Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts

Tuesday 1 November 2016

Life Hacker

5 Incurable STDS & How To Stay Healthy If You Have One


Learning you have a c-exually transmitted infection or disease is never ideal, particularly when you find out you’ve contracted one whose outlook is all too grim. While there’s no cure for some STDs, treatment options may be available to lessen or alleviate symptoms. When it comes to your sexual health, there’s no better time to play it safe. Here are five incurable STDs, and the best treatment options for each.

1. Herpes Simplex
Herpes is a untreatable but manageable skin condition that gets into and lives in your nerves. It’s super prevalent: nearly everyone has the virus by the end of their lives. There are two types — the more common HSV-1 usually lives in or around your mouth (and is usually called cold sores), while HSV-2 prefers your genital region. However, each can live in the other place as well. You can have the herpes virus inside you and not even know it (it’s estimated that 20 to 30 percent of people who have herpes are unaware), but if you do get symptoms, they will be in the form of tiny, fluid-filled blisters that burst and leave behind painful ulcers that take one to three weeks to heal. Luckily, this only happens occasionally.
Also luckily, you can take daily medication to suppress herpes symptoms. Taking this suppressive antiviral medication can reduce outbreaks by up to 80 percent, and in many people suppresses outbreaks altogether. Other people only take meds when they feel an outbreak coming on, which is usually preceded by feelings of tingling, burning, itching, or pain. Suppressive medications have been shown to diminish the risk of spreading the virus to other humans. So while you’re not cured, if you’re taking your medication as your doctor prescribes, you’re pretty close to living herpes-blister-free and protecting your loved ones.
There are also some non-medical things you can do to minimize herpes outbreaks and manage your symptoms. These include supplements and herbs, special diets, and minimizing your stress.
2. HIV
HIV is another of the currently incurable STDs, although it is the one with the most money being thrown at research for a cure. This virus attacks your immune system, making it too weak to fight off other sick-making things that may enter your body. The result can be devastating, as evidenced by the horrific death toll, which is currently around 35 million worldwide since the epidemic began in the 1980s.
Luckily, with current antiviral medication regimens, people are living with HIV for much longer. And even better, a brand-new study that came out this year found that people who take their medication as prescribed to lower the amount of viral copies in their system had no instances of passing along HIV to their partners, even when they weren’t using condoms. So while this isn’t a cure, it’s definitely treatment at its most useful.

3. Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
HPV is also called genital warts, although only a few of the 40-ish strains actually cause warts. Some of the other strains are potentially cancer-causing, and the rest kinda just hitch a ride in your body. Depending on how old you are, you may have already gotten the vaccine against HPV — this only covers you against the highest risk strains for cancer and warts. So regardless, chances are at some point in your life, you’ll get HPV in your body. There are some things you can do to manage your symptoms. These include some medical procedures like freezing off the warts, changing what you eat, taking herbs, and minimizing your stress. But nope, there’s no medical cure.
I say “medical” because you do have a cure — you! Your immune system, more specifically. Most times, your body clears the HPV infection all on its own. So just because you test positive for HPV or get warts, doesn’t mean you’ll have it forever. In fact, the average life of an HPV infection is between four and twenty months, and most people kick it within two years. HPV progresses to pre-cancer in the rare instance when your body is unable to clear a high-risk cancer strain for a long time. This leads your infected cells to turn abnormal.

4. Hepatitis A & B
Hepatitis is a bloodborne virus that messes with your liver. There are three types: A, B, and C. If you get one of these, it can severely impair your liver function, leading to illness and even death. For Hepatitis A and B, there is no cure. However, there is a vaccine for these two types — and, as with HPV, your body usually clears both Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B within a few months. However, some people do end up with chronic Hepatitis B, which means their body didn’t get rid of it within six months. For folks with chronic Hepatitis B infection, there are medications that can slow down the damage the virus does to your liver.
Until recently, Hepatitis C was another incurable STD — and then researchers developed a cure. That’s right, pretty much everyone with Hepatitis C can now be cured. See? There’s hope!

5. Gonorrhea
Unfortunately, gonorrhea, a previously totally curable STD, is becoming resistant to medication. So if you end up with gonorrhea and try to get it treated, it might work — and it might not.
Gonorrhea is a c-exually transmitted bacterial infection. Not everyone who has it gets symptoms, but if you do, they will include yellow vaginal discharge and vaginal itching, burning, or redness. You can also experience pain when peeing or having c-ex. If this is happening to you, you should still go to your doctor to get antibiotics. However, this bacteria keeps gaining resistance to more and more antibiotic types. Until researchers figure out a solution to this, we will probably start using antimicrobials to manage the symptoms of gonorrheal infection.
No one likes living with an incurable disease of any kind. However, the good news is that all the STDs that are currently incurable are pretty manageable with medication and/or relatively doable lifestyle changes. Medicine is also progressing so rapidly that I hope that my response here totally dates this article in the near future because we’ve come up with even more cures for more cex-ually transmitted diseases!
Either way, the bottom line is that no STD should ruin your life. They are hitching a ride on your gorgeous body and they better recognize who is in charge. So don’t freak out — just get tested regularly and manage your health!
Life Hacker

The 5 Important Things About Sperm That Every Woman Should Know

1. Sperm is not without calories: Ejaculation liquid is composed mostly of fructose and enzymes. One cup of seeds is about five calories. It can be compared with one olive. 
2. Sperm is not the longest-running body fluid: Spermatozoa are not as resistant to bacteria and other germs. They die quickly if you are in a cold, very hot, due to changes in pH or chemicals, such as chlorine in the pool.
3. Permanent in the womb: Sperm can not survive long in many situations, but the inside of the stomach provides a good environment for them. Spermatozoa can survive between five and seven days and fertilize the egg. In the va gina retain only a few hours.

4. Spermatozoa are not fighters: In fact, everyone thinks that the sperm on its way to the egg is like a lone wolf. But uterus helps the sperm to enter into it, and therefore provides a stimulus.

Friday 21 October 2016

Life Hacker

See how To Remove Stretch Marks Fast from Your Body In 2 Weeks



Cucumbers are various nutrients and skin lightening compounds that lighten the stretch marks. It provides a lot of moisture that leads to growth of new cells that repair the cracked skin. Take the smaller cucumber and cut in into slices. Now take one slice and rub it slowly over the stretch marks for 5 minutes. Now take a new slice and cover your marks with it. Let it stay for 15 minutes, till then have some rest. Now remove the cucumber slice and wash your cracked skin with warm water. Cucumber helps to relax our skin cells and following this method daily will lighten your stretch marks quickly.


Avocado is a great source for folic acid. Folic acid is widely used in stretch marks removal creams and is very good in healing damaged and cracked skin. Avocado also provides a lot of moisture to skin, hence extracts of avocado are widely used in moisturizing creams. To prepare a natural stretch marks removal cream make a paste of avocado. Now apply it to skin and let it rest for 20 minutes. Now remove it using warm water. Follow this technique daily to get rid of stretch marks naturally. This will not only heal the skin but also make it soft and more flexible. You can add some lemon drops to avocado paste for getting better and more effective results.

Aloe vera Gel

Aloe vera gel is rich in anti oxidants, moisture, vitamins and has powerful healing properties that help to treat stretch marks, wrinkles and various other skin problems. Since it is antiseptic , it can also be used to heal burns, rashes and cuts. Due to its nutritional skin benefits, it is widely used in skin care products. Apply aloevera gel to your stretch marks and let it dry for 15 minutes. This therapy will soothe your stretch marks and make skin soft and beautiful. Antioxidants in this gel repairs skin cells and stimulates the generation of new skin that quickly removes stretch marks. Buy a stretch mark removal cream will aloevera extracts if you are not comfortable with the natural methods.


Potato contains starch, vitamins, minerals and skin lighting enzymes which makes it one of the best remedy for removing stretch marks. Potato speeds up the process of production of new skin cells that fill the cracks in skin. Crush one potato and extract its juice or cut in into big slices. Apply the juice or gently rub slice to your effected skin. I recommend you to apply the juice and cover it with cotton. Let it remain for fifteen minutes and then rinse it. Allow the skin to absorb the nutrients from potato so that it speeds up the process of healing stretch marks.

Honey and Lemon

Honey and lemon juice treatment is also very effective to get rid of stretch marks. While honey is full of sugar and moisture, lemon contains vitamin C and citric acid that lighten the skin marks. Vitamin C also builds collagen in body that repairs and lightens the dark spots and stretch marks. Add few drops of lemon juice to honey and cover your cracked skin with it. Give time to skin so that it absorbs complete moisture, vitamin C and other compounds. Follow this process daily and within weeks your stretch marks will start fading.

Natural Oils

Natural oils like coconut oil, almond oil, olive oil contains vitamin E and lots of anti oxidants that helps to deal with various skin problems including stretch marks. Massage any one of these oils to your marks daily for 10 minutes. After massage let the oil stay on skin for more 15 minutes and then wash it using cold water. Giving more time will soothe your skin problem and repair your cracked skin fast. For better and quick results mix aloevera gel to one of the natural oil, apply it to skin and leave it overnight.

Egg Treatment

Egg is rich in omega 3 fatty acids, proteins, vitamins and minerals that help to get rid of wrinkles and stretch marks. Apply the egg white to your skin, let ot dry and wash it after 10 minutes. This remedy is helpful for healing stretch marks easily.

Milk Cream

Milk cream is the great source for many vitamins and minerals that helps to nourish our skin cells. Apply the milk cream directly to your skin, leave it for 30 minutes. Giving more time will help the milk cream to erase your stretch marks rapidly. Follow this method daily and within one month you will get positive results and your stretch marks will be less visible.

Orange Juice

Orange juice is rich in vitamin C that works best for treating stretch marks and lightening skin tone. Mix little turmeric and olive oil to orange juice and rub it over your stretch marks two rimes a day. Follow this technique to fade your stretch marks quickly.

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Life Hacker

See 5 Main Causes Of Mouth Odour In Nigeria, No.5 Will Shock You

Mouth Odor which is otherwise known as bad breath, or halitosis, is an unpleasant odor of the mouth. It can occur on occasion, or it can be a chronic 
condition. It may be caused by foods a person eats, poor oral hygiene, medical conditions, or other factors. It could also be defined as the presence of a foul-smelling odor that seems to come from the mouth cavity. According to the Academy of General Dentistry, in more than 90% of cases, the odor originates in the mouth, throat, and tonsils. Although this is something everyone experiences at one time or another, if your case does not improve after brushing, flossing, and rinsing the mouth with an alcohol free mouthwash, it may be chronic.
Causes Of Mouth Odor
1. FOOD: Food is a primary source of bad odors that come from the mouth. Some foods, such as garlic, onions, spicy foods, exotic spices (such as curry), some cheeses, fish, Meats and acidic beverages such as coffee can leave a lingering smell. Most of the time the odor is for a short while. Other foods may get stuck in the teeth, promoting the growth of bacteria, which causes bad breath odor.
2. POOR HYGIENE : When a person does not brush regularly, food particles remaining in the mouth can rot and cause bad odors. 
3. HEALTH ISSUES: pneumonia, sore throat and other throat infections, tonsil stones ,thrush, diabetes, acid reflux, lactose intolerance, other stomach problems, and some liver diseases or kidney diseases may be associated with bad breath.
4. MORNING BREATH: Bad breath in the morning is very common. Saliva production nearly stops during sleep, allowing bacteria to grow, causing bad breath or mouth odor. Most people experience foul breath in the morning due to lack of saliva production while they sleep. 
5. PREGNANCY: Being pregnant in itself does not cause bad breath, but the nausea and morning sickness common during pregnancy may cause bad breath. In addition, hormonal change, dehydration, and eating different foods due to cravings may also contribute to bad breath during pregnancy.
Life Hacker

See The 4 Reasons why Pregnant Women Need to have S3x Almost Daily


Every woman looks forward to conceiving her own child, they say the gift of motherhood is the greatest joy any woman can ever feel. While some women view pregnancy as a burden they must
carry, others view the changes that occur in their bodies with awe.
Pregnancy is not so easy, while carrying a child for nine months can be stressful, there are several perks attached that can help relieve the stress. You must have heard that s.ex during pregnancy should be avoided, bla, bla, bla, truth is s.ex during pregnancy might just be the best s.ex you will ever have, which helps to strengthen the muscles she needs for labour and after delivery.
1. Lowers Blood Pressure
S.ex during pregnancy helps to lower blood pressure. Oxytocin, also known as the love hormone released during se.x is a good stress reliever. All the built up tension will simply go away and this keeps your blood pressure at a healthy level. S.ex makes the woman feel calmer and lowers the risk of heart attack.
2. Enables Sound Sleep
During pregnancy, women often experience all kinds of discomfort, from back pain to frequent urination, sleeping hours just gets shorter as the fetus grows in the womb. S.ex during pregnancy is a good way of getting sound sleep because the woman feels more relaxed after having an o.rgasm.
3. Increases Int.imacy.
The bond between husband and wife remains unbroken when they both have s.ex during pregnancy. Some live with the myth that women are very abrasive during this period, so they should be avoided.Truth is during pregnancy, the release of oxytocin which is also referred to as the bonding hormone boosts emotional attachment and makes pregnant women more sympathetic, supportive and trusting. Both partners get closer to each other and this definitely helps their love life.
4. Reduces Pain
Certain hormones like prolactin, oestrogenand progesterone, which increase blood flow to the pe.lvic area, including the vag.ina, increasing lubrication and sensitivity. The increased blood flow to the Va.gina can help reduce painful intercourse. Se.x during pregnancy will also help ripen the floor of the ce.rvix and this can reduce the pain of delivery.

Saturday 15 October 2016

Life Hacker

Nigerian ladies see the easiest way to get back into shape after child birth

ONE: Get Started While You’re Pregnant
If you are still pregnant, it is normal to gain weight, but that shouldn’t allow you to throw caution to the wind and start eating chocolate cake for breakfast or a family-size bag of chips for an afternoon snack. You will have cravings, and you should indulge yourself from time to time, but prudence now pays back greatly later on. Just because you’re pregnant doesn’t mean you can be a couch potato. Walk around the block once or twice a day. This will benefit you and the baby by getting your blood flowing and getting fresh air into your lungs.
TWO: Nature Gives Weight-Loss Advantages
Once the baby is born, there’s an immediate loss of 11-13 lbs. Br.eastfeeding will also help you lose weight, using up to 800 calories a day. And after you’ve allowed your body to recuperate (about 4-6 weeks) so that you can start exercising, a little bit of weight training will go a long way to helping you lose weight.
Guess what? You don’t have to join a gym or buy weights. Your baby is weight enough. Hold the baby to your chest and do lunges. Lunge behind the stroller as you walk. On your back, hold your baby above your chest and do presses toward the ceiling.
THREE: To Lose Weight Get Plenty of Rest
If your baby is sleeping, so should you. A baby’s needs can impose strange sleep cycles on adults and this can upset the metabolism and this makes it hard to lose pregnancy weight. Sleeping when the baby sleeps will allow you to avoid any long-term sleep deficits. That will keep your energy levels high and help keep sugar cravings for energy in check.
If you don’t get enough sleep, you won’t have the energy to keep yourself moving through your waking hours, much less want to work out or get your exercise.
FOUR: Consider Natural Weight Loss Remedies
Many ingredients included in weight loss supplements are not approved for women who are pregnant or nursing. Consider some natural weight loss foods that will stem your hunger or affect your metabolism in a healthy way. Not all of these may set well with you, but give some a try.
Taking lime and honey in water a couple times a day is a natural weight loss remedy.
Green tea has excellent properties that help weight loss. Drink it often during the day.
A cabbage dish once a day is good for weight loss – low in calories and high in fibre.
FIVE: Join the Company of Other Mothers
Misery loves company may be clue here. Not only good for moral support and sympathetic conversation, but you can also see what other mothers are doing that works for them. A mom who is on a second or third child can impart a lot of wisdom to a first timer.
Also, it might be easier to take up jogging or going through a video workout routine if you have some others in your situation doing it with you.
SIX: S.ex Is Still Good
Every healthy woman knows that se.x is good and a recent pregnancy should not forestall having an emotionally and physically good time. You will want to have healed enough, usually four to six weeks, so that there is no discomfort; but try to get back into the pleasure of things as soon as possible.
You will want to regain good control of your bladder and strengthen your pelvic floor and Kegel exercises will help with that.
SEVEN: B.reast Feeding
B.reastfeeding- Not Everyones magic weight loss pill
A magic pill this is not! It can work for some women but this tends to be when women have put minimal extra pregnancy kilo’s on. For some women due to post pregnancy hormones their bodies will hold on to a couple of kilos regardless of exercise and diet until they have finished br.eastfeeding.
I believe for br.eastfeeding to assist with weight loss it needs to be done for 6 months or more. Women who have exercised during pregnancy will lose weight quickly anyhow with or without br.eastfeeding.
EIGHT: Protein
Making sure you eat protein i.e. quality meats, eggs, full fat dairy and nuts, at every snack and meal post birth. It will not only help to produce better quality br.east milk but protein repairs muscle tissue promoting optimal recovery.
NINE: Hydration
You need to drink a lot of water if you are br.eastfeeding staying hydrated also helps to clear excess pregnancy fluid left behind, your body can’t rid itself of all that extra pregnancy fluid overnight.
Keep hydrated to reduce fatigue, quench thirst and produce plenty of milk!
TEN: Limit Sugar
You may hear that you can eat whatever you want whilst you are br.eastfeeding and that br.eastfeeding by itself will help you lose weight, this is certainly not the case for everyone!
Yes you need extra calories whilst nursing and you should definitely not go hungry but it is no excuse to indulge in sugary foods in particular and over eat!