Showing posts with label Advice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Advice. Show all posts

Thursday 25 August 2016

Life Hacker

For Guys Who Are Experiencing Difficulty in Stopping M.asturb@tion. Try This (Photos)

This write up is for Our Brothers who sincerely want to stop masturbation, but are finding it difficult.
We do not need many grammar here. Let us go straight to the point.
By Our definition, not Oxford, ( because We are not going to use it for an examination and all We seek here is to librate those who it has taken hostage), masturbation or self servicing is when a man/woman pleasures himself/herself to orgasm. That is, touching the sensitive areas of your human body until you climax. It starts like a joke and gradually turns into an habit
Thereby, making it difficult for you to stop. We are going to narrow this down to the male folks (Our Brothers).
This is not where We will be talking about spirituality. We all are going to work together to suggest practical solutions to this challenge. Because of the kind of work We do , (herbal practitioners , majoring in the male organ,) We have access to lot of information about this topic.
Just relax as We take it, gradually. Remember, this is not for everybody, but those who are tired of it.
Almost everybody at one point in time has masturbated, including you that is reading this post. Remember, We are talking from Our Personal Experiences and that of many who have shared theirs with us, in sincerity. Including: doctors, religious leaders, etc. So you are not alone.
Some are still doing it.
Some are able to control it.
Some have stopped it.
And others who want to stop it , but are finding it difficult. Those are the people We are here for, today.
We asked a brother, how did you start masturbation?
Ans: I saw my friends doing it and i joined them. That day, we were watch a pornographic movie. After that day, i started doing it almost everyday.
Everybody has a story of how it started. But, the challenge now , is how to stop it.
Him and many others who spoke to us said that they were willing to stop it , but could not just stop.
They see themselves doing it over and over again.
In fact, one told me that he has tried his best, that he was not going to try anything else again. He was actually going to live with it like that, until another challenge brought him to us.
They feel very bad. They feel helpless. They do not enjoy it anymore. A doctor told me that he feels less of a man and a disgrace to his medical profession. He advises people and talk to them on how to stop, but he finds it difficult to apply those formulas, he gives to others.
Another brother told me that he stopped for a while. But continued, when he started experiencing Premature Expulsion. He was tired of taking insults from women. So he felt it was better doing it by himself. Now, he feels very bad , because it is deteriorating to impotency.
He is ready to do anything to stop it.
This is not where to show a ” Mr. Stainless ” attitude.
They feel bad already. All we are here for, is to help out.
We are not expecting many comments on this Topic , because it has to do with people’s private lives.
But if you have something meaningful to share, that can help others , please do not hold back. This might just be your opportunity to give back to the society.
NOTE: NO INSULTS. Only practical and realistic suggestions.
1. Talk to a counselor.
2. Stay away from phonographic materials. This is a little difficult because , sexual contents are everywhere. Even on the streets and our immediate environment.
3. Exercise regularly
4. Learn a new trade or how to play a new instrument.
5. Avoid solitude.
6. Do not worry about it. Thinking of stopping it brings it closer to you. Relax your mind, even when you try and fail. Do not fight yourself. It will go gradually. It is going to be a process, not a one day thing.
I know some may say: I have tried all these and It did not work.
YES, I know.
I have heard this from many people who later appreciated that fact that I made them to go over it again, this time around, with my supervision. This is where the real solution is.
All you need is a person who is ready to go through the process with you. A person you can be open to.
A person you can call, when you feel like you can no longer help yourself.
This is where I make myself available, FREELY.
I derive Joy in helping people like you get out of it. Although, it takes a lot of time, but it will surely pass.
Be smart enough to contact me, let us work on it together.
Give it another shot. Let us try , just this last time.
The solution is not in theories. It is in my own pratical ways of giving back to the society.
No matter how difficult it is to stop it, We must try untill We succeed.
The negative effect of it on a man is enormous.
1. Too much of it weakens a man.
2. It causes premature expulsion.
3. It could lead to impotency.
4. It separates a man from his wife. Most men who masturbate do not have much intimate relationships with their wives.
5. It may disgrace you. Some guys masturbate almost everywhere and anytime, which could lead to being caught and disgraced.
6. You feel so bad and depressed, after the action.

Sunday 14 August 2016

Life Hacker

3 Things To Do If She Comes Over To Your House and Refuses To Have $ex

You might be tempted to beg, negotiate or sulk, but this will only push her further away and make you seem pathetic.

It can be pretty frustrating if you invite a lady over with the intention of finally getting down and she refuses to give you what you want. Knowing how to handle it will make a very big difference.

1. Don’t push it:

You might be tempted to beg, negotiate or sulk, but this will only push her further away and make you seem pathetic. Plus, it will instantly turn her off. There is nothing arousing about being pressured for $ex. If she says no, let it be, simply pretend it does not bother you and don’t bring it up for a while. She will be taken aback and begin to immediately question whether or not she will give it to you, which is what you want.

2. Get her to relax:

The thing is, most women expect that visiting a guy means he will ask for $ex. This causes her to put her guard up. Even if she is willing to give it to you, she would still want you to work for it. So, what you need to do is get her to bring down her guard by getting her to relax. If you ask and she says no, focus on other ways to make her feel comfortable with you. Watch a comedy, play some games, whatever makes her laugh and let go. It is only when she feels truly comfortable that she will consider having $ex with you.

3. Make you move:

Now she is relaxed, comfortable and laughing with you, this is when you make your move. Flirt with her by bringing $ex into the convo.  Start with something random but not too threatening like, ‘Damn, if I ever get hold of that $exy ass of yours, I will take you to heaven and back.’ In one statement, you have complimented her and made her think about $ex with you. If you have followed steps 1 and 2 above, by now she will be having an inner conflict whether or not to let you have some. But once again, don’t push. Flirt with her and compliment her. If she giggles or return the flirting, slowly move towards her and give her a soft kiss. Let her lead the way so she feels like she has all the power. At this point, make sure she tells you with her words or her body that she is ready to take things to the next level.

Warning: These tips will only work if she is attracted to you in the first place but unsure if she wants to sleep with you. If she insists she is not interested in $ex after cajoling and flirting with her, respect her decisions. There is absolutely nothing $exy or manly about r*pe or coercive $ex.
Life Hacker

Ladies : If A Man Tells You Any Of These Words, Please Run For Your Life

Below is write up i  saw somewhere which i consider funny and I thought it wise to share..This must have been written by a…Read below;It doesn’t matter how much of a gentleman he has been up until that point: if a man you’re getting to know at a bar, on a date, or online says any of these lines, run —before he breaks your heart, or gives you the overwhelming urge to slap him.
*“I Could Never Date A Woman Who Earns More Than I Do ” So essentially, this man’s sense of self-worth, his sense of having an equal hand in a relationship, his sense of being amancompletely goes out the window when your salary exceeds his. It wouldn’t just bother him a little to not be able to treat you to nicer things. He is saying hecould not standto have a woman make more money than he does. Forget if she is happy in her career: if it makes him unhappy , he’s out of there. Pretty selfish when you think about it that way. * “I Banged This One Chick” Don’t trust guys who say banged in seriousness. Plenty of guys use that term jokingly, but men who use it in casual conversation, in lieu of “hooked up with” or “slept with” have pretty degrading views of women . Think about that word: “banged.”
It implies asserting complete control over something, it can even imply causing pain to something, and it implies doing something rapidly then moving on. Gee. What a romantic. * “I Don’t Find Women Funny” Science has actually found a connection between a sense of humor and intelligence. That study helps us make a quick connection to this next point: men who say women aren’t funny are essentially saying women are not smart.
To be funny you need to be astute, to pick up on subtle, unspoken connections happening around you, to analyze people. A man who says a woman isn’t funny is saying that a woman can’t do those things. * “What Happens In Vegas Stays In Vegas” Anyone who actually uses this saying as a license to cheat on their significant other, get arrested for indecent exposure, pick upa street walker, and gamble away money is someone who is looking for excuses to behave poorly. And they’ll look for them Vegas or no Vegas. * “I Don’t Like To Use Condoms” This is not an excuse not to use one! I mean, try a little harder like, “I just got all my test results back and they were negative” or “I’ve never had unprotected sex before.” I’m not saying a women should consent to not using a condom for those reasons, but at least it shows that you don’t think you’re completely entitled to putting a woman at risk of painful and even deadly illnesses, all because you don’t “like’ to use condoms. Sorry, do you also not like the crusts left on your sandwich little boy? * “She Was Such A H*” Are some women, well, slutty? Yes.
Does anything good come of calling them so? No. Only a very angry man—typically with anger against women in general—openly calls his ex girlfriend a “wh*re.” * “Because She Was Being silly ” If this is a man’s answer when you ask, “So why did you and your ex breakup?” you have a man with zero communication skills on your hands. Oh, and to compensate for his barely-there vocabulary, he just trash talks his ex. “She was being silly”? What is she—a friend who stole your toy truck? * “So I Just Stopped Answering Her Calls ” Another non-communicator on your hands. You know all those guys who broke your heart and made you feel like you didn’t matter when they just stopped responding to your texts and calls? Well just because this particular guy didn’t do that to you, he is still one of them! He is the type who will avoid confrontation and open communication at all costs, even if that means making a woman think she’s done something wrong when she has not. *“FML, LOL, ROLF” Men who can’t speak like grownups are not grownups.
It’s okay to occasionally—jokingly—speak in Twitter jargon. But a guy who speaks like this regularly, and seriously, probably also still drinks too much during the week and “b.angs” chicks. *“I Got Hookups All Over Town ” If a guy is telling you how he could get you into the busiest clubs, get you a table right now at the most sought after restaurant, and introduce you to a celebrity this means two things: A) He is proud of some pretty silly stuff and B) He is a major partier/p.layboy! * “My Girlfriend /Wife Just Doesn’t Understand Me ” Philandering men love to appeal to a woman’s sensitive side when looking for a hookup. They know women like to analyze and “understand” people and when they hear those little magic words, “My wife doesn’t understand me…” it’s like a challenge to understand the guy. And somehow, in the process, he can try to seduce you. If this guy actually cared about his marriage/relationship he wouldn’t be out telling strangers in tight dresses about his problems: he’d be at home fixing them
Life Hacker

A Must Read: 12 Really Sweet Ways to Show a Girl How Much You Love Her

If you truly love a girl and want her to know how much you care about her, sometimes, all you need to do is understand her needs and be there for her.

There comes a time when you finally realize that the girl standing right in front of you turns out to be the girl you’re meant to be with. That’s when you know when it’s love; however, knowing it and showing it are two very different things.

Once you know you’re in love, anything can happen. You can either ride the waves and let yourself go by showing that person how much you love them, or you can freeze up because you have no idea what comes next.

The process happens differently for everybody, but one thing is for sure: you don’t want to lose her. To keep her, however, you have to show her how you really feel. But how do you do that? Is there a pattern you need to follow? Are there rules? Read on to find out.
How do people typically express love for their partner?                         
To begin, let’s discuss general expressions of love. How you express your affection depends on how your relationship starts and whether you’re the type of person who follows traditional patterns in relationships. To give you a starting point, here are some examples:
#1 By giving gifts. It may seem like you’re buying love, but that’s not always the case. Long before dating became a complicated concept, men were tasked with giving their chosen mates gifts like meat for their home or a trophy from a hunt. As time went on, the concept of gift-giving remained intact, i.e. dowry, expensive gifts from suitors and paying for dates. Giving gifts is a way of showing that you’re willing to go above and beyond for the person you love.

#2 By doing crazy or excessive stunts. It’s hard to believe that one of the greatest fictional acts of love in the world ended up with two dead protagonists *I’m looking at you Shakespeare* but this actually used to happen. Men would engage in duels to win a woman’s heart. Some traveled long distances just to court a woman they’d only heard of. Some even resorted to kidnap – er, “eloping” just to be with their one true love.
The quest for love didn’t used to be as easy as using Tinder. It was a lot harder to do, but a lot easier to prove once you achieved your goal. Today, we’re still seeing the whole song and dance by people who run through airports or sing in front of huge crowds or hire huge crowds to dance for them. After all, the bigger the stunt, the bigger the payoff usually is.
#3 By working hard at your relationship long-term. Traditions in long-established cultures used to require men to spend years courting the girl of their dreams. It wasn’t like the process most people are used to, such as going on three dates or waiting until you feel a spark. Back then, you had to wait even if you had already fallen in love. These days, the wait is a little shorter, but the idea is still there: you need more time to prove you are serious about the relationship and prove that you can be trusted.
Luckily for you, these are not the only ways to show how much you love your girl. Whether or not you choose the methods mentioned above to show your love, you still have to stick to what’s really important: being open and honest about how you really feel.

How to express your love to your girl
We’ve gone over how love has been expressed traditionally—what about surefire ways to express love to the one you’re with now? These 12 methods are sure to demonstrate your adoration.

#1 Be as close as possible. Have you ever noticed that most people are adamant about spending time with their partners in person? Long distance relationships are called “the kiss of death” for a reason: because close proximity is intoxicating and promotes deeper connections. Spend more time with your girl in person and always keep yourself physically close by holding her hand or putting your arm around her.
#2 Touch her. It may sound like a weird way of showing how much you love a person, but it’s basically the most primal way of doing so. Aside from holding hands, you can also make your girl feel loved by hugging her constantly or by touching her face, shoulders, arms and back. It’s reassuring and shows her you’re not afraid to be intimate with her.
#3 Communicate. If you’re having difficulty expressing yourself through your actions, you can also express yourself using words. No need for poetic speeches or rom-com lines. Just tell your girl why you love her. Come prepared with a list if you are especially nervous.
#4 Spoil her. Sometimes, you need to go above and beyond just to show someone you care. We’re not asking you to drain your bank account. Just do something that requires a bit more effort than what your partner’s used to. You can save up for a huge date or even a gift that she’s been eyeing for a long time, or come up with an inexpensive, but extravagant picnic. Just make sure that you’re not forgetting more important expenses like bills, savings, and food costs.

#5 Notice the little things she does. Acknowledge the little things that your girlfriend does now and then. Maybe her nose twitches in an adorable way or she constantly checks to make sure you’re okay. Tell her you love those things about her. That way, she’ll know you love and notice the small things, too.
#6 Say thank you. Love isn’t just about telling your partner how your heart feels. It’s also about being there for her and appreciating her presence in your life. Be grateful for her love and show her by saying “Thank you.” Hearing that feels just as good as an “I love you.”

#7 Rescue her. When she’s feeling down or if she has a problem, prove that you care by doing your best to help her out. Even if it’s a simple need like her car running out of gas or getting a scratch when she trips, care for and rescue her.

#8 Do something she can do for herself. Your girlfriend is probably an amazing person who can give Wonder Woman a run for her money, but taking time to do something small—something she can do on her own—shows that you love and appreciate her. Run to the grocery to get her tampons when it’s almost time for her Aunt Flo to visit. Bring her coffee before she has to go to work. It doesn’t have to be a huge gesture. It just needs to be something that shows her you’re willing to help her with anything she needs.

#9 Protect her. Women don’t need to be protected, but in a relationship, you should protect each other. Do your part by being there for her when someone tries to hurt her. Whether it’s physical or emotional, do your best to defend her. If she feels like she doesn’t need you to fight her battles for her, just let her know you have her back and she’ll know that you’ll always be there for her.
#10 Live in her world. Don’t close yourself off to her life and interests. Spend time with her friends and family even when she’s not there. Watch her work some time, or spend a day with her doing her favorite hobby. Sharing your life is one of the keys to lasting happiness in a relationship, as it shows how much you care.

#11 Show her your world. Make sure she feels welcome to do the same thing for you. Introduce her to your friends and family. Tell her all about your interests and hobbies. Once she sees how much you want her to be a part of your life, she’ll be more than willing to immerse herself in your world as well.
#12 Say you love her with conviction. Mean it with all your heart because she’ll know if it’s not true. If you feel an overwhelming rush of affection towards her, say it without any doubt or hesitation.
Showing love is pretty easy once you get the hang of it. Although it may seem daunting at first, with a little time and practice, you’ll be a pro at showing *and telling* your girl how much she means to you. Just realize that there’s no point in holding back once you feel it in your heart that you’re in love.

Saturday 13 August 2016

Life Hacker

Qualities Of A Girl Who Never Truly Loved You

Well, I did pick a lesson or two in my previous thread.
Life is a film; boys are predictable, girls are not. They say. How true is that?
That makes it difficult to really decipher the intention of a girl when she is playing the "I Love You" game. To many, it is.
Yes, back then, they used to be emotional whose love wasn't for sale. But in the 21st century: you'll agree with me that anything can be the Highest Bidder. Including their love!
Witnessed different situations and heard shocking things about this subject and I think can write on it and I will be @least, 85% correct.
How can you truly know a girl doesn't truly love you? Seven ways only...

1. She never calls you until she has a need.

Hmm, you have suddenly become 911. Who said it's an abomination to call a guy you care about? If she calls you only when she needs money, she is a gold-digger. Dump her! Simple! You're not CBN, are you? The NEWest strategy now is: she calls after many months and starts forming she cares with the mind to ask for help in two days time...Let the relationship be platonic or...FWB. (Your choice tho). But never be just a nice and generous friend EVEN when you know she doesn't care and you love direly. Health tip: Give yourself a break! Go elsewhere before you're shown out or have a heart attack!

2. She isn't interested in seeing your siblings.
It's natural, if she likes you she would not hesitate to want to meet your siblings or parents. If all she wants is you...hehehe, don't feel important. It's not good enough. Marriage transcends both of you. Reality exceed the couples. Some girls have already been trained to be rebellious to their in-laws- Watch out against such!

3. She threatens you with a breakup after each argument.
Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. Don't you think it's just a way she expresses her outburst. Love doesn't threaten. If she makes the mistake of saying it once or twice, it might just be anger. But, constantly, haba! Leave her. Another "club" is promising her luxurious and wonderful things, that's why she wants to leave your "club". That na breakup scheme.

4. She never talks about saving- no future with you..
Does she just spend and spend without warning you to cut on your spending habits? Some ladies are good at that. When she wants a particular shoe or bag, she doesn't mind you withdrawing your last dime. She doesn't see a future with you. Love plans and prepares. Leave her before you wreck.

5. She lacks initiative to doing things that really matter to you.
I do know that if you truly love someone, you'll be initiative to doing things for them. Mothers don't need a push to buy new clothes for their babies- Love at work. If she isn't initiative concerning your lil issues, it's a sign she is about some other guy. Don't be friend zoned, I beg you! She enters your house and after eating, can't wash her own plate. How can I explain this? Simple initiative.

6. She loved your material things MORE than your aspirations and goals.
Hey, if what matters to her the most is your money and not how you get it: she doesn't care then. Don't marry some one who has no pride at what you do. If she doesn't like your job but likes you, it can be managed BUT if she hates your vision/dreams, you can't be forever compatible. It's like a pastor marrying a witch. Hehe.

7. She lies to you to buy your trust.
I can beat my chest and say, 80% + of girls lie. It's awful how one intends to begin a relationship on lies. When a girl you know very starts lying to your face just to increase her "market value"'s laughable you know. Come clean. Nobody is perfect. Let's be ourselves here. False identity is like 21st bras; they don't hold it up forever. It will soon collapse.

In addition: If she is manipulative, be careful. Eve extended the serpent's manipulation on Adam and see us today. Love doesn't manipulate. It might explain itself but never manipulate. The serpent is the most manipulative reptile. If she often seek to manipulate you(If you are a MAN sef, would she be doing that?), she doesn't really love you. She thinks she does. It's a selfish, conditional and controlling love.
Life Hacker

ADVICE -Should He Go Ahead And Marry Her After Seeing This? (SEE PHOTO)

I attached this picture so that others will understand my feelings because the other place i shared they said am not serious or just trying to frame her,
there is a girl i have been dating before God and man she brings food for me at times and i eat but each time i request to visit her house she will refuse with silly excuse and God knows i really wanna marry her then as God may have it,
I did some investigations and with help of God i met an old friend who knows her and family very well, so he took me to the girls house to see her family casually, the front door was locked so we passed through kitchen, my people what i saw made me speechless the whole house was so dirty from the kitchen to the parlor was all messed up, and this is a girl that made me believe she’s cool, make ups, claims her family is rich etc. Please what do I do?

Friday 12 August 2016

Life Hacker

4 S*xual Sins Every Christian Should Avoid

There are at least four primary s*xual sins the Word of God speaks of: adultery, fornication, uncleanness and lewdness.

Here are the definitions of these four s*xual sins:

1- Adultery: Unlawful s*xual intercourse involving at least one married person. Adultery is incompatible with the harmonious laws of family life in God’s kingdom, and is under God’s judgment since it violates God’s original purpose.

Fornication: p****graphy, illicit s*xual intercourse including prostitution, whoredom, inc*st, licentiousness (lack of moral restraint), and habitual immorality (would include s*xual fantasies that lead to self service).

3- Uncleanness: Often refers to homosexuality and lesbianism

4- Lewdness: unashamed indecency, unbridled lust, unrestrained depravity (a disposition or settled tendency to evil, the innate corruption of unregenerate man), the person with this characteristic has an insolent defiance of public opinion, sinning in broad daylight with arrogance and contempt. Again, this often refers to s*xual sin.
Here’s where many people err in their understanding of their se*uality. Notice the following verses. “Foods for the stomach and the stomach for foods, but God will destroy both it and them.
Now the body is not for s*xual immorality but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body. And God both raised up the Lord and will also raise us up by His power” (1 Cor. 6:13-14). Paul is correcting the dangerous misconception among the Corinthians who believed, “as the stomach is designed for food, the private parts are created for s*xual experience.” This mind-set is not only common among unregenerate human beings but also among Christians who justify s*xual immorality. Paul shows how this analogy is false because your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost and belongs to Christ.
Eating food is a secondary and temporal arrangement, but se*uality reaches into the eternal and metaphysical depths of one’s being. An essential identity exists between the present physical body and the future glorified body (v 14).

s*xual intercourse is more than a biological experience; it involves a communion of life. Since Jesus is one with the born-again believer’s spirit, it is unthinkable to involve Him with immorality; thus the strong admonition not to let the sin of fornication and all uncleanness “even be named among you” (Eph. 5:3; emphasis added). se*uality is a uniquely profound aspect of the personality involving one’s entire being. s*xual immorality has far-reaching effects, with great spiritual significance and social implications (v18). Such immorality is not only a sin against the body but against the Holy Spirit, who dwells in the body. It is one of the ways we are to discern the Lord’s body, which when consistently neglected, as I stated earlier, often brings weakness, sickness, and even premature death.
Regardless of how satisfying and fulfilling s*x is in its rightful place within the marriage, it is still a temporal arrangement and not a part of our eternal existence. And yet by it we procreate and give birth to eternal spirits. s*xual immorality messes with the power of procreation with someone to whom you are not married. The s*xual drive is not sinful, but it is hurtful if not kept in its proper place. Scripture forbids s*xual immorality in order to protect you. Politicians, businesses, schools and our public institutions are not qualified to handle the subject of s*xual immorality and deviate s*x problems we have in our culture. They are a part of the problem, not the solution. Sadly though, the church has fallen so short of addressing this problem from a strong scriptural perspective. Some churches no longer even believe what the Bible says about s*xual immorality is pertinent. One high-ranking church official said that the church is going to have to come to an understanding of homosexuality according to the changing culture. That is one of the biggest problems in the church today.
Many of us are conforming to the standards of the culture around us. Another well-known charismatic television preacher told his audience that homosexuality is not sin but brokenness. “What do you think David and Jonathan were doing? What do you think Ruth and Naomi were doing?” implying that they were involved in homosexual and lesbian relationships.
I had to shake my head at that one. And yet this preacher is considered one of the greatest preachers in America with a very large following. It turns out that one of his own children is a homosexual. Although this is a very crushing trial for any godly parent to have to face, one cannot be loyal to his family at the expense of betraying God’s holy Word. When influential preachers say erroneous things like that, it opens the door for deception and compromise among masses of people who respect these preachers. This will lead to a flood of evil, immorality, and all kinds of perversion among the hearers of such.
It is sad to see the dilution of sound doctrine in much of the church today.
It is grievous to the Holy Spirit to see such cowardice and compromise among preachers who have either departed from the true faith or who are afraid to teach sound doctrine in the area of s*xual morality. As a result, our children and young people are getting educated by the reprobate minds of the world. Let the preachers of righteousness speak up with strength and conviction, for the time is here when many are not enduring sound doctrine, but with itching ears are heaping up teachers unto themselves.
Life Hacker

You'll Never Forget To Carry C0ND0M After Seeing What Happened To this girl At a Party

Every guy has that one female friend that he crushes on and wishes he would smash if the opportunity ever arose. To me Alice was that girl – a sweet Kale chic from Eldoret that i had known since my college years. She hailed from a wealthy family and loved the good life. We loved teasing each other. The tension kept steaming. It would only be a matter of time before we would tear each others clothes off . So a few months ago, Alice invited me to her birthday party at their family mansion at Elgon View Estate in Eldoret.
I went, mostly because I had nothing better to do on the weekend she was holding her bash. We had fun, I met some of her equally BFFs and even took their numbers. The next day, on a Sunday, almost everyone left and I remained with Alice and her mum in the house. 

My plan was to travel back to Nairobi with my brother Jemo who was bound to drive back from ocha on Monday morning. Within that short period, Alice’s mother developed a liking for me already and so she insisted that I stay till when I was ready to leave
In fact she even sat alone with me for two hours that Sunday while Alice had gone to shop for a few household items and told me I looked like a good fit for her daughter, Good fit? With the blessings of her mother I decided to persue and see if my shuma would ‘fit’. When Alice returned, we had lunch then spent the rest of the afternoon in the swimming pool, where she taught me a few fish moves.. A swimming champ, she had participated in several swimming competitions before so I wasn’t surprised at how good she was underwater. But hardly did I concentrate.
Life Hacker

Cancer and More: Read the Dangerous Effects of Make-up Ladies Don’t Know

The trend of wearing heavy make-ups among Nigerian ladies has been discouraged by a medical personnel.
A Dermatologist, Dr Idi Martins, has warned against excessive use of make-up, saying that it exposes the skin to considerable amounts of germs and harmful toxins, Vanguard reports.
Martins told the told newsmen on Friday in Abuja that excessive use of make-up could cause skin irritation, allergies and even skin cancer because of the chemical content. He said that that make-up could have severe adverse effects on the skin and other parts of the body, including the eyes.
“The chemicals found in lipsticks, eye pencils, mascara, kajal, among others, could cause serious health problems.” He advised that women who apply make-up should clean their faces before going to bed, to remove all traces of chemicals from the skin.
“It is very imperative to use suitable face washes, cleansers, toners and scrubs to wash off the make-up on the skin daily, especially at night, to avert any skin irritation or disease,’’ Martins said.
Similarly, Mrs Pamela Adebowale, a beautician and make-up dealer, said that the wrong application of make-up could result in skin irritation. Adebowale, stressed the need for women to know their skin type in order to know the appropriate type of make-up to apply, particularly on the face.
“You have to know your skin type to enable you to know the appropriate make-up to use for the best effect.’’ She said wrong application of make-up, rather than enhance beauty, could mar it.

Thursday 11 August 2016

Life Hacker


The v*gina is one of the most vulnerable parts of a woman’s body. A poor sense of hygiene and inadequate care can expose it to harmful bacteria and viruses which cause infections like syphilis, genital warts, herpes, chlamydia, etc.
Notable signs of these infections include itching and an unpleasant stench. This smell is usually strong, and can get you into an embarrassing situation (imagine taking off your underwear, and he takes a hike…). This is why it is important that as a woman, you take caring for your body very seriously. There are a couple of ways this can be done, and I’ll be letting you in on them through this piece.
Please, do read on…
Other than your period as part of your natural menstrual cycle, it’s normal to produce clear or white secretions (discharge) from your vagina. This mucus is produced naturally from the neck of the womb, known as the cervix. Most people believe that this discharge is associated with sexually transmitted infections, but this isn’t so, it is a natural occurrence designed to keep the vagina healthy.
Changes in the amount of discharge can be 100% hormonal – in other words, linked to the menstrual cycle, pregnancy or menopause, medical experts say.
The character and amount of vaginal discharge varies throughout your menstrual cycle. Around the time that your ovary releases an egg (ovulation), your discharge usually becomes thicker and stretchy, like raw egg white.
Healthy discharge doesn’t have a strong smell or colour. You may feel an uncomfortable wetness, but you shouldn’t have any itching or soreness around your vagina. If there are any changes to your discharge that aren’t normal for you, such as a change in colour or if it starts to smell or itch, see your doctor as you might have an infection.
There are lots of bacteria inside the vagina, and they’re there to protect it. Professor Ronnie Lamont, spokesperson for the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, says: “The vagina contains more bacteria than anywhere else in the body after the bowel, but the bacteria are there for a reason.”
The good bacteria inside the vagina provide “numerical dominance”; they outnumber other potential harmful bacteria that might enter the vagina, help to keep the vagina’s pH balance (how acidic the vagina is) at an even level, which helps to keep the balance of bacteria healthy, can produce bacteriocins (naturally occurring antibiotics) to reduce or kill other bacteria entering the vagina, produce a substance that stops invading bacteria sticking to the vagina walls which prevents bacteria from invading the tissues.
If the balance of bacteria is disturbed, this can lead to infection and inflammation. Bacteria called lactobacilli help to keep the vagina’s pH balance at its normal low level (less than pH 4.5), which also prevents the growth of other organisms. If the pH of the vagina increases (in other words, if it gets less acidic), the quality or amount of lactobacilli can fall and other bacteria can multiply. This can result in infections such as bacterial vaginosis or thrush, which can cause symptoms including itching, irritation and abnormal discharge.
It’s a good idea to avoid perfumed soaps, gels and antiseptics as these can affect the healthy balance of bacteria and pH levels in the vagina, and cause irritation.
Use plain, unperfumed soaps to wash the area around the vagina (the Arrow) gently every day. The vagina will clean itself inside your body with natural vaginal secretions (discharge). According to medical experts, it’s advised that the vagina be washed more than once a day during menstruation. It is also important to keep the perineal area (between the vagina and anus) clean.
“All women are different,” says Professor Lamont. “Some may wash with perfumed soap and not notice any problems, but if any woman has vulval irritation or symptoms, then one of the first things you can do is to use non-allergenic, plain soaps to see if that helps.”
A douche flushes water up into the vagina, clearing out vaginal secretions. Some women use a douche to “clean” the vagina, but using a douche can disrupt the normal vaginal bacteria so it isn’t recommended that you use one.
“I can’t think of any circumstances where douches are helpful, because all they do is wash out everything that’s in the vagina, including all the healthy bacteria,” explains Professor Lamont.
There is no evidence that douching protects against STIs or vaginal infections, and it may even increase the risk.
These perfumed products disrupt the vagina’s healthy, natural balance. “If nature had intended the va/gina to smell like roses or lavender, it would have made the vagina smell like roses or lavender,” says Professor Lamont.
Washing with water and a plain soap should be all you need to keep your vagina healthy. It’s normal for the vagina to have a scent. Va.ginal scent can change at different times of the reproductive cycle and shouldn’t always be thought of as being a sign of infection or illness.
If you’re worried about the way your vagina smells, if the smell is unpleasant, or you’re using perfumed products to cover up your vagina’s smell, you should see your doctor. You might have an infection that needs treatment.
The most common cause of unusual vaginal discharge is bacterial vaginosis, which can cause an unpleasant smell. It’s easily treated with antibiotics, so see your doctor if you’re worried.
Some bacteria and viruses can get into the vagina during sex. These include the bugs that cause chlamydia, gonorrhoea, genital herpes, genital warts, syphilis and HIV. You can protect your vagina against these infections by using a condom every time you have sex.
It is advised that all women between 25 and 64 years old get their cervix screened as regularly as possible — as this would make it easy for abnormalities or changes in the cervix to be identified early on and, if necessary, treated to stop cancer developing.

Wednesday 3 August 2016

Life Hacker

My Girlfriend & I Want Ab0rtion, She Took Ab0rtion Pills, But It Didn’t Work, PLEASE Help!’

I have been contemplating on weather to post this or not, but it has gotten to the point I can no longer keep to myself and rely on informations from net, let me keep this short.
I and my gf have been in a relationship for over a year plus now and been having unprotected sex most time we see, I love her so much that I would love to marry her, we usually have unprotected sex all the time and she never got pregnant, she is not the cheating type,

Tuesday 2 August 2016

Life Hacker

Did You Know That Your ATM Card Can Do These 7 Things? Check Them Out

Some people believe all they can do with their Automated Teller Machine is to withdraw money but they are very wrong.
Most customers feel comfortable using their debit cards to withdraw money from the Automated Teller Machine.
Some have gone the extra steps of using it to pay for goods and services at the Point of Sale machine.
However, the plastic can do a lot for customers and totally transform their transaction life if they are careful and versatile with its usage
A report by gives more tips on how the debit card can serve the owner.
1. View account balances
With your card, you can visit the ATM, insert the card, and punch in your Personal Identification Number. Select view account balance to know your balance.
2. Get mini statements
Mini statements are the shortened version of what your bank sends to you after every three months. That is your bank account statement.
The bank can also provide you with a printed passbook detailing all the transactions you have done in a particular month. But if you hate going to your bank because of the long queues and pesky customers surrounding the bank’s teller inquiring about their accounts, your ATM card can be used to give you a mini statement on the go. This statement gives details about the last five to six transactions on your bank account. 

3. Transfer money between accounts
You have two different accounts with the same bank or different banks, you can transfer the funds to the account of your choice. For instance, if your salary is paid into a particular bank but you prefer to keep your money in another bank, you can always transfer the funds to your preferred account using your ATM. Go to your bank’s ATM, follow the procedure and transfer funds from the first account to the second account. You can use it to pay into another person’s account.
4. Refill your prepaid SIM card
Modern-day technology has helped interconnect telecommunications with your bank account. Now you can even refill or recharge your prepaid SIM card at your bank’s ATM.
Again you will need to punch in your PIN and then follow the commands that appear on the screen till the time you are done refilling your account.
However, do take care to remember the amount for which you need the refill. Your service provider should support the amount you key in.
5. Pay your utility bills
This is one facility that helps you cut through long, serpentine queues. Your ATM card will help you make payments on all these consumer services.
Just find the nearest ATM kiosk, be ready with your PIN and you won’t have to spend hours standing in the scorching sun to make your utility bill payments.
6. Deposit cash or cheques
This is what some conservative bank customers won’t like. For years, they have been visiting their bank branch to meet the genial teller at the counter, deposit their cash or cheque, make some small talk and then go back to do their mundane chores.
The ATMs seem to have dispensed with this old-world charm thing as well. In fact, many a time you will find your bank encouraging you to avail yourself of these services using your ATM card.
However, those still romancing the old ways of banking and those who think that banking is all about people and relationships can visit their bank’s branch, meet the bankers they know and avail of most of the services mentioned above.
7. ATM cards as debit cards
This is one facility that spendthrift consumers should take advantage of.
If you have enough cash in your bank account, then you can always flash your ATM card to buy and pay through the Point of Sale machine.
The transaction process works the same way with your credit card. The only difference being the use of debit card at a merchant’s outlet will make you poorer by the transaction amount immediately.
But then, this is always better than using a credit card considering the amount of complaints you may have against your credit card company.
Apart from these, you can book your air tickets using your ATM.