We have seen photos of her kids but never of her hubby. Many have questioned if all is still well in the house of actress Oge Okoye following recent news of both Nigeria and America entertainers marriages that have been heading the rock. I did my own verification from a reliable source to find out if her marriage was still intact after someone e-mailed me that she is no longer married….
From my investigations, Oge is still very much married but chose never show off her husband who base in Amsterdam.. Last month she was there to visit him but the thing is that whenever Oge is Amsterdam she loves to stay indoor(reasons best known to her). Although from my source Oge’s husband Stanley Duru is a club freak, in fact he is a regular customer in a popular club (DNA) in Holland and this has been a continuous problem between him and his wife Oge.
Although many of Stanley’s friends in Holland feels he had charmed Oge into marrying him because he does not deserve her…(which I don’t believe).
One of them said Oge is not proud of her husband that is why she never shows him off like other celebrities do and so many things that I can’t even write here. But the basic thing is that Oge’s marriage is still intact, just that she chooses not to expose it as others do. I admire her for that.