A Source just sent in one of the most shocking video i have ever watched in my life according to the source the video allegedly shows a 15year old secondary school girl named chioma from owerri been Gang Banged by 8 abled bodied men.
15 year Old Owerri Secondary School Girl Named Chioma Laughs And Moans In Excitement As 8 Men Take Turns To Sleep With Her As Initiation Process Into Their Cult Group In Imo State Nigeria
According to the source who sent in the video the incident happed in Imo State Owerri the 15year old girl willingly subjected herself to this act as an intiation process into a cult Group, The most shocking thing in this video is that non of these guys even wore a c0nd0m.
These 8 Guys Must All Be Arrested, Please Share Till It Gets To The IG Of Police And Imo State Governor;
The 2mins 31 seconds Video Starts off and the action had already began
Man 1: This Girl They very sweet ooo
Girl: Moaning
Man 2: I never release oh
Man 1: You for release na
Girl : Moaning
Man 1: Commot your boxers na
Thrusting in and out sound
Man 3: who is seriously bang!ng the girl in a d0ggy position finishes up and nuts on the bed,
Man 4: Then takes over, and turns her body position into missionary
Man 1: She Has The Power
Girl: Please stop am tired
Man 1: Chioma will you s**k my d**k? should i come?
Girl: Moaning, Please stop am tired
Man 1: You are not tired
Lil Yatchys Peekaboo song at the background then fades off