Showing posts with label Education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Education. Show all posts

Saturday 22 April 2017

Life Hacker


In today’s world of higher education, almost all nursing programs include some online courses.
Traditional brick-and-mortar institutions include distance-learning components in the curriculum and the trend is growing. Many schools offer degrees completely online. There are very good reasons for this. From a lack of educators able to cope with the growing number of students, to an effort to embrace modern technology at the academic level and use it to advance healthcare outcomes. Prospective nurses from the most rural places have access to nursing programs and there is global collaboration that contributes to an incredible wealth of knowledge.

“Online programs draw students from across the nation and around the world,” Mary A. Bemker, an Academic Coordinator and Professor of Nursing at Sullivan University, said. “Nurses attending these classes benefit from insights presented by faculty and peers, who can expand discussions and understanding past what is found in a specific healthcare organization or geographic locale. Since the world is “shrinking” on many fronts, it is a definite advantage for nurses to exchange information and ideas with professionals from around the globe.”

The choice that nurses now face is whether to acquire their degree through an online program or to attend class on-site. The final decision is a strategic career choice and it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the pros and cons of an online nursing degree beforehand. There are solutions to all the disadvantages, but you must be ambitious enough to overcome them.

Dr. Susan Aldridge, the Senior Vice President of Drexel University Online, recently conducted research into how employers now view online degrees.

“Academic experts, employers and recruiting professionals agree that to maximize the value of one’s credentials through online learning, the chosen program must meet three criteria,” Aldridge said. “The learning institution must be reputably accredited, have a traditional campus and encompass a good academic brand.”

The Good

“I decided to pursue an online degree because it was the most logical and efficient manner in which I could achieve my goal of becoming a nurse,” Emily Walker, a registered nurse with a bachelor’s degree in nursing said. “I was looking for a program that would allow me flexibility and independence in my studies, so that I could continue to work.”


Online programs offer immense flexibility for nurses. They are able to log on anytime and from any location; enabling them to continue with family life, their professional career or other commitments. This is one of the main reasons why many people desiring nursing careers were unable to pursue the study in the past. After all, life must go on. The advent of technology has brought about an enormous array of opportunities for nurses to further their education.

“I could do the work at night, on my off days and even during my lunch hour if needed,” Anita Pool, who has a Master’s degree in Nursing, said. “I found the self-scheduling very compatible with my style of learning. The whole assignment could be done during the weekend and I would be finished for the rest of the week.”


Regardless of where you live, there are online nursing schools that cater to your area. Being able to study from a distance is an enormous advantage that makes obtaining nursing qualifications far more accessible for many people. With occasional campus visits sometimes required, nurses are able to study from home and serve their communities in the process.


Online nursing programs are much more cost-friendly. Curricular modules are sent to students online as opposed to a professor lecturing from a podium. The price is cut dramatically because classroom costs are not included in the fees. Students are not charged for electricity, library or other resource usage either; which means that semester credits are much cheaper and culminate in saving large sums of money.
Life Hacker



A custodial parent is a party who has been given full physical and/or legal custody of a child by court order. A child custody determination means that a decree, a judgment or some other form of order of a court has been made in terms of the physical custody, the legal custody, or the visitation with a child.


In California, our policy is for the parents to share custody of their child when and where ever possible. It is against state policy to alienate a child from one parent or allow a parent to dominate the relationship.
Most courts will strive for something known as “equal time-sharing”. This “time” can be divided in a number of different ways, though the two most common are the following 50% time-shares:
  • A 2-2-5: In these situations, a child may be away from a parent for five days at a time
    • For instance, one party will have the children Monday and Tuesday, while the other party will always have the children on Wednesday or Thursday
    • The parties will alternate weekends
  • A 2-2-3: In this scenario, a parent will have the children from Monday through Wednesday for week one
    • In week two, a parent will have the children Wednesday through Friday
There are pros and cons to both types of equal time shares. With a 2-2-3, it can be difficult to enroll children in extracurricular activities because the dates are often shared (though if you are getting along with the other party, this may not be an issue). For parents with young children, being away for five days at a time may seem too long.


Time-sharing is a term used to describe the product of child visitation and custody. How many days a party is going to be visiting a child or have custody will determine your time-share.


In terms of child custody and who has the children when largely depends on what works best for the parents and the children. A lot of parents will opt with alternating weekend time-shares with a mid-week dinner. A mother with a newborn may have the child the majority of the time, but the father will stop by and visit for two hours three days a week. Parents may alternate summers, winter vacations and spring breaks.


The best situations are typically when both parents can come to an agreement about how the children will spend their time with both parties. But if parents cannot come to an amicable agreement, then it may be necessary to go to court.
If you do choose to go to court, keep in mind that:
  • The courts initially believe that equal custody is in the best interest of the child
  • The courts will look at the behaviors of both parents when determining custody (i.e. if one party is sending terrible text messages to another or behaving immaturely, that will be factored into the decision)
  • The court may or may not take a child’s preference into account
The court wants to provide your child with as much stability as possible. Because of this, the more stable a parent appears, the more likely he or she will be granted more custody than the other. For example, if one parent is abusing alcohol, taking drugs or is intimidating towards the children, he or she would be granted less time with the children, supervised visitation, or no visitation whatsoever.


There is a lot at stake should a parent choose to proceed with a child custody case. For example, if a parent has not been involved in the child raising process and now want 50% custody, there is a good chance that he or she will walk out with even less time with their child (which may only be every other weekend).
There are consequences to going into court, and an family law attorney will help you explore the likely outcome of your specific situation. If you have had a rocky past, for example, an attorney will explain that the courts may request what is known as a “730 evaluation.” This custody evaluation takes the background of a parent into account which may not be favorable for all parents.


At Lavinsky Law, we want to get down to the issues as soon as possible. We will ask for the detailed specifics of your situation so that we can determine what is the best and most appropriate approach to take to ensure that you have the most time with your children.
Our focus is to open up the communication lines between both parents. If the other side is communicative, we will work with them to create a regular visitation schedule which is agreed upon and can then be presented in court.
If the other party is unreasonable or not communicative, we will then file immediately so that you can get back to being in your children’s life sooner.
Every client who walks into our office leaves understanding their entitlements, the likely outcomes of different approaches, and what an expert, seasoned family law attorney believes is in their best interest.  We believe Brighter Days Are Ahead for you and your family with our representation.

Sunday 16 April 2017

Life Hacker

How Much Car Insurance and Loan Do You Need?

Loan Your auto insurance is a collection of different policies that cover you in different ways. Here’s how they breakdown: loan

• Liability coverage – These policies help cover liability and expenses when you’re at fault in and accident. The money will go to the people you hit, but it won’t cover the people in your car. loan

Loan Your auto insurance is a collection of different policies that cover you in different ways. Here’s how they break down: loan

• Liability coverage – These policies help cover liability and expenses when you’re at fault in and accident. The money will go to the people you hit, but it won’t cover the people in your car. loan

• Bodily Injury Liability (BIL) – This loan policy pays for the medical expenses of people injured in a crash in which you’re at fault. loan You’ll often see BIL policies described as a “20/50” policy or a “100/300” policy. These numbers describe the maximum dollar amount the policy loan will pay for a single person’s injuries and the maximum for all the injuries sustained by all the occupants of the other car. For example, a 20/50 policy will pay a maximum of $20,000 for a loan single person’s injuries, and up to $50,000 total for the injuries of everyone in the car you hit. loan

• Property Damage loan Liability – This policy pays for damage done loan to the other car if you’re at fault in an accident. Property liability is sometimes referred to alongside BIL as a third number, so a 20/50/10 liability package will cover up to $10,000 for damages to the other car.

Loan The following policies cover you and your card in an accident: loan
• Personal Injury Protection (PIP) – This covers your and your passengers’ medical expenses after an accident. If you lose time at work because of your injuries, loan this policy may also cover lost wages.

• Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage – This helps cover costs if you are hit by someone without insurance or minimal coverage. loan

• Collision – This policy covers repairs to your car after an accident. loan

• Comprehensive – This policy covers costs if your car is stolen or damaged outside of an accident
Life Hacker

How to Get Started with Life Insurance and Loan

During our annual golf outing for the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors  loan (NAIFA), I rode in the cart with a young, energetic man named Josh. He was in his early thirties and was highly motivated to succeed. Josh’s first career was spent as a banker, and he was on the track to management. He was at a party and bumped into a friend who told him about working in the life  loan insurance and financial services business. Josh was interested and ready for a change but still undecided as to the timing. loan  His new wife encouraged him to follow his passions and go for it now. So he decided to check out the life insurance and financial advisory business. loan

Josh loan decided he would go to training school loan with the company that was recommended to him. While he was there, his wife called him and told him she was pregnant with their first child. loan Josh was loan planning to live on his wife’s income and was able to for the next 6 to 9 months, as he got established in the financial services business. He also brought in part-time income after his daughter’s birth, which was extremely helpful for the first two and a half years. loan

loan While riding together in our golf cart loan between holes, we both agreed that starvation is a really good motivator. He said to me, “At the beginning of each month, I need to bring in loan $5,000 just to make ends meet. I’m running very hard every day because I have to.” You see, Josh is motivated to action through a need to eat every day. loan Aren’t we all like Josh to some degree? loan Maybe you need less every month, or maybe you need a ton more. Whatever your situation is, we need to go at it hard every day. loan

loan Josh told me that he absolutely loves the life insurance business. During our conversation, I told him, “We are doing something so good for people. We are helping clients save money and avoid financial disaster if they live too long or die too soon. When I delivered my first death benefit claim check to a widow client of mine, then I truly understood the power of life insurance.” loan

Josh’s typical clients are small businesses and professionals, between the ages of 40 and 60. loan They are very involved in referring business to him. One of his friends referred him to a relative who was just about to retire. This new client, who was in his sixties, invested money with Josh’s mutual fund and variable annuity recommendations and updated his life insurance. loan This client helped Josh surpass his monthly goal. Josh told me, “I’m going to send my friend a case of beer for that referral!”

loan Let’s review the factors that are making Josh a successful, new life insurance agent and financial advisor. loan

From the phone call that Josh received at agents’ training until this day, Josh has faced stiff loan headwinds. loan He doesn’t buckle under adversity; he instead rises to face the challenge with great enthusiasm. This reminds me of a Winston Churchill quote that my father and I laugh about when we get together to talk; “Success is moving from failure to failure with great enthusiasm.”

loan So the first principle is to meet challenges with enthusiasm. loan Focus on what’s currently going right and get back in touch with your feelings during your most confident times. loan  Pray, meditate and surround yourself with positive people, stories and pictures. Reframe your mind to meditate on the potential that is all around you. loan

Finally, loan love on your clients and work together with them to be introduced to their friends. These referrals will be the life blood of your business. Serve your clients with extraordinary service and strive for consistently remarkable results. 
Life Hacker

Car Insurance: How To Buy Car Insurance

Car insurance is one of the necessary evils of modern life. You pay a substantial amount of money each month to the insurance company, and if you are like most people, you have not had an accident or made a claim in years. Yet when you do suddenly find yourself involved in a collision, the insurance premiums you've been forking over all these years will finally pay off.

The advent of the Internet has raised the level of competition between insurance companies. Because you can now sit at home in your bathrobe and compare rates and coverage between companies, they are under more pressure to offer competitive deals. So why not leverage the Internet's potential to help you save time, save money, and find the best auto insurance coverage?

First, let's be clear about the fact that auto insurance is required by law in most states―it's not optional. If you drive a car, you must have auto insurance. So you need to find out what the law requires in your jurisdiction when it comes to how much auto insurance coverage you need to maintain. Print out your state's requirements, and save that information for the next step in the process.

Tuesday 11 April 2017

Life Hacker


Clapper, Patti Schweizer & Mason is a California mesothelioma law firm with over 30 years of success.
Our lawyers have recovered millions of dollars in settlement compensation for mesothelioma (asbestos cancer) patients and their families who have lived and worked in the State of California. We have represented workers who were exposed to asbestos in shipyards, refineries, naval facilities, construction sites and industrial operations throughout California. Unfortunately, the same industry, shipbuilding and military presence that has been an economic boon to Californians over the years has also resulted in many of our citizens being exposed to asbestos and developing mesothelioma and other asbestos diseases.


These diseases could have and should have been prevented. The knowledge that was needed to prevent asbestos diseases from occurring existed as far back as the 1930's. California law allows people who develop asbestos diseases, even from exposure in the remote past, to sue and receive compensation from the responsible companies.

The law in California allows us to obtain early trial dates for people with mesothelioma, so that our attorneys can often completely resolve a case within six months or less. California law imposes liability on the companies that sold defective products for the injuries caused by their products. California juries, particularly in Los Angeles, Alameda and San Francisco Counties, have repeatedly awarded large verdicts for mesothelioma victims and their families. This record of large jury verdicts provides motivation for asbestos companies to settle cases before trial.

Mesothelioma is a very serious form of cancer related to asbestos exposure, and families who have been touched by mesothelioma have many challenges ahead. Whatever treatment options a mesothelioma patient chooses, treatment is expensive. A mesothelioma diagnosis can often mean financial hardship without some kind of legal assistance.

Our experienced mesothelioma lawyers can help provide fast compensation to California families impacted by mesothelioma. The financial resources we make available allow our clients to focus on fighting mesothelioma, beating the odds, and enjoying time with loved ones.

We have represented people who have worked at virtually every major shipyard, refinery and industrial plant in the state.