Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts

Saturday 12 November 2016

Life Hacker

Are Your Nails Always Splitting Or Breaking? Here’s What Your Body Is Trying To Tell You


Manganese possesses antioxidant properties and that makes this mineral important and efficient for wound healing, bone development, metabolizing of carbohydrates, cholesterol and amino acids. In fact, this mineral is essential for strong and healthy bones and in same time it enables absorption of vitamins like B and C which are crucial for the promotion of brain health and protection against cancer.
If there is deficient of this mineral in your body, you will experience the following symptoms:
Hearing loss;
Weak nails and hair.
In extreme and severe cases, lack of this mineral may cause blindness, paralysis, seizures and infertility.
There are many reasons why is important to maintain the levels of manganese. So, in order to avoid any dangers which can be caused by manganese deficiency you need to include it through diet.
  1. Seafood.
Few of the many types of seafood rich in manganese are mussels, clams and crayfish. Moreover, the seafood is healthy source of B-vitamins, omega 3s and essential amino acids.

  1. Nuts and seeds.
As experts explain, among the highest sources of manganese are hazelnuts, pecans, walnuts and macadamia nuts. Additionally, the nuts are also fibrous, abundant with vitamin E, copper and magnesium.
  1. Spinach.
It is considered that dark green leafy vegetables are the healthiest foods on the planet. Namely, only 1 cup of spinach contains more than 2 times the daily recommended value of vitamin A and more than 6 times that of vitamin K.
  1. Whole grains.
Expect that whole grains will provide you healthy dose of manganese, there are many benefits of including them in your diet. The brown rice, oatmeal, bulgur, quinoa and millet have the ability to reduce the risk of diabetes type 2, heart diseases and some types of cancer.
  1. Tofu and tempeh.
These are typical vegetarian meat-substitutes which are much healthier than many people think. Expect manganese, tofu is great source of calcium, copper, iron and omega 3s.
  1. Lima beans
Chickpeas, kidney beans, black-eyed beans and white beans, along with lima beans are very important for a good health due to the fact they are abundant with magnesium, vitamin C and fiber.
  1. Black tea
Probably the easiest way to get enough manganese is by enjoying a cup of black tea. Moreover, this tea is very beneficial for the bones and heart, as well.

Friday 11 November 2016

Life Hacker

The Colours Of Your Urine & What They Say About Your Health (Must Read)


The colour of your urine can indicate one’s health state and point to what goes on inside the body.
It’s important to take note of how your urine looks like (note the colour) as well as the sensation when passing it. The colour of urine can tell if some organs aren’t functioning well, if there’s a deficiency (an indication to improve diet/ load on vitamins) and the general state of being.
For instance if there’s blood in the urine this may point to problems with the kidney, urinary tract, urethra or bladder.
Check out what these colours of urine mean the next time you visit the bathroom:
1. Clear
A clear urine is usually a sign that enough water is consumed/the body is greatly hydrated. The clearer the urine means enough water is consumed! And staying hydrated never harm anyone.
2. Dark Yellow
Dark yellow is a sign indicating the need to increase fluids, it’s the major reason people are advised to take more water when the urine is dark yellow in colour.
3. Brown
Brown coloured urine is an indication that one is dehydrated in simple cases but in some cases, it might be an indication of liver problem where immediate treatment should be sought.
4. Orange
An orange coloured urine is usually an indication of very low water intake when it’s not food colouring and in some cases it might signify a liver condition
5. Red
When the urine is red then there’s a cause for alarm though in some cases it may be due to certain food or colouring taken in, it could also be anything around kidney, bladder or prostrate cancer and should be checked immediately.
Red urine usually signify a mix with blood which is something NEVER to ignore.
Life Hacker

It Tightens The Skin Better Than The Botox: This 3 Ingredients Face Mask Will Make You Look 10 Years Younger


In today’s article we are going to present you one marvelous mask that is an excellent procedure but also alternative for the expensive plastic surgery procedures. Namely, below you can see the recipe for a mask that has face lifting effect on your skin and can remove even 10 years from your face. Isn’t that incredible?
Due to its effectiveness, this mask will become an alternative for various expensive cosmetic treatments in the beauty salons. In addition to being cost-effective, this combination will provide you an effect equivalent to the well-known Botox. This mask is completely natural and the best thing about it is that it can tighten the skin and better than Botox.
You will notice the effects even after the first application!
Ingredients and preparation:

– 1 egg white
– ½ teaspoon of lemon juice
– ½ teaspoon of coconut oil
Take a medium sized egg and separate the egg white from the yolk. After that, take a small bowl and place the egg white and whisk it until dense foam is formed.
Next step is to add the lemon juice and the coconut oil, and mix again.
It is advisable to clean your face thoroughly before applying the mask. Leave to act for about 10-15 minutes. When the mask dries, rinse it with warm water or preferable chamomile tea.
Life Hacker

Nigerians: See The Benefits Of Eating Salad Everyday


Traditionally salads were known to be prepared of only raw vegetables like cucumber, tomatoes, cabbage and onion which are cut into slices and sprinkled with a pinch of salt and lemon. They were either served as the smallest portion among the other food items in the meal plate or totally ignored.
Hey folks, if you have also been doing the same, it’s now time to change.
But, let me first tell you the importance of having salads which will definitely lead you to start having salads with your meals. You can also be very creative in making your salad colorful, tasty, crunchy, balanced, appealing to eat and obviously healthy.
Why salads?????
· Starting your meals with a bowl of salad will help you attain weight loss. Not a joke, it’s true because salads are low in calories, high in fiber and rich in other nutrients. Fiber helps you feel full making you eat, the remaining meal less and ultimately lose weight.
· Eating a high fiber salads aids in lowering cholesterol and also is known to prevent constipation.
  • Eating a little good fat (like the monounsaturated fat found in olive oil, avocado and nuts) with your vegetables in salads appears to help your body absorb protective phyto-chemicals  (known to protect against cancer and heart disease), like lycopene from tomatoes and lutein from dark green vegetables.
  • Best way to skip croutons (deep fried pieces of wheat bread) which are few in nutrients and have a high glycemic load is to replace them by nuts and seeds and maintain the crunchiness in the salad.
  • Want to balance it with proper carbohydrates and protein to make it a whole meal; you can add brown rice or protein packed Quinoe, grilled chicken, low fat Paneer, Tofu or Sprouts.
· People, who do not like to eat fruits, can relish on salads which combine fruits and vegetables and eat it as a whole meal or in between snacks. This will provide them a host of powerful antioxidants which will protect the body from damage caused by harmful molecules called free radicals.
Now let’s have a look at some tips to prepare a healthy salad
· Salads are known to be rich in Vitamins. Fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K cannot be absorbed and used by the body without the presence of some fat. So go for the unsaturated (good fats) olive oil or canola oil. Toss the oil with vinegar which helps to prevent blood sugar spikes after meals.
· The best way to include greens like romaine, radicchio, iceberg and spinach in our daily diet is to mix them all up or use one at a time in salads.
· Don’t forget to add the medicinal herbs like basil, garlic, lemon juice or parsley to the salad for that strong punch of flavor and loads of disease fighting antioxidants. The more flavorful your salad is naturally, the fewer high calorie ingredients you will need to add for taste like extra cheese and cream.
· Pack your salads with as many other veggies or fruits as possible to get the synergetic effects. Carrots, cucumbers, different colored peppers, broccoli, peas, artichokes, strawberries, raspberries, or pears are great choices to get in different textures as well as plenty of filling fiber.
Hope reading this will add a lot of nutrition to your food plate and lead to your ultimate health goals.

Thursday 10 November 2016

Life Hacker

Ladies, Stay Alert: These are 10 Warning Signs of Cervical Cancer You Can’t Joke With


According to the American Cancer Society, there are an estimated 12,340 new cases of cervical cancer in America each year. Sadly, approximately 4,000 women die of this silent killer each year.
Women of all ages are at risk for cervical cancer once they begin having sexual intercourse. And the human papillomavirus (or HPV) is the most common reason why malignant cancer cells start to develop in the tissues of the cervix (the pear-shaped organ below the uterus).
As the second most common type of cancer for women worldwide, cervical cancer kills slowly, also making it one of the most treatable and preventable cancers. This is why regular pap smears and vaginal exams, should you encounter any of these symptoms, can save your life…
1. No Symptoms
The scariest thing about this silent killer of women is just that—it’s a silent disease that oftentimes doesn’t show any symptoms at all in the early stages. However, as the cancer advances, you will likely experience pelvic pain, abnormal bleeding, and urinary issues that signal cervix issues.
2. Pelvic Pain
Many women experience cramps at the start of their monthly menstrual cycle. However, achy pelvic pain outside of that time frame, or sharp cramps when you don’t typically suffer any, can be a symptom of cervical cancer.
3. Abnormal Bleeding
One of the most common warning signs of cervical cancer is abnormal bleeding outside of thenormal menstrual cycle. Of course, this varies from woman to woman—from spotting to heavy bleeding that comes and goes with no explanation.
4. Painful Urination
Pain when urinating can indicate a problem with the cervix.  Bladder pain or an achy sensation during urination often occurs in advanced cancer cases if the cancer spreads to the bladder.
5. Unusual Discharge
Abnormal vaginal discharge—either increased discharge or discharge that appears off in texture, color or odor—can be indicative of cervical cancer. Typically, discharge will contain mucus (which explains the thickness and foul odor) and should be reported to your health care professional.
6. Abnormal Menstrual Cycles
Most women have experienced abnormal bleeding or spotting between menstrual periods—sometimes when sick, following sexual intercourse, after a pap smear, or during stressful times. However, regular bleeding between menstrual cycles can indicate irritation of the cervix andcervical cancer.
7. Pain or Bleeding After S*x
Even those of us with healthy cervix can see some spotting after sex. However, if pain and bleeding occur more often following sex, it can indicate an underlying health issue such as cervical cancer, and the cervix should be examined by your doctor.
8. Anemia
Anemia can occur with cervical cancer when the number of healthy red blood cells decrease and are replaced by white blood cells trying to fight off the disease. Anemia typically causes the patient to feel tired and completely zapped of energy, which can cause a typically energetic person to experience unexplained fatigue and weight loss due to a loss of appetite.
9. Urinary Incontinence
Any change in bladder habits, such as urine leakage when sneezing or jumping, tinges of blood in the urine (hematuria), or total loss of bladder control (incontinence) may indicate an underlying condition such as cervical cancer as the as the cancer grows larger or spreads to other organs in the body.
10. Back Pain
Pelvic or back pain, particularly in the region of the lower back that may send shooting pains down the leg, and even cause swelling (edema) of the legs.
– Via Active Beat
Life Hacker

Warning! Read What Too Much M@sturbation Can Do to Your P*nis

Many men do not know that they are putting themselves at great risk each time they begin to pleasure themselves. Guys, read up what over masturbation can do to your p*nis. 
Over stimulation of the penis can lead to persistent softness of an erection, while the disappearance of a morning erection can signify a hormonal imbalance. Weak erections can vary, from poor blood circulation to anxiety issues, but for men who over masturbate, the weakness can occur because of a hormonal imbalance.

Hormonal Reserve
Think of sex as a battery. The more you use it, the faster you lose it. An erection occurs because of a healthy dosage of hormones and neurotransmitters. The urge for sex starts with testosterone. But men who ejaculate often lose testosterone faster than their bodies can replenish it. With little testosterone, erections become weaker.
Meanwhile, dopamine must be released to stimulate the penis, while acetylcholine must be present to keep the “excitement” level high. Nitric oxide, a signaling chemical, must also appear in order to provide the proper signaling between the brain and the penis for a healthy erection. Over masturbation depletes all of these neurochemicals.
Lowered dopamine requires more stimulation to stay “hard”, while decreased acetylcholine levels ruin the flow of blood to maintain an erection. Depleted nitric oxide levels lead to a decrease in communication between the brain and penis.
Regaining the Proper Hormones
For hormones to return to their normal state, men must refrain from masturbating as often. The individual who has grown addicted to the activity may have trouble quitting. Still, an individual should aim to quit gradually. Next, taking hormonal supplements can help stabilize testosterone and neurotransmitter production for a healthy erection.
If you suffer from weak erections, take Botanical Solutions for Erectile Dysfunction to help stabilize your production of nitric oxide and to increase the elasticity of blood vessels for improved erection quality.