is very dangerous and possibly causes cancer of the va gina, cases of cancer of the va gina is all over most of the general hospitals so be aware of this important message. If you have feelings for others kindly pass this message to others that are important to you.
⭕ 56 Girls Died Because Of Using Whisper, Stay free Etc.
⭕ Don’t use One Single Pad 4 d Whole Day B’coz Of The Chemical Used in Ultra Napkins Which Converts Liquid into Gel…it Causes Cancer in Bladder & Uterus. So Plz Try To Use Cotton Made Pads And if You Are Using Ultra Pads, Plz Change it Within 5 Hours, Per Day, At least. If The Time is Prolonged The Blood Becomes Green & The Fungus Formed Gets inside The Uterus & Body.
⭕ Plz don’t feel shy 2 forwd this msg 2 all girls nd even boys so that they can share with their wives N friends, whom they care for.
Kick Off “Bre ast Cancer”.
🔺Nurse Ur Baby.
🔺Wash Ur Bra Daily.
🔺Avoid Black Bra in Summer
🔺Do Not Wear A Bra While Sleeping.
🔺Do Not Wear An Under Wire Bra Very Often.
🔺Always Cover Ur Chest Completely By Ur Dupatta Or Scarf When U Are Under The Sun.
🔺Use A Deodorant Not An Anti Antiperspirant.
🔺This is A Public Service Msg From Tata Cancer Hospital.
⭕ Pass it 2 All The Ladies You Care For Without Hesitating.
⭕ Awareness is important
⭕ I Care For You
⭕ Plzz Dont Hesitate To inform Other Females Forward 2 Evry Girl On Ur List..!!…
⭕ I’ll Start with u
❣❣❣Send to at least one group

Sunday 23 April 2017

Life Hacker


When it concerns our pubic location, well, it’s private and individual and can be embarrassing to speak about, but let’s be honest. We all have one down there, so we may too share our knowledge and help each other out.
Let’s take for instance, the typical problem of dark skin in the pubic location. Some individuals, especially women, desire to eliminate the unequal skin tone in between their legs. Can it be done naturally and achieved safely?
Yes and yes!
Initially, let’s look at the science behind this skin problem. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, it has a medical name, acanthosis nigricans (AN). Besides the groin location, the darker skin can also establish on the neck and armpits. The discoloration can produce thicker skin with a smooth, practically silky touch. A dermatologist can best figure out through a physical examination and medical history if the condition is serious. In the bulk of cases, it affects healthy people who are most frequently of African descent.
You can be born with AN, or establish it from having diabetes, obesity or a glandular disorder. Experts have actually found that even specific medications like oral contraceptives can likewise trigger AN to happen on one’s private parts. There is no embarassment, since AN affects a lot of people, but a lot of are afraid to discuss it.

woman wiping inner thighOur private areas are just that – private, and super personal. It’s not easy to talk about and can result in some pretty awkward conversations. The whole topic is taboo and most people avoid it at all costs. Why people don’t like talking about their private parts:
  • It’s awkward
  • It’s personal!
It’s no secret that we all have our own private parts, so why not help each other out and share some tidbits of information that could help us? It’s pretty common for people to have dark skin down under – especially women – but it IS possible to lighten up that skin tone.
Here are some tips to even out the skin tone where the sun don’t shine. 
Before throwing ourselves into the world of the unknown, let’s take a look at what this skin condition actually is. Believe it or not, this skin condition does have a medical name, and it’s called “acanthosis nigricans”, otherwise known as AN. This condition can also occur on a person’s armpits or even their neck. It causes a discoloration which creates thicker skin and is often soft to touch.
woman wiping inner thigh
In most cases, the condition affects those who are of African descent. Most people are born with AN, but it can also be developed from diabetes, a glandular disorder, or even obesity. It’s even possible for oral contraceptives to cause AN! So without any further ado, take a look at these natural skin care remedies that can help lighten the dark area in your nether regions.
women wiping inner thigh
1. Grab a lemon and massage some of the juice onto the area where the discoloration occurs. Leave it on for ten minutes before washing it off (make sure the water is warm). You should start noticing a difference (and a more even skin tone!) within one or two months.
2. Grab some sandalwood powder and rose water (you can find them at Indian grocery stores or any health store). Mix 10 drops of rose water with a spoon of sandalwood powder, and apply it to your private parts right after you bathe. Leave it on for 20 minutes, and then rinse it off. Do this three times a week. Sandalwood powder and rose water both lighten skin, so this combination is a sure shot to eliminate any dark patches.
sandalwood powder
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3. Grab some 100% pure Aloe Vera Gel from your local drugstore and massage it into where the discoloration occurs. Let it sit for 20 minutes and then rinse it off with warm water.
aloe vera gel
4. This one sounds a bit weird, but try it out. Plain yogurt is actually a pretty amazing lightener. Massage the yogurt onto your dark areas and let it sit for 15 minutes. Wash it away with warm water and do this every day for a few weeks until you start seeing results. Plain yogurt is cool and soothing on the skin, so you won’t experience any irritability.
5. Mix two tablespoons of orange juice and just a pinch of turmeric powder together and apply it to your private areas every day for 20 minutes, and then wash it off. Oranges have natural bleachers in them, and turmeric powder lightens the skin. Indian women use it because of its ability to lighten the skin.
orange juice
6. Apply water and gram flour to your private area. Let it dry and then rinse it off with water. Do this three times a week and you should start noticing changes. Gram flour is great for exfoliation and it also lightens skin, so it should work like a charm!
gram flour
What are your thoughts on this? Let us know in the comments below and don’t forget to SHARE this post with your Facebook friends. If you’re interested in reading similar stories then please click on the “RELATED POST” button below.
Life Hacker

See The 5 Warning Signs of B.reast Cancer That Many Nigerian Women Ignore

According to the American Cancer Society, it is estimated that about 246,660 new cases of invasive br.east cancer will be diagnosed in American women by the end of 2016, and about 40,450 women will die from b.reast cancer. The harsh reality is that b.reast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer among women. About 1 in 8 women in the U.S. will develop invasive br.east cancer during their lifetime.
Br.east cancer awareness goes far beyond knowing the statistics. It’s about active prevention, and being able to recognize the signs and symptoms of br.east cancer, in hopes of catching it early on if it develops.
The following five warning signs of bre.ast cancer are ones that many women tend to shrug off, but recognizing them may be vital to saving your life.


While moles are more commonly associated with a higher risk of skin cancer, they may also be linked to br.east cancer. In one study, researchers followed 89,902 women  ages 40-65 years old, and noted their medical records over a period of 18 years. The number of moles each woman had was documented at the beginning of the study. During the study, 5,956 of the women were diagnosed with bre.ast cancer. Researchers found that the women who had the most moles out of the group had a 13% higher risk of br.east cancer than women who had no moles. If you notice a new mole, or any type of change in an existing mole, visit a health care professional.


A  cancer that starts in one area is known as the primary cancer. If some cancer cells break away from the primary cancer and move on to another part of the body, they can form another tumor, called secondary cancer. Br.east cancer can spread to the lungs, and it can be detected by a prolonged cough or hoarseness. Cancer spreads to the lungs in 60-70% of women who become terminally ill from b.reast cancer. The most common signs are shortness of breath and dry cough.


B.reast cancer can cause hormonal changes that dry out the urethra, and make it difficult to control the bladder. This is known as incontinence, and common signs include leaking urine during activities such as coughing, laughing, sneezing or exercising, experiencing sudden and urgent needs to urinate, and urination that takes longer than usual. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, make an appointment with a health care professional.


Fatigue is a common symptom in br.east cancer patients and survivors, but it’s also often present before diagnosis. Fatigue from cancer is not alleviated by sleep or rest. It’s typically very severe and often associated with high levels of distress, unrelated to amount of exertion. Cancer-related fatigue is often accompanied by other symptoms such as pain, sleep disturbance and depression. Researchers believed this fatigue is caused by an imbalance of chemicals in the body which the cancer creates.


Back pain is a common medical problem — so common that 8 out of 10 people will experience it at some point in lives. Back pain can also be a sign that bre,ast cancer tumors are forming. Back pain associated with br.east cancer may feel like pressure on the ribs and spine, or pain in the upper back that feels like it’s coming from the bones. It could also be a sign that bre,ast cancer has spread to the spine.

Monday 17 April 2017

Life Hacker

Doctors Warn Women!! STOP Wearing B ras. Read Shocking Reasons.

Recently, there has been a lot of debate regarding bras and the potential risk of sagging and brea’st cancer. Women are still confused and quite unsure whether br’as cause sagging or prevent sagging. These debate leave women confused about the way in which br’a affects their health.

First and foremost, most women, especially the ones with large-sized brea’sts need bras as supporting device for the brea’sts themselves. As a matter of fact, bustier women would suffer a lot issues without the support br’as provide, including discomfort and back pain.
However, not all types of br’a are beneficial. For instance, if you are keen on the latest styles, or the ones that make the brea’sts look bigger, as opposed to those that provide best support, you are likely to experience some serious health issues.

According to a certain study, wearing br’a can cause brea’st cancer. This theory is supported by the body`s ability to self-cleanse of toxins and the comparison between women who did and women who didn’t wear br’as along with the corresponding breast cancer rates.
The same idea is supported by anthropologists Singer and Grismaijer, authors of the book Dressed to Kill: The Link between Brea’st Cancer and Br’as, who suggest that it is the compromised lymphatic flow caused by ill-fitting br’as which basically increase the risk of breast cancer. Over 4,000 women participated in this study.
Other findings the study revealed are the following:
women who wore their bra’s 24 hours per day had a 3 out of 4 chance of developing brea’st cancer,
women who wore br’as more than 12 hour per day, but not to bed, had a 1 out of 7 risk,
women who wore their br’as less than 12 hours per day had a 1 out of 52 risk, and
women who wore br’as rarely or never had a 1 out of 168 chance of getting brea’st cancer.
In addition, Singer and Grismaijer investigated the past br’a-wearing behavior of the subjects, which is crucial when it comes to disease that takes a lot of time to develop.
Furthermore, the idea that wearing a tight fitting bra can cut off lymph drainage is supported by many health experts and scientists. This lymph drainage can lead to development of breast cancer, due to the fact that the lymph function to eliminate all the toxins that enter your body on a daily basis is compromised. For instance, in case of impaired lymph drainage, you are likely to experience a dangerous source of toxins which can potentially accumulate, via the aluminum from antiperspirants.
According to a certain French study, bras aren’t necessary for women to wear and they put you in a risk of serious health implications. The study author, Professor Jean-Denis Rouillon, found that women who chose the br’aless option gained more natural support as their muscle tissue strengthened over time in comparison to women who stayed loyal to their br’as. The ones who stayed loyal to their br’as experienced weakening of the muscle tissue, which is potential contributing factor to sagging. The idea they pointed out was that the risk of bre’ast cancer was significantly increased in women who wore br’a more than 12 hours daily.
In order to lower the risk of compromising your brea’st health, which depends on proper lymphatic drainage, it is important to consider couple of factors related to bras. In fact, the degree of blockage of lymphatic drainage heavily depends on the type of br’a, the length of time worn, and its tightness.
Taking into consideration the fact that most women choose their bras by the latest fashion, you can avoid some of the lymphatic drainage by wearing a br’a that is properly fitted rather than the latest trend. The best would be to start trying to go br’aless, but it may take you a while to adjust. Good way to avoid the uneasiness you might feel due to the showing off of your brea’sts, or the lack of breast support you have been used to, try wearing a tank with a built-up bra or a bandeau under the clothes.
Finally, it is of utmost importance to understand that your overall health depends on your own choices. Owing to the fact that avoiding your br’a and going br’aless can prevent bre’ast cancer, it is definitely worth giving it a try!

Sunday 16 April 2017

Life Hacker

Check Out This Lady’s Weight Loss Transformation

It sure takes a lot of discipline and commitment to achieve this level of transformation. See funny reactions…

Saturday 8 April 2017

Life Hacker

If You Eat 2 Bananas Per Day For A Month Non Stop, This Is What Happens To Your Body!

You might not have heard that banana is the number 1 consumed food in the United States, even more commonly consumed than oranges and apples combined.
Yet, every now and then, there is some new exotic fruit that is popularized as the newest health revolution, so we often underrate bananas.
However, you should remember that these fruits are extremely beneficial and offer various health benefits. Despite their delicious taste, bananas are rich in numerous nutrients, natural sugars, vitamins, and fibers.
At the beginning, bananas are greenish in color and have no spots, but as they get riper, brown spots appear and cover the whole fruit.
Yet, these spots do not mean that the bananas are rotten, but they actually indicate that these bananas are at the peak of their development, as they are the richest in TNF then.
TNF is a potent cancer-fighting substance which fights abnormal body cells. It helps the communication between the cells of the immune response system and guides the movement of cells towards the infected or inflamed areas in the body.
Studies have shown that the TNF in bananas prevents the growth and spread of tumor cells, by inducing apoptosis (cell death).
Bananas are rich in antioxidants which boost the immune system and the white blood cells count. Therefore, if your bananas have brown spots, do not throw them away, as they are extremely healthy.
Despite preventing cancer, bananas offer numerous other health benefits, as follows:
Treating Constipation
Since bananas are rich in fiber, their consumption will stimulate regular bowel movements and relieve constipation.
Regulating Blood Pressure
Bananas reduce high blood pressure, and reduce the sodium levels, and thus prevent strokes and heart attacks. Due to the high potassium content, bananas promote heart health.
Fighting Ulcers
You can freely eat bananas in the case of stomach ulcers, as their soft texture will coat the stomach lining, and prevent irritations and corrosive acids.
They are the natural anti-acid gift, which will relieve heartburn and acid reflux. The symptoms and discomfort will disappear as soon as you eat the banana.
Body Temperature Control
Bananas regulate the body temperature and can be helpful in the case of fever and in the hot summer days.
Fighting Anemia
These beneficial fruits provide the needed amounts of dietary iron, and stimulate the production of red blood cells and hemoglobin, thus boosting the blood supply.
Alleviate PMS symptoms/Nerves
The consumption of bananas regulates the blood sugar levels due to the abundance of vitamin B, and thus soothes the nervous system, calming the mind and relaxing the body. In this way, these fruits improve your mood and help you reduce stress.
Fighting Depression
These healthy fruits have a beneficial component called tryptophan, which effectively treats depression. As soon as it enters the body, it is turned into serotonin, which is a popular brain neurotransmitter. This will enhance mood and provide relaxation and happiness.
Body energy
The consumption of one of two bananas before your workout will provide the needed energy for an hour. The high potassium levels will prevent muscle cramps, and the vitamins, minerals, and low-glycemic carbs will help you boost your stamina.