Showing posts with label Marriage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marriage. Show all posts

Monday 7 November 2016

Life Hacker

Actress Lilian Esoro Reveals Secret Behind Her Failed Marriage With Ubi Franklin


According To Vanguard Popular TV series actress Lilan Esoro has revealed reasons as to what led to her failed marriage to Ubi Franklin.
According to reports, a filmmaker and closed friend to the thespian, who pleaded anonymity, say she always complained about how distanced her husband was.
“He never showed up in any of her filming location and this was often a thing of worry for Lilian” he said.
Other reports stated infidelity and physical abuse as other reasons their wedding packed up 4 months ago, immediately their son Jayden was born.
Recall that words once emerged on the street saying Lilian wanted to marry another Nollywood actor who is now married, but opted for Ubi who was a backup plan from the start. And their marriage is said to be loveless from the beginning. Another claim alleged that Ubi Franklin wasn’t even plan B as she has always been the girlfriend of a very successful comedian.
However, Entertainment commentators say Lilian Esoro said no when Ubi Franklin initially proposed but he did all he can to convince her including her family as he was overly generous to them.
Life Hacker

Photos: Check Out This Twerking Bride And Her Excited Husband At Their Wedding

A newly-wedded couple spiced up their wedding ceremony after the bride decided to twerk for her man right in the presence of the excited guests. The groom appeared totally mesmerized judging from the look on his face….
Even at their traditional wedding in Delta state, the groom took the center stage as he delighted the guests with his dancing skills.

Sunday 6 November 2016

Life Hacker

T.B Joshua’s Pastor Sparks Outrage After Throwing A Lavish Wedding In Uganda. (Photos)

A pastor in Uganda has sparked outrage after spending big for his lavish wedding held yesterday in the country. The wedding of Pastor Jimmy Luka and Blessing Elizabeth Mulungi, is said to have consumed over Shs500 million (over N45million), according to multiple reports.
The couple wedded at prophet T.B Joshua’s Synagogue Church of All Nations SCOAN (where the groom is a pastor). From there, they were transported in a convey of luxury Hummer cars to their reception -with lots of dignitaries in attendance.
Now online users have been enraged by this big spending especially in this period where the country is also suffering from economic hardships. See different reactions below;

Saturday 5 November 2016

Life Hacker

See What a Husband Told his new Wife on their Wedding Day that will Make You Cry


My wife, everyone has gone home. The music is quiet, the celebration is over.
Our wedding was beautiful but it is now in the past. We have finished the wedding/marriage, it is now time to build our marriage. All that is left now is the two of us… What we will become tomorrow, starts from tonight. Our life is no longer the same.
There was a day you put on one red dress… You looked so beautiful in it. That Day I wanted to just touch you! We were in the Cinema and I was so tempted. I wanted to just take you inside the toilet and kiss you but I couldn’t. Guess what? Now I have you forever, I can do that everyday.
Before I take off your cloth and make love to you… let me tell you few things.
I have nothing to hide from you from this day. My phone, you can use it like your own. You can access my facebook, my twitter and my Instagram.

From today, I have become a child. For the past five years of my life, I have been a man. I wake myself up in the morning, sometimes I go to bed hungry, I do things the way I want to. I come home whenever I want to but all that ends today. From today you become my mother, who will scold me when I come home late, a mother who will wake me up at six to go work, a mother who will ensure I don’t sleep hungry. I am glad I have a mother in you.
I hope you will be a good mother? Don’t be too harsh and I promise I won’t be too stubborn. Sometimes I will give you headache but I promise, I will also be the cure of every headache.
When my parents died, I looked after my brothers and sisters. I was like a father to them. So i will not have problem being a father to you.
Hope all men wil be as nice as dis. Let treat women like how it was ordained by God. Women are precious, they are of immeasurable value…

Thursday 3 November 2016

Life Hacker

REVEALED !!! This is Why Every Bride Wears White on Their Wedding Day

Many centuries ago, white gown was not the colour bribes wore on a wedding day until something extraordinary happened to make white gown the tradition.  Wedding dresses are white. That’s just how things are.
Doesn’t matter if you literally never wear white in your normal, everyday life. Doesn’t matter if you know, deep in your heart, that you are embarrassingly clumsy and WILL drop something on all that pristine white satin.
Wedding dresses are white, and only ‘unconventional’ brides wear another colour.
Which is a silly social convention to uphold so strictly, really. Because wedding dresses being white is actually a fairly recent fashion choice.
See, just over 176 years ago red was the most popular colour for wedding gowns – probably because of all its ‘roses are red’ romantic connotations.
White dresses were worn occasionally, but its associations with mourning prevented it from being the preferred wedding option.
Even when Mary Queen of Scots picked a white dress, she was widely slammed for being inappropriate – simply for choosing a white gown. When her husband died a few years later, she was accused of cursing him by wearing mourning clothes to the wedding. Oh dear.
It wasn’t until Queen Victoria decided to f*** the trends and wear a white gown that the style became a mainstay of the whole wedding thing.
On February 10, 1840, Victoria wore a lacy white gown with an orange blossom wreath for her wedding to Albert – despite members of the court questioning her colour choice.
The dress turned out to be a massive hit, and soon other women were choosing Victoria-inspired dresses for their big day.
Just a few years later, popular women’s magazine the Godey’s Lady Book proclaimed that ‘custom has decided, from the earliest ages, that white is the most fitting hue, whatever may be the material.
It is an emblem of the purity and innocence of girlhood, and the unsullied heart she now yields to the chosen one.’
And THAT’S where the belief that we’ve always worn white on weddings to symbolise purity comes from.
Following that, people in the Western fully believed that white was the only possible option for wedding gowns. Bustle notes that there was even a catchy poem written at the time, basically calling red wedding dresses – formerly the hot trend – a garbage choice:
So, white wedding dresses: only a thing because of Queen Victoria and magazines. Wear whatever colour you like, brides-to-be.
Life Hacker

Runaway Wife: The Real Reason Why a Bride Dumped Her Groom on their Wedding Day in Delta State


We reported it over the weekend that there was confusion in Delta State on Saturday as a wedding reception ended half-way, following a bride’s pronouncement that she was no longer interested in the few-hours-old marriage.
The 41-year-old jilted groom, simply identified as Julius, is finding it difficult to understand why his ‘wife’abandoned her marital vows midway into their wedding, shouting ‘I am no longer interested,’ at the wedding reception in Udu Local Government Area of Delta State.
It was gathered that all pleas by the bewildered husband at the popular Orhunwhorhun Road for the woman to reconsider her decision were to no avail as the dazed husband, guests and bridal train ran after the bride, caught up with her at a popular road, where all pleas for her to reconsider her decision and return to the reception venue fell on deaf ears.
The shocking incident which took place on Saturday, October 29, saw the would-be bride, Roseline, 32, disappeared into thin air and all efforts to trace her whereabouts had yielded no result at press time.
Speaking exclusively to Vanguard, a close female confidant of the woman, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said:
“I believe she did what she did because she saw the previous man in her life at the reception. We heard that he had earlier promised to marry the bride, but he later travelled to Lagos and never showed up again. 
“When the bride waited for a long time and he (former suitor) was nowhere to be found, she decided to marry another man, who was ready although she still loved her former suitor. 
“So when her true love showed up at the reception without notice, the woman saw him and decided to call it quits with her husband to follow her heartthrob.”