Showing posts with label Advice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Advice. Show all posts

Thursday 4 May 2017

Life Hacker

Shocker: How petrol attendants cheat you in filling stations without you knowing… See the Top 11 Dirty Tricks they use!

How Nigerian Petrol Attendants Cheat You In Filling Stations and precautions to cut the cheating attendants

The rise in the price of petrol from ₦86.50/L to ₦145 Naira/L still leaves a heavy toll on Nigerians, most have gotten used to the excruciating fact that a litre of petrol now ₦145 Naira.
Sadly, as if the skyrocketing price of petrol isn’t enough, the ‘friendly’ fuel station attendants have found numerous tricks to add to their regular income, and undercut the customers who at the first place are paying through their noses.
The nefarious activity perpetrated by petrol attendants nationwide has gone unnoticed by many motorists as they drive into the filling stations to fill their tanks.
Fuel Station scams are not something new. There are plenty of foul plays which can leave you cheated at a fuel station.
Why do the petrol attendants cheat you?
First of all, the petrol attendants in Nigeria are one of the least paid in the country, infact an average petrol attendant is paid between ₦10,000 – ₦15,000 monthly, but a smart attendant can make his salary in one day by cheating customers.
Ideally, when a petrol attendant resumes for work, he/she takes the reading on the meter on the fuel dispenser, which they call The Opening Meter, and after they close for the day, the reading on the meter, called The Closing Meter is taken by the attendant. Then, they multiply the difference in the readings by the cost per litre, which is the amount they deliver to the manager. If there is any surplus cash, the attendant takes it.
Unfortunately, the surplus money is simply a product of manipulation/cheating of petrol buyers by the fuel attendants on a daily basis.
How Nigerian Petrol Attendants Cheat Customers In Filling Stations
I have compiled a list of some of the most common dirty tactics which are used to cheat customers at Nigerian fuel stations based on my research and conversation with some petrol attendants across the country.
TRICK 1: Recall or TIM/CAL button
On the fuel dispenser there is usually a button labelled ‘Recall, TIM/CAL’ or any other label, depending on the machine. The essence of the button is to enable the attendant to see the past sales.

If you want to see your last ten sales, you just press Recall, then the number you want to see etc, depending on the number you want, and it shows you the amount.
Beyond seeing past sales,petrol attendants use it to cheat and make money from the customers.
For example, if a petrol attendant sold ₦5,000 worth of fuel to (Customer A), and the next customer (Customer B) also wants to buy ₦5,000., the attendant will clear the screen to ₦00.0 and tell Customer B to look at it (A way of gaining your trust and making you relax) then when they observe that the second customer (Customer B) Isn’t paying attention, they will sell some quantity, like ₦3,500 for example and press Stop or Cancel, depending on the machine, then press Recall 1, and Ok,With that, ₦5,000 will appear on the screen and that is what the customer will see on the meter, believing the sale is complete, meanwhile the attendant recalled the previous sale.
My investigations revealed that this can be done in less than one second.
Infact, some attendants could go to the extent of writing out some past sales on a paper where they can easily have a glance to know which number to recall when a customer is distracted or looks away, since many people prefer to buy based on price and not litre.
For example Recall 1 can be ₦5,000, Recall 2 – ₦3,000, Recall 3 – ₦2,000, so based on the customer they want to cheat, they look at the paper to recall, and the customers would think the machine was fast, so they wouldn’t always suspect anything.

Monday 7 November 2016

Life Hacker

Marry A Beautiful Woman For The Sake Of Your Children – Mr Ibu Advices Men


Popular comic actor, John Okafor aka Mr. Ibu took to social media, to advise men to marry beautiful wives, while praising his beautiful wife, Stella.
He wrote:

“The major reason why it is wise for a man to get married to a beautiful woman is because of their children. So choose wisely. I’ve done mine,”

Saturday 22 October 2016

Life Hacker

Sad : This Man Went Blind Because He Made A Simple Mistake We All Do Every Night (VIDEO)


This is a lesson for everyone to learn. Please watch the video and SHARE with your friends below.

Sunday 16 October 2016

Life Hacker

My Boyfriend Cheated On Me With My Own Mother And Now We’re Both Pregnant – Young Lady Cries Out


The young lady shared her story on Tuko where she told startled readers about her boyfriend and mother.
According to her, she found out that her boyfriend and her mother have been getting intimate for a while while she was still in the relationship.
To make matters worse, both she and her mother are now carrying the man’s babies.
Below is how she told the story:
“Sometime last year, I asked my boyfriend to come home so I could introduce him to my mother.
“Just recently, he confessed that he has since been having an intimate relationship with my mother.
“And that’s just not it. My mother is pregnant with my boyfriend’s child.
“Oh my God, she is pregnant with his child, a revelation that came after I discovered that I am also pregnant. I asked my mum about this and she confirmed this.
“I did not know that the two people I love and care for the most can do this to me. I am depressed and don’t know how to deal with this. I also don’t know how to handle either of them.
“What should I do?”

Thursday 13 October 2016

Life Hacker

See why all Parents should stop letting children carry heavy bags on their back… Read this story

According to Facebook user Mofe Van Zekins his nephew had to undergo majorsurgery on his spinal cord due to the heavy book bag he’s been carrying .He wrote

 “photos are images of my Nephew who attended Primary School and due to his heavy book bag he started walking with a bend and complained of back pain.
On visiting the doctor, he had to undergo major surgery to rectify the problem”
More below

Tuesday 4 October 2016

Life Hacker

My Husband Demands Anal/Oral Se*x 3 Weeks After Putting to Bed....Please What Should I Do?

Good day, 
my name is ****. I am a blog reader from Ketu  Lagos. I got married december 6 last year. i was about 2 months gone then. Everything has been fine until last 3 weeks when i put to bed. My private part was given 2 tear incisions during delivery so my daughter could be born. We were discharged 5 days later. My mum is late so we decided that my mother inlaw would come over to assist me with the baby.
Since last week, I noticed that my husband has always been moody unlike the elated man who couldnt controll his joy at the hospital when he first held our daughter in his hands. I asked to know what was wrong and he said that he is horny and always wake up with erection. he said he couldnt stop having se x in the dream. I told him that its just 2-3 weeks and he is already complaining. The nurse said that my body will heal completely in about 6 to 10 weeks. I told him that he should hold on since his mother was helping me dab hot water that i may heal faster. I even lied to him that i am still discharging blood to make him wait. that was when i saw another part of this man that i did not know exist. 
he told me that i was not being considerate. he said that if i loved him that i should be helping him relieve himself by sucking his penis until he came or allowing him have se x with me through the anus. To say i was shocked was an understatement, how could he be se x starved in just 3-4  weeks. I suggested that he relieve himself but he claims that mas turbation causes bad luck in business and reduces life span so he cannot mas turbate. I cried my self to sleep that day while he left the house.

When i woke up later i called his phone but he was not picking, I sent him a text that he should not worry that i will help him to release that night. when he came home that night, I tried doing the sucking thing. That was the biggest punishment ever. I sucked this man for almost 1 hour yet nothing was coming out. at a point my entire jaw was aching and i couldnt continue. he asked me to stop that my tongue was wounding him and he just got up and walked out angry not even acknowldging my efforts. 
He didnt come home again that night. his mother demanded to know what was wrong and i told her everything. All she could say was that boys will always be boys that i should understand and be patient with him. she said that satisfying my husband at all cost was my responsibility and that its a normal thing for men to do that. That was when i missed my mum the most because no right thinking woman would say such rubbish to me. the next morning, he came home and i asked to know where he went to over night and why he was being so inconsiderate. he didnt respond. he just dressed up dropped some money on the dinning table and left for work. Later that evening , he came home at almost after 9pm. i made his bath water and served his food. i went to his room and knocked and when he opened, i told him that i am sorry that we can try the se x through the anus thing tho i have never tried it before. 
That was my greatest mistake. after rubbiung baby vaseline on my anus. he tried to enter and i felt a pain that i have never felt my entire life. The pain of labour and delivery is nothing compared to what i felt that night. i screemed and run out of the room. i went straight to the toilet and used a tissue to wipe my anus and there was blood every where. instead of this man to show some pity, he came out and started raining abuses on me. he threatened to go and bring a prostiotute that will satisfy him. his mother joined in cursing me calling me selfish and other names.

since then my va gina hurts ,  my anus hurts, my jaw seem out of place that i cant even chew properly. sitting down is impossible. I dont know what to do. he rarely comes home since then and only speaks to me about the baby. I am in a terrible situation. The joy of motherhood has turned to sorrow for me. please what do you advice me to do. i believe that other mothers may have had such an experience

Sunday 2 October 2016

Life Hacker

How M@sturbat!on Almost Ruined My Life (MUST READ)

At about a month ago,various topics/comments about masturbation fluid Nairaland while some supported it,some dismantle it as a wayward lifestyle that is capable of destroying ones destiny in a short period of time. anyways, base on my experience,
masturbation is not only a destiny killer but a strength sucker and confidence destruct..
I am not typing this piss to gain attention but I am doing this to make you see the defect of masturbation on me and have been on some other persons which they wouldn’t disclose to anyone but silently dying inside. enough of beating around the bush though, let’s get down to the main reason of me creating this thread.

In 2007,i had my first contact with a pornographic content and at 14years old then,i did not know what sex was and how it was practice by two consenting adults not until my friend involved me in watching pornography. At first I didn’t wanted to watch it but was initiated thus ended up liken it after my first organism that day,i felt nothing can be as sweet as watching pornographic movie.This made me love pornography more than any other movie in reason that it makes me Erupt which I felt at a tender age was sweet and satisfying. I started going to a neighbor house to steal pornography movie to watch.At a tender age,i never knew any word called “masturbation” but only felt the sweetness that comes with it thereby making me partake in it at any single opportunity consequently affected me.

Whenever I happen to watch Indecency movie,i masturbate and frequently I involved myself in this act,my conscience always judge me. At a time I started feeling weak,my bones became shrinking as if I am an Old man,i couldn’t standstill any more all because my strength was taken away by the evil trait of masturbation, I started staying indoors/away from my friends all in the name of masturbation which made my confidence level reduce drastically,nobody told me the disadvantage masturbation is melting on me but I had to withdraw from it all for making me shiver when talking with pairs,i couldn’t walk straight anymore. I became misbehaving and disrespectful to people around me. pains gripped my eyes as if I am going blind I couldn’t see far distance anymore in other words I became very lazy as I wouldn’t want to partake in house chores and this affected the fair relationship I had with my parents.
Although my story and yours may not be the same probably I masturbated excessively brought about the aforementioned defects on me but the fact remains..
Masturbation is indeed a warward lifestyle..
Tony writes from Abuja

Saturday 1 October 2016

Life Hacker

Girl Who Sleeps With Married Men, Used Her Men$es to Cook for Boyfriend Needs Advice

This story was sent to ‘Relationship Matters In 9ja’ by a girl who sleeps with married men, cooked for her boyfriend with her period and finally wants to marry her married ex
Read the story below….
“Helo Rmi9, am posting thru a friend’s account.. I am 23 years, fresh graduate and am into entertainment. I model and dance.. All my life i v only dated young married men, just the 3 of them by the way.. They take care of me and i do the same.
They were all responsible cz they always took proper care of their wives..I broke up with my last guy cz i started developing serious feelings for him and i didn’t want to break his home and he was always all over me.I never had time for single guys but later i started reconsidering it cz i will get married someday and i started dating this single guy..
He is comfortable and always brought out money when necessary.I wasn’t so demanding cz my dancing and modeling was paying.. I tot this idiot was the one for me until he cheated on me with a girl he claimed was from his hometown.. He even had the effrontery to bring the girl home and slept with her on our bed… I was mad that night, i made sure i broke his laptop and wanted to tear down his flat screen on the wall before he held me…

I was hurt and fortunately for me, my menses started the next morning cz he stupidly tot i was ok after he begged me that night, so i used it to cook for him cz i heard it makes guys purge and he purged that morning… He could v died for all i care, the heartbreak was too painful.. I made sure i ate his money well before i dumped his sorry ass.. All these irresponsible broke single guys that will v a gf and still be sleeping with other girls. Totally immature..
The problem now is that my ex married guy wants to marry me and i have agreed.. The wife is making life hell for him but he is a good man and the only guy that understands me. I am not sure i will meet another person like him. I love his two cuties and am sure i will be a good wife but this wicked woman doesn’t want to give him a divorce, i don’t know what to do??
They v separated now. He said he no longer wants the marriage and his family knows but the wife is still claiming that she loves him. Judging from what I heard from him, he has never been happy in his marriage and am willing to make him happy. No insult please.”

Friday 30 September 2016

Life Hacker

The Boy Died an Hour after Bathing…. All Parents Should See This

With dry drowning, water never reaches the lungs. Instead, breathing in water causes your child’s vocal chords to spasm and close up after he’s already left the pool, ocean, or lake.
That shuts off his airways, making it hard to breathe. A condition called pulmonary edema is the next following.
Here, we write about a case where a ten year old child, Johnny, had foam on his mouth and had difficulties breathing. After taking him to the ER immediately, the mother was told that what happened was  ”Secondary Drowning“ . Though rare, secondary drowning can be fatal if warning symptoms are ignored. Anytime someone (children and adults alike) inhales even a small gush of water (pool, lake or ocean) it can irritate the lungs and cause swelling. Usually very little water is present in the lungs when secondary drowning occurs, but the small amount of liquid is enough to hinder the lungs ability to provide oxygen to the bloodstream.
If your child has had a near drowning, or perhaps swallowed too much water, keep a close eye out for the symptoms of secondary drowning and take them to the hospital immediately. Symptoms can even take between one and 72 hours to appear.
The symptoms are following:
  • Excess fatigue after bathing;
  • Shortness of breath after bathing;
Irritability or mood swings, for no apparent reason.
Source: Health Advisor Group

Tuesday 27 September 2016

Life Hacker

“My House-Help Has Infected Me With AIDs And I Now Fear For My Pregnant Wife”

This man is in deep trouble after discovering his house-help is HIV+ yet they have been having se.x for over fourmonths which automatically means he is infected
It does not stop there, he suspects he has infected his pregnant wife or might infect her in the near future and endanger the life of their unborn child.
“I am at a point in life where it seems meaningless to exist on this planet. I just discovered that my house-help is HIV+ yet I have been having se.x with here for the past four months or so without any form of protection,
What started like a joke has now pushed me to the edge and I believe either my wife is infected or will soon be infected with the virus, although I have not taken tests to confirm if I already contracted,
I recently bumped into my 18-year-old house-help taking some strange tablets in our kitchen and when I confronted her, she said sh was on anti-retro-viral medication. I could not believe it and just left for work.
But it kept coming up and I decided to call her while at work just to be sure she was not pulling a fast one on me. She claimed to have been diagnosed with the virus at 16 years and has been on medication since then.
I was livid, I asked her why she never bothered to let me know so I could at least exercise caution but she said it was difficult to get there since she was se.xually starved when I initiated this dangerous affair,
I know you may call me stupid for having an affair with my house-help in the first place but that is water under the bridge, it has happened and I am here, with a pregnant wife expecting our first-born and I am not sure they are safe,
I can no-longer comfortably have se.x with my wife and if I start using protection on her now, what excuse or reason shall I give?
I am seeking your guidance on how best to approach this situation, I really love my wife and regret the temptation I fell for”.

Sunday 25 September 2016

Life Hacker

Please Advise: “My Husband Demands For Sєx Everyday, Is This normal?”

A married woman is struggling to maintain her marriage in regards to her husband’s high appetite for sєx.
The woman claims her husband asks for sєx daily, and gets insulted if she fails to give in.
“I have been married for several years now. However, I have some problems for which I need advice. My husband wants and demands for sєx every day.”
The husband has even threatened her with divorce if she fails to fulfil his sєxual demands. 
“Whenever I say no or I cannot for one reason or the other, he hurls all manner of insults to me and threatens to end our marriage.”
He has even become suspicious of her, demanding to know her every move, probably thinking she is cheating since she isn’t giving into his demands
“Of late he demanded my Facebook password and is now managing my account. He also started demanding that I come home straight at the end of our church service”I don’t know what has gotten into him. I am not sure if this is true love or something else and I don’t know what else I can do to please him.”
What would you do if you were in this situation?
Life Hacker

My Boyfriend Dumped Me After He Became Rich.......Please, What Should I do?

I dated a guy for a year and last year he broke up with me, saying he wants to get baptized. I was shocked and heartbroken when he said that to me, because this was a guy I suffered with when he had nothing. I was there for him. I loved this guy to pieces before he became rich.

It's been about 5 months since we separated. In those months I missed him so much, was really thinking that he would call me and tell me that he wants me back. My birthday passed, no call from him so I gave up hope of him ever coming back to me or we just being friends.

I was shocked when he called me Dec 20th and was like ''I'm sorry I forgot your birthday. My conscience has been judging me for not calling you.''. I said no problem it's okay. Since that day, he hasn't called. 

Not until this week, he called and said he wants to see me, that he's very ill, that there's no one to take care of him. I told him I was not coming. He kept on disturbing me so I decided to go see him...

When I got to his place I found out that he wasn't really sick like he said. So we got talking. He told me he wants me back, that my type is rare, that he has tried searching for someone like me but to no avail. He kept on apologizing to me and said that he has changed. That he knows he made a mistake, that he's only human.To cut the long story short, he said he wants us back together. He wants us to plan our future as one again. Before I left his place I made it clear to him that I am never going back to him. 
The thing I don't understand is that whenever I pray for a better person, it's him I see in my dreams. If I don't see him in my dreams, he calls my phone. I'm confused, even though my heart still wants him back, I don't know what to do. 
Some of my friends have told me not to go back to him and some say if you still love him go back but give him a tough time. I forgot to mention - this guy still holds on to a love note I wrote him while we were still together. He showed it to me when I went to see him. I was surprised thinking he has long torn it. 

Please I need your advice and opinions. Thanks.

Sunday 18 September 2016

Life Hacker

Ladies, If Your Boyfriend is Doing Any of These 5 Things, Then Dump Him Immediately (Must See)

Relationships add spice to life but sometimes they can get sore. If you are still in a relationship you no longer understand, then check out this signs to see if you are ready to move on.

I remember writing a story about Halle Berry in college that included a mention of her abusive marriage.
“Leave smoke” she said at the time recounting her mother’s advice on handling men who mistreat women. For whatever reason, that quote always stuck with me especially as I learned of friends dealing with unhealthy relationships.
Back then, I wondered why they stayed. But as I got older I began to understand, especially when I became one of those women who stayed waaaay past a relationship’s expiration date. And like many other women, I made excuses and didn’t know when enough was enough. Over time and with the help of friends and family who’ve been through similar situations, I learned the major deal breakers to look out for. Yes, we’re talking MAJOR.
Here are five red flags that give you the green light to walk away, even when you’re not 100 percent sure you’re doing the right thing.
1. He gets violent, even if he doesn’t hit you.
You may think this is a no-brainer but honestly it isn’t. Most women I know who’ve been in abusive relationships have immense strength, only to shut down in the presence of her partner’s anger and violence. As a strong woman myself, I froze when a guy I’d been dating went into a rage one night, throwing things, damaging property and calling me names. I knew it was a deal-breaker because even though he didn’t put his hands on me, he scared me. No healthy relationship can be built off a foundation of fear because you never know when his actions may escalate.

2. He cheats.
Many people will say this point is debatable because lots of couples who have fidelity issues repair their relationship and end up in a better than where they were pre-cheat*ng. But it’s not the act of cheat*ng that’s the deal-breaker here; it’s the disrespect, broken trust and significant risk to your health. (Hello, STDs!) With all the risks that hang in the balance for just a tiny bit of pleasure, it’s entirely inconsiderate and selfish when a man cheats on you. Do you want someone who puts his wants before your needs, like security and trust? I don’t which is why I’ve said BYE to cheat*ng men.
3. He doesn’t claim or proclaim you.
Many women will spend time in limbo-like relationships with guys who won’t give them the girlfriend title. Here’s the truth: If you’ve been dating a man for longer than six to nine months and he’s hasn’t made you an official part of his life, it’s time to MOVE ON. Stop making excuses for why things aren’t progressing to the next level; you’ll only waste time and your time is worth more than that. These days, I don’t settle for less because I don’t want a man who makes you a bargain-bin find. If he knows your worth, he’ll claim and proclaim you and there will be few conversations about how ‘he isn’t ready.’
4. He suffers from addiction.
There are plenty of honor badges to be earned by standing by your man when he’s fallen on hard times. But CAUTION if you stick with a man fighting demons, namely addiction. Addiction can range from less-severe, like cigarettes, to major issues such as drug, alcohol and $ex. Someone who suffers from an addiction will do anything – and I mean anything – to get their fix, even at the expense of those they love. So unless you’d like to be second to whatever vices he has, it may be time to ‘leave smoke.’

5. He gaslights you.
We’ve spoken about gaslighting, which is the manipulative act of someone attempting to change your memory or perception of events in their favor, making you feel crazy or like you’ve forgotten something. But when is gaslighting a dealbreaker, you ask? The answer is when it happens! A man who resorts to manipulative tactics to have his way or ‘win’ an argument will continue to play mind games and be dishonest with you. When I experienced gaslighting in my relationships, I felt crazy and my self-esteem plummeted until I understood the game that was being played. Take advantage of the situation and leave immediately; it’s the best thing you can do for yourself.

Friday 16 September 2016

Life Hacker

Nigerians, Before You Send Your Daughter Or Sister To A University In Ghana, Please Read This

This was shared by a Facebook user..Read below;

I was having my lunch in a restaurant in Accra this afternoon, when A friend started a discussion of what some of our female Nigerian students in Ghana
have turned themselves into. I could not agree more. While the parents spend lots of money to ensure their daughters are comfortable and graduate with flying colours, their children have a different agenda.
There was this particular case of a young girl whose mother rented a 2-bedroom flat for her in Accra. My friend,said news just got to him this week, that this student slept with 5(five) guys at the same time and was still begging for more. She is always high on hard drugs. And, the mother, back in Nigeria will be boasting of her daughter, who is studying in Ghana. Oh, so pathetic.
Sadly to say, many of these young girls have become international prostitutes and seriously hooked on drugs. I mean what I am saying. And many people in Accra can bear me witness. Some of the mushroom universities attended by the students lack hostel facilities and the students are forced to rent accomodation thereby according them too much privacy which they are not matured enough to handle.
This issues also involves our boys. Some have become drug addicts, school dropouts and they still collect school fees from their parents.
Parents need to pay regular unexpected visit to their children and monitor them via phone calls at odd hours to find out where they are and what they are up to. If you a parent, you must never cease to pray for your children. And, if you are not sure of child’s behaviour, keep him or her close to you.

Thursday 1 September 2016

Life Hacker

5 Ways To Prevent Pregnancy Without Using Condom

To prevent pregnancy naturally without a condom, one thing you can do is to get a copper T. Women who want to prolong motherhood and enjoy their sex lives can turn to this method. However, there are 
possible chances that you will not be able to conceive. The other possible way to prevent pregnancy without a condom is to for the woman to consume the pill. Here again, the side effects are in number and one should consume the pill often.

More than this, there are other possible ways to prevent pregnancy naturally without a condom. Take a look at these simple tips to avoid pregnancy:
The Safe Week
The safe period is the best way to prevent pregnancy without a condom. This means you can make love between the 8th day to the 20th day of a woman’s menstrual cycle. Here the first day of the period signifies day one of the menstrual cycles.

Pull & Pray Method

The pull and pray method or withdrawal method is also followed by a lot of couples. However, it is not completely safe. But, according to experts, this pull and pray method is about 83 percent effective, just equivalent to a condom which is said to be 84 percent safe to prevent pregnancy.

The Effective Copper T

The device is implanted by a trained doctor and can be removed when the couple is ready for conception. There are a lot of women who opt for this method to delay the chances of getting pregnant.

Always Stay On The Pill

No matter what, stick to the everyday pill. If you are not on the pill, visit a gynecologist and he/she would suggest what you should do. This is one of the best ways to prevent a pregnancy without a condom. The pill is your answer.
Love The Foreplay 
Foreplay helps to increase the intimacy without making love and the fear of an imminent pregnancy too. So, if you and your partner are not ready to be parents just yet, opt for this beautiful act of showing love.

Tuesday 30 August 2016

Life Hacker

Please Help! My Husband Cannot Sleep Without Suc.king Me Every Night – Woman Cries Out

A woman has shared a rather intriguing story about her husband’s obsession with her v*gina every night.
The woman shared her story with stunned online readers explaining that her husband has an obsession that is quite bizarre.
According to her,  the man cannot sleep without sucking her private part.
Below is how she put it:
Something has been weighing heavily on my mind and I don’t know how to send it in.
My husband cannot sleep if he doesn’t suck my v*gina. It’s a serious habit and I have learnt to live with it.
We have Been married for 2 years now. If he travels, I go with him just because of this. We don’t have kids yet. When I’m on my period we make arrangement for a girl he can suck before he can sleep. The girl comes to the room, get on the bed and after sucking her and she cums my hubby will sleep off there and she can go to the guest room.
I once arranged for one girl but she doesn’t have clitoris cos of circumcision so it was hard for her to cum so hubby was just like a crazy animal that night, he just kept twisting his finger inside her vigorously with his mouth stuck on her labia and his leg was just twitching, still she didn’t cum. I had to take her back and that night went out to look for someone.
When I came back without anybody his eyes were just red and he said I should go and wash my period thoroughly and come and lie down which I did so that he can suck and sleep. Is anybody going through this? I’m tired of this. I feel nothing in my punani anymore.
What do I do?