Showing posts with label Gossip. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gossip. Show all posts

Wednesday 17 May 2017

Life Hacker

Pretty Lady Murdered By Unknown People In Ughelli,Delta(Photos)

As shared by Regina who lives in Ughelli,Delta state….
‘Oh Life is dis really wat u hold for us? Where humans will kill their fellow human for money n end their race of life untimely. Amrasa Odirin my frnd is dis hw u left without saying good bye? Oh Jesus wat a cruel world! I still remembered u calling me to quarrel me for not inviting to my bday party.I never knew dat will b d last call I will receive from u. It’s still like a dream. Ur death is a big blow to us ur frnds n family. Ur killers think dey are free. As far God is existing may they never go unpunished. Dey will meet with their ends speedily. My dear Rest well till we all shall meet at d feet of our Lord Jesus’.

Thursday 11 May 2017

Life Hacker

How To Keep Your Private Parts Clean Without Bad Smell By Using A Single Ingredient That Is In Your House!

The female gender is one who cares a lot about his physical condition and is very careful about themselves. However, women not only face aesthetic and beauty problems, but also health problems.
 While some are concerned about their hair, body or face, others have major problems. One of those problems is the va ginal odor caused by infections.
Women are very delicate and prone to va ginal infection. This may be a result of the menstrual cycle or an unbalanced pH . Something that could also cause infections are intimate relationships. As a result of these infections, the va gina begins to release strong unpleasant odors. These can range from simple problems to being very serious and to carrying many women even to depression..
 Among the symptoms of a va ginal infection, we may include the presence of white and yellow secretions. In addition, there is the irritation, burning, itching and of course, the bad smell coming from this area. To address these types of problems, there are many products on the market. Some often use specialized soaps to treat infections. Others prefer to resort to more economical natural methods . If you also want to eliminate va ginal odor, pay attention to what you can do.
 End the bad smell using baking soda


  • Baking soda (½ cup).
  • Clean water.


This is a very simple, cheap and effective way to eliminate infections and,  bad odors.This is what you should do:

  • Simply add 1/2 cup of baking soda to your bathwater.
  • Soak your lower body in it for about 15-20 minutes.
  • Dry yourself thoroughly with a clean towel.
  • This will also treat yeast infection and immediately eliminates va ginal odor.
So from now on, you don`t need to buy expensive products, just use this simple, cheap and effective method and you can solve your problem with va ginal infections and va ginal odor quickly and easy!

Sunday 30 April 2017

Life Hacker

This Gigantic Whale Floated Ashore In Bayelsa State And Hungry Nigerians Trooped Out In Their Thousands To Slaughter It For Fresh Fish PepperSoup

According to Sam who shared the photos,the whale crash landed in Brass,Bayelsa and was slaughtered by residents.He wrote…
‘The whale crash landed in Akassa, Brass LGA, Bayelsa State and became delicious for her people’.

Thursday 27 April 2017

Life Hacker

Confusion As Over 40 Brides Take Over The Streets Of Owerri, Imo State….

Residents were surprised and confused to see over 40 brides walking on the road in their wedding gowns this afternoon in Owerri, Imo state. It was later discovered that the ladies were posing for a photo-shoot for an upcoming movie ‘The Choice’.
It was further revealed that authorities shut down the First Inland Road for the photo-shoot.
See photos below;

Monday 17 April 2017

Life Hacker

Unbelievable: See What TB Joshua’s Wife has to say about Not Having Any Son for Him

Prophet T.B Joshua’s wife, Evelyn, wouldn’t have it any other way. She’s happy her children are doing quite well and their father “is a great man”. They’ve been together for 25 blissful years. Lately, she celebrated her 47th birthday which she said was fun.
In this interview with Sunday Sun, she reflects on her life with the man of God and concludes it’s been worth it and gives Almighty God the glory. Excerpts:
How are you today?
I’m fine…
  • I can see that you are happy and excited that your daughter, Sarah, was called to the bar today. But in a nutshell, just express your feelings.
I am very happy; it’s the desire of many parents to see their children succeed. I am happy she’s taking this step; she’s work­ing hard towards her destiny, so it’s a great day for me and for her too.
  • Okay, do you know so many people don’t know that Prophet T.B Joshua has a wife let alone children? So, can you talk about the family?
At least you know now (laughs). I have heard that story before. Yes, I have heard that in the past but emm… it’s just one of those things. I don’t need to tell you but I think we have been together for the past 25 years now.
  • Please, tell us how you met.
Yes, I have said it before and it’s still the same. Hmmm… how do I call it? It’s just a divine arrangement. It’s a long story but anyway we met and the only surprising thing there was that, it was the day I met him that he proposed to me.
  • Wow, really? On his knees? How did he do it?
Straight forward (Laughs).
  • He said ‘I like you. I want to marry you’ just like that?
Yes, but really I was skeptical because it was strange, so, I just want to thank God that it really worked out. Like I said earlier, we have been together for the past 25 years and it’s working out fine.
  • Most people believe that pastors are not romantic. They fast and pray all the time. Is Prophet T. B Joshua romantic?
He’s a great man.
  • Great man on bed?
Hmmm… I don’t know. I wouldn’t know because no woman would love to discuss her husband to that level, but I think he’s a good man.
  • Okay, since you got married to him, what is it that you have learnt from him?
I have learnt a lot from him being a disciplined man. But I’m still learning anyway.
  • Having this type of cross-cultural marriage because I learnt you are from Delta State and he is from Ondo State, how did it happen? Did you have challenges?
In every marriage, there are always challenges. I don’t even see that as a problem because we are both Nigeri­ans. Even when you marry from your tribe, even your hometown there will still be problems. But you know, with maturity and fear of God, you can go on.
  • Did your parents object to the union initially?
In every marriage you should expect that. That’s what keeps the marriage going. When you remember all the obstacles, you will want to make the marriage work. Honestly, you will want to do all you could to make it work. When you take a man or woman to your father’s house, you don’t expect every­body to welcome the person, but when you think of those people that say no, you will surely want to make it work.
  • When you were getting mar­ried, was he deep in religion like now?
Yes, I met him as a prophet. I told you I don’t want to go into details but I actu­ally went to his place.
  • Okay, when you are angry, how does he calm you down? Does he buy you some nice gifts like jewelry?
I don’t know what you mean by angry.
  • That moment of tension, you know, like when church members are taking too much of his attention?
In fact, that is the first thing you have to understand. When you are married to a man of God, you have to know he’s a man of the people. So, that should be the basic thing you have to understand as wife of a prophet. There’s nothing like church members taking too much of his time, he has to do his work. I have never been angry about it and I can never be angry about it.
  • What of the other way round?
Which way?
  • When he’s angry, how do you calm him down?
When he’s angry? (Laughs). There’s no man who doesn’t get angry but he shouldn’t allow his anger to lead him into sin, you understand? When it comes to expressing it, do so and let it end there, so that is it.
  • Some people don’t under­stand your husband, they say he’s a mysterious man with mysterious powers, when you read such stories, how do you react?
I know it’s not true. They don’t know him, he’s not a strange man, he’s not a mysterious man; he’s just dedicated to his work. He is a man who has the fear of God in him, that is it. Those stories don’t move me at all because they don’t seem to understand him.
  • So, what is that precious gift that he has ever given you, probably on your birth­day?
Not even a gift per se, but words of wisdom, and I think that is all what life is all about. You find it, ignite it and use it. That is what your heart desires.
  • Some people say his favour­ite food is pounded yam, is that true?
No! (Laughs). Should I tell you? Em­mmm… I know he likes beans and corn, you know, the beans cooked together with corn, you know that? He can take that at least twice a week. Yoruba call it “Adalu”.
  • When he wants to go for solid food, which one does he prefer?
Yes, swallow or whatever? He takes that too but beans and corn are his favourites.
  • Mama, do you feel fulfilled marrying a prophet and hav­ing three beautiful, intelli­gent children, all girls?
Yes, I feel fulfilled. I don’t even know I don’t have any son because I have lots of boys around me. In this part of the world, most especially, from where I am from, people cherish male children, but my husband didn’t give me any reason to think of that.
  • You mean you are not under pressure from him or his fam­ily to have male children?
Not at all! I believe when you make that a problem, you begin to see it as a problem before you. But it’s not a prob­lem to me at all.
  • Could you please tell us the secret behind your youthful­ness, nobody will believe you have these grown-ups?
Really? You know the good thing? I will be 47 tomorrow (Thursday Decem­ber 17).
  • Wow! Happy birthday in advance!
Thank you.
  • So, how are we celebrating it?
We are already celebrating.
  • How would you describe style, what is style to you?
Style is just for the one who fears God. That’s the way I see style.
  • I can see you donning some nice jewelry. Are you a jew­elry freak?
Not really. You know, when time permits, I can just have them.
  • Are you comfortable in lo­cal or designer wears?
I just go with things I’m comfortable with. I don’t look for designers every­where; I wear anything I’m comfortable with.

Sunday 13 November 2016

Life Hacker

“Boyfriend That Cannot Give You ₦50,000 To Make Your Hair Every 2 Weeks, Is That One Boyfriend?” – This Young Lady Says


This lady’s post has gone viral people! I kuku love the girl sef! She stood by her words, and didn’t even delete the said post. Read On..
A Facebook user named, Thelma Okocha has got everyone talking on her post that went viral on social media.