Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts

Thursday 10 November 2016

Life Hacker

Omg! This is What Happens to Your P*nis after You Take Viagra

Have you ever wondered how viagra works in the body of a man? Scientists have uncovered interesting details how the s*x enhancing drug works. Dailystar has published the recent study how Viagra works in the body of a man. Since it became available back in 1998, Viagra has helped to save the s*x lives of millions of men suffering from erectile dysfunction.
And while we all know guys take Viagra to get an erection, you might not know what the drug really does to your tackle or how long the effects can last.
A recent study by Superdrug looked into the effects of sildenafil – which is the medical term for the erectile dysfunction drug – to see how men reacted in the first 24 hours after taking it.
Here’s what happens:
First 12 minutes
Viagra is quickly absorbed by the body and some men with erectile dysfunction can get an erection just 12 minutes after gobbling the meds.
27 minutes
If it hasn’t happened for you in the first 12, then you’re probably going to get hard within the first half an hour.
Researchers found that the average response time to Viagra was just 27 minutes – even though doctors say you should wait an hour before seeing results downstairs.
57 minutes
After nearly an hour has passed, you’ll reach your “maximum erection potential” because the drug reaches its highest concentration in the blood. This is why experts say you should pop it one hour before s*x.
According to the study, men can have erections that last up to 33 minutes within an hour of taking the drug.
4 hours
Viagra has a half-life of about four hours, which means that every four hours after taking it, the drug reduces by 50%. But it’s still possible to have sex.
10 hours
Scientists found that after 10 hours men could still get a strong erection. In fact, it was just as easy as when they got one 2 hours after dosing up.
12 hours
Many lads can still get it up, but it won’t last as long. The average time that an erection lasts for is 16 minutes.
24 hours
After one day the effects of sildenafil will have worn off. Almost all traces of the drug disappear from the blood stream, along with any boost to sexual performance.
But how does Viagra actually work?
When you swallow it in pill form, the cGMP component dilates the blood vessels and allows blood to flow more easily.
While this is happening, the drug stops the function of an enzyme in the penis called PDE5, which reduces blood flow.
So it allows blood to flow more freely into the penis, making it easier for men to achieve an erection.
Of course, everyone’s dose of the little blue pill is different and factors like age, general health and other medications can all have an impact on how effective it is for you.
Food also changes the way you react to it. Taking Viagra with a meal can mean you have to wait longer for it to kick in.
While Viagra is a widely accepted treatment for erectile dysfunction, many men still struggle to discuss the health issue openly.
Private consultations are available at
Life Hacker

Guys Do You Know That Common Sugar And These Other 5 Foods Can Damage Your Manh00d?


Ever heard the saying “you are what you eat”? Well it is not just a smart quote but a statement of fact; the food you eat has a way of affecting your overall system – yes, even your sexual health. For the men, eating certain kinds of foods can greatly increase your chances of ending up with erectile dysfunction and unhealthy sperm cells. If you are interested in keeping your reproductive organ healthy and staying active in the bedroom department, then here are 6 foods you should try to avoid:
1. Sugar

2. Food with a lot of preservatives
3. Fried food
4. Too much alcohol
5. Canned foods
6. Artificial sweeteners

Tuesday 8 November 2016

Life Hacker

Read: 5 Things One Apple A Day Can Do For You


We’ve all heard that an apple a day keeps the doctor away but do you really know what the ‘forbidden fruit’ can do for you?

Here are ways apples contribute to your health.
Boosts radiance
Creates a homemade “green apple” face mask. Apples help replenish moisture, and the acids smoothen fine lines.
Breathing aid 

If you peel apples, you’re advised to stop because the skin of an apple contains an antioxidant called quercetin which may protect your lungs from pollutants.
Rejuvenate your scalp
Bad hair day?
No worries, apples have your back. Apple cider vinegar is believed to annihilate the bacteria that contributes to dandruff.
Waistline shrinker
Samantha Heller, RD, advises us to substitute half the butter or oil in cake recipes with unsweetened applesauce. The sauce is fat and cholesterol free.
Even cancer?
The phytonutrients and antioxidants in apples may help reduce the risk of developing cancer, hypertension, diabetes, and heart diseas
Life Hacker

Guys Do You Know That Wearing Tight Shorts And These 5 Other Common Things Can Make You Impotent?


The inability to achieve or maintain an erection, and in some cases the inability to achieve ejaculation, is one unfortunate problem that has the power to destroy homes and relationships due to the stress and emotional trauma it comes with. While a good number of infertility/impotence cases can be linked to diseases or some other health related problems, studies have shown that there are many simple and seemingly harmless everyday habits of men that could induce it. Note that it usually manifests in form of erectile dysfunction, weak erection, premature ejaculation and the likes. Here are 6 everyday habits that could be killing your sperm cells and affecting your sexual health without you even knowing:

1. Smoking 
Smoking adverts usually come with a warning that ‘tobacco smoking is dangerous to health’, many people overlook this warning and still indulge in the habit; what most people don’t know is that in addition to the risk of cancer, smoking also affects your chances of producing healthy sperm and could cause problems in your bedroom performance over time – problems like premature ejaculation and even weak erections.

2. Alcohol consumption
Excessive alcohol consumption is also a habit that can really mess up a man’s sexual and reproductive health. While it may seem like a harmless everyday habit to many, it’s effect on fertility and sexual performance can be saddening.

3. Wearing tight underwear and trousers
This is one point that too many men take for granted; there is absolutely no good reason to keep your manhood choked up with very tight underwear, shorts or trousers – wear them in your size! The right size to wear is the one that lets your organ breathe without bending it in uncomfortable positions that end up ruining your performance and fertility.

4. Stress
Stress has a way of affecting your overall health. Physical and mental stress causes an unhealthy mind and subsequently, an unhealthy body. Stress is also one of the biggest problems that can affect a man’s performance and fertility over time.

5. Unhealthy eating habits and malnutrition
Nutrition is very vital for the overall health of a man; don’t just eat a lot of food, eat the right kinds of food, try to balance your diet; you don’t even have to spend too much for this. Be sure your diets include the vital classes of food. Various supplements also exist to make up for vital nutrients you may be lacking. A healthy body produces healthy sperms and with the right solutions you can enhance your sexual health.

6. Drug abuse
The abuse of drugs like marijuana and other recreational drugs can seriously mess up a man’s sexual health; most people indulge in drug use without realizing the grave impact it has on their health, if you are one of those people, you should know you are better off picking up a different form of relaxation.

Monday 7 November 2016

Life Hacker

Dear Nigerian Men See Top 7 Foods You Must Eat To Last Long in Bed – No 1 and 5 Will Make Her Forget Cucumber


1. Bananas
banana Having sex can require energy, which is why eating banana a couple of hours before the act is good. Bananas help replenish low levels of glucose in your body and have male libido enhancing minerals and enzymes making you ready for a steamy night of passion. Not only this, they also help regulate serotonin which is hormone that enhances your mood.
2. Fish
Fish is a food item that enhances s8x life in both men and women. Arginine, a nutrient present in certain types of fish helps in the production of citric acid in the body. This acid helps expand the blood vessels near the genital areas which is extremely helpful in making you last longer. Fish also contains zinc which is extremely vital for men as even a moderate deficiency can lead to a reduced sperm count.
3. Red wine
Having just one glass of red wine will help boost your s8x life, as it helps release dopamine in your brain. This vital chemical is responsible for emotions like desire, and if you are suffering from low libido, wine can definitely come to your rescue.
4. Strawberries
strawberries also contain a lot of zinc, which helps maintain healthy healthy testosterone levels in men. Women too can benefit from eating strawberries as zinc can help boost their libido. Also, eating strawberries can give you sustained levels of energy. Eat a handful if you want to last longer in bed.
5. Eggs
Eggs are great for your sex life as they contain B vitamins that help release stress and balance hormone levels. Additionally, eggs also help meet your daily requirement of zinc which is a vital ingredient for a healthy s8x life.
6. Carrots
You might have heard how eating carrots is good for your eye as it contains more than 200% of your daily requirement of Vitamin A. The same nutrient is good for your s8x life too. Also, researchers have found that beta-carotene (a nutrient present inc carrots) can help boost sperm production and increase sperm motility by 6.5 to 8%.
7. Honey
Not only is honey delicious to taste, and a welcome addition to a lot of dishes, they are also extremely good for your s8x life. Kama Sutra, one of the esteemed books on sexual health that has been read for centuries, recommends the use of honey for a healthy s8x life. It contains natural sugars like fructose which boosts your stamina making you last longer!

culled from NAIJ
Life Hacker

80% of Heart Attacks Could Be Avoided If Everyone Did These 5 Easy Things


In most cases, people suffer from coronary artery disease (CAD), which can result in a heart attack.
Research predicts that 920,000 people in the U.S. will experience a heart attack, and about half of them will happen without any prior warning symptoms.
A heart attack is a result of the obstruction of the blood flow to a part of the heart. This leads to a buildup of plaque in the arteries (atherosclerosis), which may break and create a blood clot which will represent a blockage of the blood flow.
If this blockage is not eliminated fast, a part of the heart muscle will begin to die and will be substituted with scar tissue, which may lead to numerous health complications afterward.
For example, a previous heart attack (in particular, if it has caused a big area of the heart) poses a great risk for sudden cardiac arrest, which is the result of abnormal rhythms of the heart and can have fatal consequences.
5 Ways to Prevent Heart Attacks
Even though heart attacks occur frequently, and are a really painful experience, they can, in fact, be prevented. We all know that our lifestyle and diet play a great role in our overall health, but you surely haven’t been aware of the extent to which you can help yourself.
The Karolinska Institute conducted a study which discovered that if you do these simple 5 lifestyle changes, you may successfully prevent heart attacks as they have reduced these experiences by 80%.
Even the researchers of this study were not fully aware of the benefits of incorporating these 5 healthy changes into your everyday life:
 “It is not surprising that healthy lifestyle choices would lead to a reduction in heart attacks… What is surprising is how drastically the risk dropped due to these factors.”
Moreover, these or similar results have also been revealed by a study conducted in 2004. This INTERHEART study, which aimed at discovering the heart disease risk factors in over 50 countries worldwide, found that a healthy diet and healthy lifestyle may prevent 90% of heart disease cases.

Yet, most of the people do not use these findings in order to feel the benefits. Namely, the featured study included men from 45 to 79, and only 1% of them incorporated all 5 lifestyle changes that prevent the occurrence of heart attacks.
These 5 simple, but effective, lifestyle changes include:
  1. A healthy diet
  2. Physical activity (exercising ≥1 h/week, and walking/bicycling ≥40 min/day)
  3. Moderate alcohol consumption (10 to 30 g/day)
  4. No smoking
  5. Healthy waist circumference (waist circumference <95 cm or 37.4 inches)
Even though you probably believe in the opposite, your biggest enemy are the following: sugar, refined carbs, and processed foods, and not the saturated fats found in eggs, lard or butter.
Yet, is understandable why you may have been confused, as fats lead to LDL cholesterol or “bad” cholesterol. Conventional belief states that high LDL is linked to heart disease and saturated fat actually increase LDL levels.