Showing posts with label Global. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Global. Show all posts

Monday 24 April 2017

Life Hacker

10 Shockingly Weird S*Xual Traditions From Around The World – Two Brothers Can Share A Wife In #5 (With Pics)

Shocking s*xual traditions from around the world:From a tribe of semen-drinking men to the community of brothers sharing a wife, amaze yourself with these 10 shocking tribal s*x traditions from around the world.

1. The semen-drinking tribe – Papua, New Guinea

To become a man in this primitive tribe, boys are removed from the presence of all females at the age of seven, living with other males for ten years. During the ten years, the skin is pierced to remove any contamination brought upon by women. For the same reason, they also regularly incur nose-bleeding and vomiting caused by consuming large amounts of sugarcane.
To top it off, they are required to ingest the semen of their elders, which is thought to sustain growth and strength. When they are finally introduced back into the tribe, they continue to engage in nose-bleeding at the same time as their wives’ menstrual cycles.
2. The Mardudjara: Intimate cutting rituals to achieve manhood – Australia
The first portion of this Mardudjara Aboriginal rite involves a barbaric circumcision followed by the circumcised male ingesting his own foreskin. After he heals up, the penis is then cut lengthwise on the underside, sometimes all the way to the scrotum. Blood is then dripped over a fire in order to purify it. From then on, the male will urinate from the underside of his penis instead of the urethra. The real question, however, is how does destroying a boy’s ‘manhood’ bring him into
3. The Trobrianders: The tribe where kids start having s*x at 6 – Papua, New Guinea
These islanders from a remote tribe in Papua guinea seem like a case study in the ultimate consequences of the sxual revolution: girls want sx just as much as guys, and kids start having s*x at a very young age — 6-8 for the girls and 10-12 for the guys — with no social stigma. There are few customs about dating to inhibit “hooking up” and, of course, revealing clothing has been taken to its limit, with girls actually going topless.However, while everybody is having sx whenever they want, premarital meal-sharing is a big no-no. You’re not supposed to go out for dinner together until after you get married.

4. Saut d’Eau: The city where you may witness rituals of voodoo and love
If you travel to Haiti and visit the waterfalls of Saut d’Eau during the month of July, you may witness quite a risqué ritual. Voodoo practitioners make this journey each summer to worship the goddess of love. Pretty normal stuff, right?
5. The Nepalese: A community where brothers share a wife – The Himalayas
According to an article in Psychology Today, “Almost all of the few polyandrous societies practice what anthropologists call fraternal polyandry, where a group of brothers share a wife.” This is the case in the Himalayas, where there is little land available for farming and agriculture, and families with more than one son would be faced with dividing up their land were each son to start his own family.
he solution? Find one wife for all of their sons so that they can live together as one family and keep their family plot intact. Also, as told in the National Geographic documentary Multiple Husbands, this arrangement works best when the wife is adept at “scheduling” time with each brother.
6. The Wodaabee: The tribe were men steal each other’s wives – Niger
In the Wodaabe tribe of Niger in West Africa, men are known to steal each other’s wives. The Wodaabe’s first marriage is arranged by their parents in infancy and must be between cousins of the same lineage. However, at the yearly Gerewol Festival, Wodaabe men wear elaborate makeup and costumes and dance to impress the women – and hopefully steal a new wife.
If the new couple is able to steal away undetected (especially from a current husband who may not want to part with his wife), then they become socially recognized. These subsequent marriages are called love marriages. 
7. Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs: The pharaohs who would practice public mas-tur-bation
According to S*x and Society, “even the ebb and flow of the Nile was thought to be caused by Atum’s (the god of creation) eja-cula-tion. This concept spurred the Egyptian pharaohs to ritually m asturbate into the Nile to ensure an abundance of water.”
The ancient Egyptians were so inspired by the act of self-stimulation that at the festival of the god Min, who represented Pharaoh’s sexual potency, men masturbated in public.

8. Ancient Greece: Where homos*xuality was completely out of the closet

The ancient Greeks did not conceive of sxual orientation as a social identifier the way Western societies have done for the past century. Greek society did not distinguish sxual desire or behavior by the gender of the participants, but rather by the role that each participant played in the s*x act, that of the active penetrator or the passive penetrated.
9. Ancient Greece: When pederasty was the social convention
The most common form of same-s*x relationships between males in Greece was “paiderastia” meaning “boy love.” It was a relationship between an older male and an adolescent youth. A boy was considered a “boy” until he was able to grow a full beard. In Athens, the older man was called erastes, and he was to educate, protect, love, and provide a role model for his eromenos, whose reward for him lay in his beauty, youth, and promise.
To love a boy below the age of twelve was considered inappropriate, but no evidence exists of any legal penalties attached to this sort of practice.
10. Modern Iranian culture: Where you can have a temporary Marriage if you pay for it
We all know that Muslim practices are among some of the strictest regarding sxual intercourse and the relationships between men and women. For instance, Muslim couples are only allowed to have sx in the missionary position. It’s considered gross and degrading for a man to ask any other position from his wife. However, in certain Muslim countries, like Iran, a young couple who would like to have sx before they’re ready to marry can request a “temporary marriage.” They are allowed to pay for a short ceremony, with a written contract dictating the amount of time they will be “married.” Once this is done, they can have sx like bunnies without contradicting Islamic law. 

Thursday 13 April 2017

Life Hacker

Thousands Of Muslims Dump Islam And Convert To Christianity, You Will Be Shocked By What They Are Saying About Islam After Conversion

THOUSANDS of Muslims are turning away from their religion and embracing Christianity amid ongoing violence in the Middle East, it has been claimed. Churches across Europe and the Middle East have reported a rise in attendance, mostly coming from new Muslims moving into the area. They have already seen thousands of Muslims converts - and some are expecting to see millions turn to Christianity over the coming years. Voice Of the Martyrs Canada (VOMC) said that despite millions of people - mainly Muslims - fleeing the war-torn Middle East due to violence and persecution there are scores turning to Christianity. 
In Iran Christian churches are attacked with impunity and shut down by the nation’s Islamic government, mission group Elam Ministries said. The mission group stated that the number of Christians in the country have been growing despite the problems back home. Matthias Linke, a priest from the Evangelical-Freikirchlichen Gemeinde, in Berlin, said: “A lot of them come to Germany and think, here I can choose my religion and I want to choose a religion of freedom. For many Iranians that I've baptised, Christianity is the religion of freedom." Across Europe, a similar situation is being reported by churches and ministers. Trinity church in the Berlin suburb of Steglitz has seen the congregation explode from 150 to 700 thanks to Muslim converts. One Iranian convert, named only as Johannes, said: “I found that the history of Islam was completely different from what we were taught at school. Maybe, I thought, it was a religion that began with violence.” The 32-year-old added: “A religion that began with violence cannot lead people to freedom and love. Jesus Christ said 'those who use the sword will die by the sword.' This really changed my mind.”

Monday 14 November 2016

Life Hacker

After Many Years, Jackie Chan Finally Wins Oscar Award

The super star actor Jackie Chan finally got his hands on an Oscar award after his decades-long career in the film industry.
The 62yrs old Chan was awarded an honorary Oscar at the Eight Annual Governors Awards at the Hollywood and Highland Center in Los Angeles on Saturday night.
During his speech, Jackie Chan thanked his fans saying;
“I continue to make movies, jumping through windows, kicking and punching, breaking my bones.

Saturday 12 November 2016

Life Hacker

EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS : Nu_de Photos Of Donald Trump’s Wife Who Is Now The US First Lady


Come And See The FLOTUS, First Lady Of The United State Of America Melania Trump, Posing Completely unc_lad during her raunchy modelling career.
Donald Trump’s glamorous other half is now the US First Lady.A few weeks back pictures of the wife of the Republican Presidential candidate in a nak_ed photoshoot with another woman, taken three years before she met the US businessman emerged, but that isn’t her only brush with nu_de shoots.
The now 48-year-old model posed completely na_ked again in 2001 for the cover of British GQ magazine when she was then the girlfriend of the billionaire.
See Photos Here and Here
Life Hacker

Photos: Man Marries Big Snake A 10ft Long Cobra Believes Its His Dead Girlfriend Reincarnated (Must See)


A man has married his pet snake because he believes his dead girlfriend came back to life as the cobra. The snake was spotted by the man in South East Asia, who said it bore a ‘striking resemblance’ to his former lover.
He and the 10ft serpent now spend every day together watching TV, sharing romantic picnics by the lake, playing board games and going to the gym as a couple.
The unidentified husband is understood to have taken the Buddhist theory that people are reincarnated as animals. He lost his girlfriend five years ago, but photos have shown he and his new wife are very happy together.

Tuesday 8 November 2016

Life Hacker

Embattled Miss Anambra 2015 Winner: Chidinma Okeke’s Father Speaks…What He wrote about His Little Girl, Will Shock You


Chidinma Okeke’s father has denied declaring his daughter missing.The former Miss Anambra whose lewd videos recently went viral on the internet, had been allegedly declared missing by her family
Jerry Okeke, who spoke to Premium Times by phone Saturday evening, said his daughter was fine.

“My daughter is not missing and at no time did I declare her missing,”
Mr. Okeke said after the scandal sent shockwaves across the country, the family immediately moved to save Miss Okeke, 20, from committing suicide.
Mr. Okeke said he handed over his “little girl” to another family member because he had to travel to the family’s ancestral home for another engagement.
He denied news report quoting him as declaring his daughter missing in the aftermath of the racy video.
“I have been trying to make contact with one of The Sun newspapers that published the story because they want to sell (market) and I will give them a seven-day notice to correct it,”I did not tell press man that called me from The Sun that my daughter is missing or that I couldn’t find her,” Mr. Okeke said.
The Sun says it stands by its story.Bruce Malogo, the editor of Saturday Sun which published the story, told PREMIUM TIMES the headline was appropriate for the direct quotes from Mr. Okeke, which he said were on the record.
“As it stands now, my daughter is still a small girl. I don’t know whether she is still alive or dead. But all I know is that God will prove Himself worthy to fight His children’s battle. I don’t have much to say for now,” the paper quoted Mr. Okeke as saying.